Environmental Protection Agency Reports for June 2001
- GAO-01-536 - EPA's Science Advisory Board Panels (2001-06-12)
Improved Policies and Procedures Needed to Ensure Independence and Balance - GAO-01-774 - Environmental Protection Agency (2001-06-15)
Status of Achieving Key Outcomes and Addressing Major Management Challenges - GAO-01-861T - Electronic Government (2001-06-21)
Selected Agency Plans for Implementing the Government Paperwork Elimination Act - GAO-01-313 - Environmental Protection (2001-06-22)
Wider Use of Advanced Technologies Can Improve Emissions Monitoring - GAO-01-430 - Federal Procurement (2001-06-22)
Better Guidance and Monitoring Needed to Assess Purchases of Environmentally Friendly Products - GAO-01-860R - Environmental Protection (2001-06-29)
Grants Awarded for Continuing Environmental Programs and Projects - GAO-01-679 - Water Quality (2001-06-29)
Better Data and Evaluation of Urban Runoff Programs Needed to Assess Effectiveness