Environmental Protection Agency Reports for April 2000
- RCED-00-64 - Low-Level Radioactive Wastes (2000-04-12)
Department of Energy Has Opportunities to Reduce Disposal Costs - T-GGD-00-114 - Paperwork Reduction Act (2000-04-12)
Burden Increases at IRS and Other Agencies - GGD-00-68 - Competitive Contracting (2000-04-14)
The Understandability of FAIR Act Inventories Was Limited - AIMD-00-149R - Inspectors General (2000-04-14)
Information on Resources and Selected Accomplishments of 18 Inspectors General - RCED-00-72 - Air Pollution (2000-04-17)
Status of Implementation and Issues of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 - RCED-00-98 - Aviation and the Environment (2000-04-28)
FAA's Role in Major Airport Noise Programs - RCED-00-106 - Nuclear Waste (2000-04-28)
DOE's Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project--Uncertainties May Affect Performance, Schedule, and Price - RCED-00-77 - Managing for Results (2000-04-28)
EPA Faces Challenges in Developing Results-Oriented Performance Goals and Measures