Department of Veterans Affairs Reports for October 1999
- AIMD-00-5 - Information Systems (1999-10-04)
The Status of Computer Security at the Department of Veterans Affairs - T-AIMD-00-7 - Critical Infrastructure Protection (1999-10-06)
Fundamental Improvements Needed to Assure Security of Federal Operations - T-AIMD-00-26 - Year 2000 Computing Challenge (1999-10-21)
Compliance Status Information on Biomedical Equipment - T-AIMD-00-39 - Year 2000 Computing Challenge (1999-10-28)
Update on the Readiness of the Department of Veterans Affairs - HEHS/AIMD-00-36 - Combating Terrorism (1999-10-29)
Chemical and Biological Medical Supplies Are Poorly Managed - AIMD-00-10 - Financial Management (1999-10-29)
Increased Attention Needed to Prevent Billions in Improper Payments