Department of Transportation Reports for March 2003
- GAO-03-317 - Aviation Safety (2003-03-06)
FAA Needs to Update Curriculum and Certification Requirements for Aviation Mechanics - GAO-03-540T - Commercial Aviation (2003-03-11)
Issues Regarding Federal Assistance for Enhancing Air Service to Small Communities - GAO-03-532R - Transmittal of Comptroller General Decision on the Transportation Security Administration's Time and Attendance Approval System (2003-03-11)
- GAO-03-544T - Coast Guard (2003-03-12)
Comprehensive Blueprint Needed to Balance and Monitor Resource Use and Measure Performance for All Missions - GAO-03-405 - FAA Purchase Cards (2003-03-21)
Weak Controls Resulted in Instances of Improper and Wasteful Purchases and Missing Assets - GAO-03-436 - Highway Safety (2003-03-31)
Research Continues on a Variety of Factors That Contribute to Motor Vehicle Crashes