Department of the Treasury Reports for July 2008
- GAO-08-693 - Internal Revenue Service (2008-07-02)
Status of GAO Financial Audit and Related Financial Management Report Recommendations - GAO-08-816R - Schedule and Timing Issues Complicate Withholding Premiums for Medicare Parts C and D from Social Security Payments (2008-07-15)
- GAO-08-913 - Gulf Opportunity Zone (2008-07-16)
States Are Allocating Federal Tax Incentives to Finance Low-Income Housing and a Wide Range of Private Facilities - GAO-08-888R - Developing Countries (2008-07-24)
U.S. Financing for Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative Currently Experiencing a Shortfall - GAO-08-617 - Tax Compliance (2008-07-25)
Businesses Owe Billions in Federal Payroll Taxes - GAO-08-1034T - Tax Compliance (2008-07-29)
Businesses Owe Billions in Federal Payroll Taxes - GAO-08-860 - Combating Terrorism (2008-07-31)
Actions Needed to Enhance Implementation of Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership