Environmental Protection Agency Reports for June 2003
- GAO-03-686 - Capitol Hill Anthrax Incident (2003-06-04)
EPA's Cleanup Was Successful; Opportunities Exist to Enhance Contract Oversight - GAO-03-628T - Environmental Protection Agency (2003-06-11)
Problems Persist in Effectively Managing Grants - GAO-03-761 - Deep Injection Wells (2003-06-13)
EPA Needs to Involve Communities Earlier and Ensure That Financial Assurance Requirements Are Adequate - GAO-03-875R - Environmental Protection Agency (2003-06-19)
Revisions to Regional Haze Rule to Incorporate Sulfur Dioxide Milestones and Backstop Emissions Trading Program for Nine Western States and Eligible Indian Tribes Within That Geographic Area - GAO-03-881T - Water Quality (2003-06-19)
EPA Should Improve Guidance and Support to Help States Develop Standards That Better Target Cleanup Efforts - GAO-03-462 - Environmental Protection Agency (2003-06-26)
Continued Improvement Needed in Assessing Equal Employment Opportunity