Department of Transportation Reports for April 2003
- GAO-03-616T - Transportation Security (2003-04-01)
Post-September 11th Initiatives and Long-Term Challenges - GAO-03-398 - Highway Infrastructure (2003-04-09)
Perceptions of Stakeholders on Approaches to Reduce Highway Project Completion Time - GAO-03-653T - Federal Aviation Administration (2003-04-10)
Reauthorization Provides Opportunities to Address Key Agency Challenges - GAO-03-640T - Highway Research (2003-04-10)
DOT's Actions to Implement Best Practices for Setting Research Agendas and Evaluating Outcomes - GAO-03-322 - Information Technology (2003-04-15)
Terrorist Watch Lists Should Be Consolidated to Promote Better Integration and Sharing - GAO-03-474 - Highway Safety (2003-04-21)
Better Guidance Could Improve Oversight of State Highway Safety Programs - GAO-03-581 - Environmental Protection (2003-04-28)
Federal Planning Requirements for Transportation and Air Quality Protection Could Potentially Be More Efficient and Better Linked - GAO-03-435 - Rail Safety and Security (2003-04-30)
Some Actions Already Taken to Enhance Rail Security, but Risk-based Plan Needed