Department of Transportation Reports for December 1989
- RCED-90-41 - Mass Transit Grants (1989-12-01)
UMTA Needs to Increase Safety Focus at Local Transit Authority - PEMD-90-2 - Traffic Congestion (1989-12-05)
Federal Efforts to Improve Mobility - RCED-90-66 - Aviation Security (1989-12-15)
Training Standards Needed for Extra Security Measures at Foreign Airports - T-RCED-90-20 - Proactive Management of FAA's Security Program Needed (1989-12-18)
- RCED-90-75 - Aging Aircraft (1989-12-22)
FAA Needs Comprehensive Plan to Coordinate Government and Industry Actions - RCED-90-81B - Transportation Infrastructure (1989-12-28)
Panelists' Remarks at New Directions in Surface Transportation Seminar - RCED-90-81A - Transportation Infrastructure (1989-12-28)
Reshaping the Federal Role Poses Significant Challenge for Policy Makers