Department of the Treasury Reports for April 2002
- GAO-02-580T - Internal Revenue Service (2002-04-09)
Assessment of Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2003 and Interim Results of 2002 Tax Filing Season - GAO-02-638R - Income Ranges of Taxpayers Who May Have Overpaid Federal Taxes by Not Itemizing (2002-04-11)
- GAO-02-618T - Internal Revenue Service (2002-04-11)
Enhanced Efforts to Combat Abusive Tax Schemes--Challenges Remain - GAO-02-598T - Paperwork Reduction Act (2002-04-11)
Burden Increases and Violations Persist - GAO-02-353 - Private Pensions (2002-04-12)
IRS Can Improve the Quality and Usefulness of Compliance Studies - GAO-02-619T - Tax Administration (2002-04-15)
IRS Continues to Face Management Challenges in its Business Practices and Modernization Efforts - GAO-02-595R - Customs and INS (2002-04-22)
Information on Inspection, Infrastructure, Traffic Flow, and Security Matters at the Detroit Port of Entry - GAO-02-558 - Tax Administration (2002-04-24)
IRS's Innocent Spouse Program Performance Improved; Balanced Performance Measures Needed - GAO-02-449 - Earned Income Credit (2002-04-25)
Opportunities To Make Recertification Program Less Confusing and More Consistent - GAO-02-526 - Tax-Exempt Organizations (2002-04-30)
Improvements Possible in Public, IRS, and State Oversight of Charities