Social Security

Costs Associated with the Administration's Efforts to Promote Program Reforms Gao ID: GAO-07-621R August 10, 2007

Congress requested that GAO identify the official Social Security reform public speaking events and other promotion initiatives involving administration officials, and their costs to the federal government, since January 2005. As you know, the Social Security Board of Trustees is projecting in its 2007 report that as early as 2017 Social Security benefit payments will exceed tax revenues. After that time, the gap between costs and tax revenues grows continuously, and unless action is taken to close this gap, it is currently estimated that the Social Security trust funds will be depleted by 2041. In his 2005 State of the Union Address, the President emphasized the need to reform Social Security, and he announced his intention to work with the Congress to achieve reforms. On March 2, 2005, the Secretary of the Treasury announced the "60 Stops in 60 Days" tour in which the President and other administration officials would speak to the public about the need for reform in a series of town hall meetings across the country in an attempt to gain popular support for program reforms. Congress asked us to include events such as those associated with the "60 Stops in 60 Days" tour and initiatives such as the Social Security Information Center (SSIC) established at the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to provide a focal point for the administration's Social Security reform activities. To answer Congress's question about the list of public speaking events and other promotion initiatives, we relied upon information supplied by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Treasury, and the Executive Office of the President (EOP), including information posted to Treasury's and the White House's Web sites. To answer Congress's question about the cost of the public speaking events and other promotion initiatives, we focused our work on the activities of SSA, Treasury, and EOP, which accounted for approximately 75 percent of the public speaking events.

GAO identified 228 public speaking events to promote the Social Security reform initiative, of which there were 40 presidential events, 7 vice presidential events, and 122 events with officials from EOP, SSA, or Treasury. We primarily focused on these 169 events (almost 75 percent of the 228 public speaking events) and are reporting cost information we obtained for these events. We also identified many other promotion initiatives, including radio addresses and interviews and the establishment of a Treasury Web site. The direct and incremental costs for the 169 events and other initiatives were a reported $2,588,367 for staging, travel, and other direct costs. The largest portion was for reported reimbursements to EOP from Treasury, the Department of Health and Human Services, and Labor for staging costs totaling $1,651,460, while reported travel costs included $437,887 for the use of Air Force One and Air Force Two, $369,838 for EOP officials' travel, and $66,794 for travel by Treasury and SSA officials. EOP reported $62,388 in other direct costs to support its public speaking events. Treasury reported an additional $222,608 in other initiative costs to establish and operate its SSIC and Strengthening Social Security Web site, bringing the total reported costs to $2,810,975. In addition to reporting the scope limitation imposed by EOP which prevents us from providing reasonable assurance that the costs reported to us are complete and fully supported, we are reporting a deficiency we found in how Treasury handled its interagency agreements with EOP. Treasury did not have supporting documentation for amounts it reimbursed EOP under the interagency agreements to pay for staging costs associated with Social Security reform events. We are making a recommendation to Treasury that it strengthen its guidance on obtaining, reviewing, and retaining supporting documentation for reimbursements under interagency agreements.


Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.

Director: Team: Phone:

