Computation of Retired Pay]

Gao ID: B-198855 June 30, 1980

GAO was asked whether the retired pay of a former Coast Guard member was properly computed. The claimant, retired for disability, contended that his retired pay was not accurate because it did not include an additional 10 percent authorized by certain provisions of the Coast Guard Personnel Manual which provide that retired pay may be increased by 10 percent of active duty pay for members whose average marks for good conduct during their Coast Guard service were 97-1/2 percent or better. According to official records, the claimant was placed on the Temporary Disability Retired List on March 16, 1971. At that time, the claimant had served 20 years, 4 months, and 21 days for basic pay as well as retirement computation purposes. On October 10, 1975, the claimant was removed from that list, was permanently retired for disability with a disability rating of 60 percent, and received retired pay on that basis. Additionally, it was confirmed that the claimant's good conduct marks were at least 97-1/2 percent of maximum. GAO held that members of the Coast Guard retired for disability whose retired pay is computed based on percentage of disability may not have their disability retired pay increased by 10 percent for good conduct. Only retired pay computed on the basis of years of service may be so increased. Thus, the 60 percent basis upon which the Coast Guard reportedly is computing the claimant's retired pay appeared to be correct.

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