EPA's Community Relations Efforts Could Be More Effective Gao ID: RCED-94-156 April 8, 1994In the course of cleaning up hazardous waste sites, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to provide information to residents living near the sites and involve them in decisions. Legislation passed in 1980 further requires EPA to conduct specific community relations efforts, such as public meetings and comment periods, during Superfund cleanups. Although EPA has done the community relations efforts required by law, many residents GAO spoke with were dissatisfied, believing that EPA needs to reach out earlier to communities and to continue that outreach through the cleanup process. EPA provided the mandated public notices and opportunities for public comment, held meetings, and made information available in locations accessible to the public. EPA also usually informed residents that technical assistance grants were available. Given concerns about health and property values around Superfund sites, achieving consensus about cleanup decisions may be difficult, and EPA may not be able to earn the public's trust even with the best intentions and community relations outreach.
GAO found that: (1) EPA is required to provide for public input at most stages in Superfund cleanups; (2) EPA has performed the community relations activities required and in some instances has made additional efforts to provide information to the public; (3) residents at Superfund sites are dissatisfied with EPA community relations efforts; (4) residents feel that EPA outreach efforts do not occur early enough and do not reach affected community members; (5) EPA does not adequately consider residents' health concerns and preferences when selecting remedies; (6) EPA information repositories are not always useful to residents; (7) EPA printed materials use technical language that make them difficult for residents to understand; (8) residents do not always receive updated information on cleanup activities at their sites; and (9) residents feel that high EPA staff turnover makes community relations difficult.
RecommendationsOur recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.
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