Department of the Treasury Reports for April 1998
- T-AIMD-98-128 - U.S. Government Financial Statements (1998-04-01)
Results of GAO's Fiscal Year 1997 Audit - T-GGD-98-83 - Money Laundering (1998-04-01)
FinCEN's Law Enforcement Support, Regulatory, and International Roles - AA-98-1(2) - National Security and International Affairs (1998-04-01)
Active Assignments - AIMD-98-111R - Management Letter (1998-04-07)
Schedule of Loans Receivable Serviced by the Bureau of the Public Debt - T-AIMD/GGD-98-139 - Internal Revenue Service (1998-04-15)
Remaining Challenges to Achieve Lasting Financial Management Improvements - GGD-98-98 - IRS Audits (1998-04-15)
Workpapers Lack Documentation of Supervisory Review - AIMD/HEHS-98-74 - Social Security Financing (1998-04-22)
Implications of Government Stock Investing for the Trust Fund, the Federal Budget, and the Economy - T-AIMD/HEHS-98-152 - Social Security Financing (1998-04-22)
Implications of Stock Investing for the Trust Fund, the Federal Budget, and the Economy - RCED-98-102 - Aviation Security (1998-04-24)
Implementation of Recommendations Is Under Way, but Completion Will Take Several Years - AIMD-98-80R - SAS 70 Review (1998-04-30)
Treasury's Process for Distributing Net Tax Revenue to the Various Federal Government Trust Funds - AIMD-98-49R - U.S. Mint Atlanta Olympic Commemorative Coin Program (1998-04-30)
- AIMD-98-142R - Internal Controls (1998-04-30)
Issues Regarding Automated Standard Application for Payment System - AIMD-98-144R - Internal Controls (1998-04-30)
Issues Regarding Disbursements - HEHS-98-76 - Social Security (1998-04-30)
Better Payment Controls for Benefit Reduction Provisions Could Save Millions - GGD-98-107 - Customs Service (1998-04-30)
Process for Estimating and Allocating Inspectional Personnel