Environmental Protection Agency Reports for September 1994
- RCED-94-101 - Hazardous Waste (1994-09-09)
Issues Pertaining to an Incinerator in East Liverpool, Ohio - RCED-94-190 - Nuclear Health and Safety (1994-09-19)
Consensus on Acceptable Radiation Risk to the Public Is Lacking - AIMD-94-136 - OMB's High-Risk Program (1994-09-20)
Comments on the Status Reported in the President's Fiscal Year 1995 Budget - RCED-94-200 - Energy Supply (1994-09-20)
Energy Potential of Municipal Solid Waste Is Limited - RCED-94-256 - Superfund (1994-09-21)
Status, Cost, and Timeliness of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanups - RCED-94-207 - Toxic Substances (1994-09-22)
Status of EPA's Efforts to Reduce Toxic Releases - RCED-94-93 - Toxic Substances (1994-09-23)
EPA Needs More Reliable Source Reduction Data and Progress Measures - RCED-94-103 - Toxic Substances Control Act (1994-09-26)
Legislative Changes Could Make the Act More Effective - RCED-94-109 - Water Pollution (1994-09-26)
Information on the Use of Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems - RCED-94-158 - Food Safety (1994-09-26)
USDA's Role Under the National Residue Program Should Be Reevaluated - RCED-94-192 - Food Safety (1994-09-26)
Changes Needed to Minimize Unsafe Chemicals in Food - GGD-94-198 - U.S.-Chilean Trade (1994-09-28)
Pesticide Standards and Concerns Regarding Chilean Sanitary Rules - RCED-94-196 - Superfund (1994-09-28)
EPA Has Opportunities to Increase Recoveries of Costs - RCED-94-292R - I&M Program Follow-Up (1994-09-28)
- RCED-94-280 - Global Positioning Technology (1994-09-28)
Opportunities for Greater Federal Agency Joint Development and Use - T-RCED-94-311 - Food Safety (1994-09-28)
Fundamental Changes Needed to Improve Monitoring of Unsafe Chemicals in Food - NSIAD-94-142 - Environment (1994-09-30)
DOD's New Environmental Security Strategy Faces Barriers