GAO-07-621R, Social Security: Costs Associated with the Administration's Efforts to Promote Program Reforms This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-07-621R entitled 'Social Security: Costs Associated with the Administration‘s Efforts to Promote Program Reforms' which was released on September 7, 2007. This text file was formatted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to be accessible to users with visual impairments, as part of a longer term project to improve GAO products' accessibility. Every attempt has been made to maintain the structural and data integrity of the original printed product. Accessibility features, such as text descriptions of tables, consecutively numbered footnotes placed at the end of the file, and the text of agency comment letters, are provided but may not exactly duplicate the presentation or format of the printed version. The portable document format (PDF) file is an exact electronic replica of the printed version. We welcome your feedback. Please E-mail your comments regarding the contents or accessibility features of this document to This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. It may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. Because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately. United States Government Accountability Office: Washington, DC 20548: August 10, 2007: The Honorable Henry A. Waxman: Chairman: Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: House of Representatives: Subject: Social Security: Costs Associated with the Administration's Efforts to Promote Program Reforms: Dear Mr. Chairman: You requested that we identify the official Social Security reform public speaking events and other promotion initiatives involving administration officials, and their costs to the federal government, since January 2005. As you know, the Social Security[Footnote 1] Board of Trustees is projecting in its 2007 report that as early as 2017 Social Security benefit payments will exceed tax revenues. After that time, the gap between costs and tax revenues grows continuously, and unless action is taken to close this gap, it is currently estimated that the Social Security trust funds will be depleted by 2041. In his 2005 State of the Union Address, the President emphasized the need to reform Social Security, and he announced his intention to work with the Congress to achieve reforms. On March 2, 2005, the Secretary of the Treasury announced the "60 Stops in 60 Days" tour[Footnote 2] in which the President and other administration officials would speak to the public about the need for reform in a series of town hall meetings across the country in an attempt to gain popular support for program reforms. Your request asked us to include events such as those associated with the "60 Stops in 60 Days" tour and initiatives such as the Social Security Information Center (SSIC) established at the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to provide a focal point for the administration's Social Security reform activities. To answer your question about the list of public speaking events and other promotion initiatives, we relied upon information supplied by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Treasury, and the Executive Office of the President (EOP), including information posted to Treasury's and the White House's Web sites.[Footnote 3] To answer your question about the cost of the public speaking events and other promotion initiatives, we focused our work on the activities of SSA, Treasury, and EOP, which accounted for approximately 75 percent of the public speaking events. In addition to data obtained from SSA, Treasury, and EOP, we received information pertaining to EOP activities from the United States Air Force (Air Force), and the Departments of Labor (Labor) and Health and Human Services (HHS). We specifically asked the Air Force to provide cost data related to the President's and Vice President's use of Air Force One and Air Force Two in traveling to promote Social Security reform. We asked Labor and HHS to confirm the costs reported by EOP as being reimbursed by Labor and HHS through interagency agreements supporting the President's and Vice President's public speaking events. As agreed with your office, we did not ask the agencies that participated in a minimal number of public speaking events to verify their events or to provide us with costs related to those agencies' speaking events. Also, we did not determine Secret Service and other security costs or the salaries of the government officials, such as the President and Vice President, who participated in the Social Security reform events within the context of performing their larger duties, which we view as fixed costs.[Footnote 4] We obtained and reviewed interagency agreement data from EOP, Treasury, Labor, and HHS supporting presidential and vice presidential public speaking events; travel data related to public speaking events from SSA, Treasury, EOP, and the Air Force; and activity and cost data related to other promotion initiatives from Treasury. Except for the records access limitation discussed below, we performed our work in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards from June 2005 through June 2007 in Washington, D.C., and are reporting the information obtained from Treasury, SSA, EOP, the Air Force, Labor, and HHS. Although we cannot provide reasonable assurance that the costs are complete and fully supported, we found that the data provided by these agencies were sufficiently reliable to substantially meet our objectives. While EOP provided certain cost information, it withheld from us the detailed source records showing how the funds transferred pursuant to the interagency agreements with Treasury, HHS, and Labor were spent as well as the travel documentation we requested. EOP provided some summary and other cost data on April 25, 2007, which was after the scheduled end of field work and about 3 weeks into the 30-day agency comment period in which the agencies involved in this review had the opportunity to comment on a draft of this report. The information EOP provided was in response to our written request for the information first made in August 2006. EOP stated that much of the requested information contained personal information for EOP personnel (such as Social Security Numbers, personal contact information, and credit card numbers). EOP also stated that some of the information could pose security concerns (such as travel patterns, identities of vendors used, and names used for arranging White House-related travel and supplies). We disagree with EOP's decision to withhold this information from GAO, but decided to report this limitation on our work without initiating the process to enforce our right of access to EOP financial and related information under 31 U.S.C. § 716(a) because of the disproportionate amount of time and resources needed to pursue this matter and the limited amount of funds involved. Under the circumstances, we decided that it was appropriate to report EOP's decision to withhold basic financial and related information and have the Congress decide whether to pursue this matter further as part of its own oversight and investigative agenda. A full description of our scope and methodology, including the limitation on our work, can be found in enclosure I. Results in Brief: We identified 228 public speaking events to promote the Social Security reform initiative, of which there were 40 presidential events, 7 vice presidential events, and 122 events with officials from EOP, SSA, or Treasury. As agreed with your office, we primarily focused on these 169 events (almost 75 percent of the 228 public speaking events) and are reporting cost information we obtained for these events. We also identified many other promotion initiatives, including radio addresses and interviews and the establishment of a Treasury Web site. The direct and incremental costs for