Estimate of California's Fiscal Year 1980 Non-Federal Matching Shares
Gao ID: GGD-80-73 May 30, 1980GA0 was requested to prepare a list of the State of California's estimated fiscal year 1980 nonfederal matching shares for the 36 matching programs appearing in a previous report.
The amount estimated did not necessarily represent cash contributions because few federal agencies have information systems showing this data, and many federal programs allow "in-kind" value substitutions, in lieu of or, as a supplement to "hard cash" matches. Without reviewing the thousands of individual files pertaining to grants to the State and local agencies, it was impossible to develop an accurate amount. For most programs, the estimate was based on a mathematical computation using the required nonfederal matching rates. The maximum rate was used when the rates varied within a program. Federal agency program administrators were contacted to obtain their estimates when the rate varied on the basis of the characteristics of individual projects.