Environmental Protection Agency Reports for September 1977
- CED-77-123 - Environmental Reviews Done by Communities (1977-09-01)
Are They Needed? Are They Adequate? - 103671 - The Concorde Supersonic Aircraft Trial Entry into Dulles International Airport (1977-09-07)
- CED-77-113 - Multibillion Dollar Construction Grant Program (1977-09-12)
Are Controls Over Federal Funds Adequate? - CED-77-131 - The Concorde (1977-09-15)
Results of a Supersonic Aircraft's Entry into the United States - LCD-77-349 - No Cafeteria for Federal Employees at Waterside Mall (1977-09-20)
- EMD-77-70 - Need for Better Accountability for Cost of Offsite Radiological Monitoring Service (1977-09-27)
- EMD-77-69 - Need for Better Accountability for Cost of Offsite Radiological Monitoring Service (1977-09-27)
- CED-77-96 - The U.S. Great Lakes Commercial Fishing Industry--Past, Present, and Potential (1977-09-30)