User Fees
Limited Survey of User Fees at the Departments of Commerce and the Interior Gao ID: AFMD-90-53FS March 23, 1990Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO assessed: (1) user fees that Departments of Commerce and the Interior charged; (2) whether the agencies periodically modified user fees; and (3) whether six departments and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) had implemented recent user fee recommendations.
GAO found that: (1) it could not compile data on user fees throughout the federal government because of information limitations, and agencies had reviewed and revised only some types of fees; (2) there were legitimate reasons for the lack of some fee revisions; (3) OMB revised its financial management circulars to consolidate federal policy on financial management, including user fees; and (4) the six departments reviewed their user fee policies and procedures to improve management control and oversight.