Department of Veterans Affairs Reports for April 2002
- GAO-02-561R - Veterans Affairs (2002-04-05)
Subcommittee Post-Hearing Questions Concerning the Department's Management of Information Technology - GAO-02-305 - Single-Family Housing (2002-04-17)
Opportunities to Improve Federal Foreclosure and Property Sale Processes - GAO-02-622T - Federal Real Property (2002-04-18)
Views on Real Property Reform Issues - GAO-02-395 - Veterans Benefits Administration (2002-04-23)
Clarity of Letters to Claimants Needs to Be Improved - GAO-02-652T - VA Long-Term Care (2002-04-25)
The Availability of Noninstitutional Services Is Uneven - GAO-02-645T - Veterans' Benefits (2002-04-26)
Despite Recent Improvements, Meeting Claims Processing Goals Will Be Challenging - GAO-02-579 - VA Health Care (2002-04-29)
Implementation of Prescribing Guideline for Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs Generally Sound - GAO-02-685T - VA Health Care (2002-04-30)
Changes Needed to Improve Resource Allocation