Marine Safety
Current Status of the VTS 2000 Program and Key Stakeholders' Views on It Gao ID: T-RCED-96-129 April 25, 1996Currently, the U.S. Coast Guard and private entities operate radar-based vessel traffic service (VTS) in several U.S. ports. A VTS system employs remote surveillance sensors, such as radar or closed-circuit television, that relay information on maritime traffic conditions to VTS personnel, who pass it on to mariners and the maritime industry by radio. The purpose of these systems is to improve the safe and efficient movement of ships around ports and to protect the environment. The Coast Guard is considering installing VTS systems in as many as 17 ports. The federal government will spend as much as $310 million to build the proposed expansion, known as VTS 2000, and about $42 million annually to operate it. The report answers the following four questions: What is the status of the Coast Guard's development of VTS 2000? At ports being considered for VTS 2000, to what extent do major stakeholders support acquiring and funding it? If major stakeholders do not support VTS 2000, to what extent are they interested in acquiring and funding other VTS systems? What other issues could affect the establishment of VTS systems that are privately funded?