Department of Transportation Reports for June 2004
- GAO-04-725R - Aviation Assistance (2004-06-04)
Compensation Criteria and Payment Equity under the Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act - GAO-04-728 - Aviation Security (2004-06-04)
Further Steps Needed to Strengthen the Security of Commercial Airport Perimeters and Access Controls - GAO-04-887T - Federal Aviation Administration (2004-06-15)
Plan Still Needed to Meet Challenges to Effectively Managing Air Traffic Controller Workforce - GAO-04-826T - Pipeline Safety (2004-06-15)
Preliminary Information on the Office of Pipeline Safety's Enforcement Activities - GAO-04-875T - Pipeline Safety (2004-06-16)
Preliminary Information on the Office of Pipeline Safety's Efforts to Strengthen Its Enforcement Activities - GAO-04-645 - Federal Aircraft (2004-06-18)
Inaccurate Cost Data and Weaknesses in Fleet Management Planning Hamper Cost Effective Operations - GAO-04-599R - Financial Management (2004-06-18)
Audit of the Centennial of Flight Commission for Fiscal Year 2003 and though May 19, 2004 - GAO-04-748 - Mass Transit (2004-06-25)
FTA Needs to Better Define and Assess Impact of Certain Policies on New Starts Program - GAO-04-744 - Surface Transportation (2004-06-30)
Many Factors Affect Investment Decisions