Department of Transportation Reports for May 2004
- GAO-04-771T - Diploma Mills (2004-05-11)
Federal Employees Have Obtained Degrees from Diploma Mills and Other Unaccredited Schools, Some at Government Expense - GAO-04-644R - District of Columbia's Department of Transportation's Reorganization and Use of Federal-Aid Funding (2004-05-14)
- GAO-04-770T - Federal Aviation Administration (2004-05-18)
Challenges for Transforming Into a High-Performing Organization - GAO-04-666 - Spectrum Management (2004-05-28)
Better Knowledge Needed to Take Advantage of Technologies That May Improve Spectrum Efficiency - GAO-04-544 - Transportation Security Administration (2004-05-28)
High-Level Attention Needed to Strengthen Acquisition Function - GAO-04-663 - Highway Safety (2004-05-28)
Federal and State Efforts to Address Rural Road Safety Challenges