Environmental Protection Agency Reports for October 1998
- OGC-99-1 - EPA (1998-10-01)
Revision of Standards of Performance for Nitrogen Oxide Emissions From New Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generating Units and Revisions to Reporting Requirements for Standards of Performance for Units - T-NSIAD-99-16 - Combating Terrorism (1998-10-02)
Observations on the Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Domestic Preparedness Program - OGC-99-7 - EPA (1998-10-19)
Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste, Petroleum Refining Process Wastes, Land Disposal Restrictions for Newly Identified Wastes, and CERCLA Hazardous Substances Designation - NSIAD-99-18 - Federal Surplus Ships (1998-10-22)
Government Efforts to Address the Growing Backlog of Ships Awaiting Disposal - RCED-99-12 - Environmental Protection (1998-10-30)
EPA's Science and Technology Funds