Environmental Protection Agency Reports for July 2005
- GAO-05-721 - Clean Water Act (2005-07-22)
Improved Resource Planning Would Help EPA Better Respond to Changing Needs and Fiscal Constraints - GAO-05-603R - Financial Audit (2005-07-22)
The Environmental Protection Agency's Fiscal Year 2004 Management Representation Letter on Its Financial Statements - GAO-05-289 - Environmental Justice (2005-07-25)
EPA Should Devote More Attention to Environmental Justice When Developing Clean Air Rules - GAO-05-937T - Electronic Waste (2005-07-26)
Observations on the Role of the Federal Government in Encouraging Recycling and Reuse - GAO-05-829 - Great Lakes Initiative (2005-07-27)
EPA Needs to Better Ensure the Complete and Consistent Implementation of Water Quality Standards