The Separation of Peace Corps From ACTION
Gao ID: ID-82-24 February 26, 1982The International Security and Development Cooperation Act established the Peace Corps as an independent agency within the executive branch. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was required to submit a report to Congress and to the Comptroller General on the steps taken to implement the provisions of the act. As required by the act, GAO submitted a report stating whether the determinations made by the OMB director were equitable.
GAO examined the OMB determination order and the report to Congress, including the lists of fund balances, personnel, property, records, and contracts involved in the transfer. According to Peace Corps, ACTION, and OMB officials, it was unnecessary for OMB to formally intervene and resolve any undecided matters. The determination order will soon be amended primarily to take into account updated financial and property information from overseas posts. Based on the documentation provided, discussions with officials, and concurrence between the two involved agencies and OMB, the determinations made by the Director of OMB appear to be equitable.