Implementation of the Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982
Gao ID: 129288 March 11, 1986GAO testified on the implementation of the Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982 and assessed: (1) the extent to which agencies established, funded, and provided accurate information on those activities required by law; and (2) the Small Business Administration's (SBA) and the Office of Science and Technology Policy's (OSTP) small business innovation research (SBIR) program coordination, monitoring, and congressional reporting activities. GAO found that: (1) by the end of fiscal year (FY) 1984, 11 of 12 agencies meeting the extramural funding criterion established SBIR programs; (2) the 12th agency implemented its program early in FY 1985 and planned to make up the amount it should have awarded in FY 1984; (3) most agencies either met or came very close to meeting their required SBA percentages; and (4) most agencies did not provide SBA with all the data needed to properly determine goal attainment. GAO also found that: (1) SBA issued policy directives for the conduct of SBIR programs and made extensive efforts to stimulate small business participation, coordinate agency solicitations, and oversee and report on program implementation; and (2) OSTP has purposely limited its activity during the first 2 years of the program, has not assessed the quality of the research, and has not utilized the Federal Coordinating Council, as the act requires, for SBIR oversight.