IRS Financial Audits
Status of Efforts to Resolve Financial Management Weaknesses Gao ID: T-AIMD-96-170 September 19, 1996This testimony discusses the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) efforts to prepare reliable financial statements, as required by the expanded Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, and to make fundamental management improvements. GAO focuses on (1) IRS efforts to implement GAO's recommendations and develop a detailed plan with explicit, measurable goals, and set a timetable for actions to correct its financial management weaknesses; (2) IRS' progress in addressing the major problems that have prevented GAO from expressing an opinion on the agency's financial statements; (3) the impact that IRS' problems in developing Tax Systems Modernization have on improving financial information; and (4) the significant adverse effect that delays in resolving financial management weaknesses could have on preparing and auditing Treasury's agencywide financial statements and the financial statements for the entire government.