the 169 events and other initiatives were a reported $2,588,367 for staging, travel, and other direct costs. The largest portion was for reported reimbursements to EOP from Treasury, HHS, and Labor for staging costs totaling $1,651,460, while reported travel costs included $437,887 for the use of Air Force One and Air Force Two, $369,838 for EOP officials' travel, and $66,794 for travel by Treasury and SSA officials. EOP reported $62,388 in other direct costs to support its public speaking events. Treasury reported an additional $222,608 in other initiative costs to establish and operate its SSIC and Strengthening Social Security Web site, bringing the total reported costs to $2,810,975. In addition to reporting the scope limitation imposed by EOP which prevents us from providing reasonable assurance that the costs reported to us are complete and fully supported, we are reporting a deficiency we found in how Treasury handled its interagency agreements with EOP. Treasury did not have supporting documentation for amounts it reimbursed EOP under the interagency agreements to pay for staging costs associated with Social Security reform events. We are making a recommendation to Treasury that it strengthen its guidance on obtaining, reviewing, and retaining supporting documentation for reimbursements under interagency agreements. We requested comments on a draft of this report from the Director, Office of Administration, EOP; the Secretary of the Treasury; the Commissioner of Social Security; and the Secretary of Defense. EOP did not provide comments but did provide certain data we requested, which was incorporated into the report as appropriate. Treasury provided oral comments in which it agreed with our facts but would not say whether it agreed or disagreed with our recommendation. Instead, Treasury said it would review its procedures with respect to the processing of interagency agreements. We received written comments from SSA in which it requested that we modify our report to emphasize its role in educating the public about solvency issues rather than promoting any particular plan to achieve solvency. We did not incorporate any changes based upon this comment as GAO does not believe such a distinction is warranted. SSA also provided minor technical corrections, which were incorporated into the report as appropriate. The Department of Defense stated that it agreed with the facts contained in the report. Background: Social Security provides protection against the loss of earnings due to retirement, death, or disability. According to the 2007 Social Security Board of Trustees Report (Trustees Report), there were 49 million beneficiaries at the end of 2006. Total benefits paid during 2006 amounted to $546 billion. The Trustees Report goes on to state that under current law, the cost of Social Security will soon begin to increase faster than the program's income, because of the aging baby boom generation, expected low fertility, and increasing life expectancy. The Board of Trustees projected a long-range (75 year) funding shortfall in the Social Security Trust Funds of $4.7 trillion in present value, absent program reforms. For the infinite future, the Board projects a funding shortfall of $13.6 trillion in present value dollars. In 2005, the President began promoting Social Security reform, including hundreds of public speaking events by administration officials across the country to educate the public about the Social Security solvency issues and gain popular support for his plan to reform Social Security. A large part of the costs of this initiative were paid by Treasury, HHS, and Labor through reimbursements to EOP, under interagency agreements covering event staging costs for many of the President's and Vice President's public speaking events around the country. Interagency agreements like those entered into by Treasury and EOP are permitted by the Economy Act,[Footnote 5] which allows one department or agency to use the materials, supplies, facilities, and personnel of another. Under this authority, the agency requesting the goods or services (the ordering agency, or Treasury in this case) agrees to reimburse the agency providing the goods or services (the performing agency, or EOP in this case) the actual costs incurred by the performing agency, including both direct and indirect costs. The ordering agency is accountable to the Congress for expenses it incurs against appropriations made to it, and the performing agency is accountable for the proper use of the ordering agency's funds. Social Security Reform Public Speaking Events and Other Promotion Initiatives: On the basis of information obtained from Treasury, SSA, and EOP, including information obtained from their Web sites, we identified 228 public speaking events conducted by eight agencies.[Footnote 6] Table 1 summarizes the 228 identified public speaking events attended by agency and EOP officials. These events were primarily town hall meetings conducted across the country before various groups. Enclosure II provides the date and location of each event and the name of the administration official who was a primary speaker. Table 1: Number and Percentage of Social Security Reform Agenda Public Speaking Events by Agency: Agency: Social Security Administration; Number of events: 73; Percentage of all disclosed events: 32.0%. Agency: Executive Office of the President; Number of events: 57; Percentage of all disclosed events: 25.0%. Agency: Department of the Treasury; Number of events: 39; Percentage of all disclosed events: 17.1%. Agency: Department of Labor; Number of events: 16; Percentage of all disclosed events: 7.0%. Agency: Small Business Administration; Number of events: 16; Percentage of all disclosed events: 7.0%. Agency: Department of Commerce; Number of events: 13; Percentage of all disclosed events: 5.7%. Agency: Department of Health and Human Services; Number of events: 8; Percentage of all disclosed events: 3.5%. Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development; Number of events: 6; Percentage of all disclosed events: 2.7%. Total: 228; 100.0%. Number of events: 228; Percentage of all disclosed events: 100.0%. Source: GAO analysis of Treasury, SSA, and EOP data. [End of table] In addition to these 228 public speaking events, the President, Vice President, and agency officials also conducted radio addresses, television and radio interviews, and Internet question-and-answer sessions to promote Social Security reform. As part of these other promotion initiatives, Treasury established and staffed the Social Security Information Center (SSIC) in February 2005, which administered the Strengthening Social Security Web site and coordinated many of the activities to promote reform, including identifying administration officials who were available to speak at reform events and posting summaries of the events to the Web site. According to Treasury officials, SSIC was shut down at the end of August 2005, and its staff was assigned to other duties within Treasury.[Footnote 7] Enclosure III lists the other promotion initiatives we identified, including the date and type of initiative and the key administration officials involved. Identified Costs of Promoting Social Security Reform: As agreed with your office, our review focused on EOP, Treasury, and SSA, as officials from these agencies participated in 169, or almost 75 percent, of the 228 Social Security reform public speaking events. Of these 169 events, 40 featured the President, 7 featured the Vice President, and 122 featured officials from EOP, SSA, or Treasury. As shown in table 2, the direct and incremental costs to the U.S. government reported to us totaled $2,810,975, of which $2,588,367 was reported as expenses related to the public speaking events. Reimbursements to EOP from Treasury, HHS, and Labor for event staging costs totaled $1,651,460. Travel costs were the next largest category totaling a reported $874,519, including $437,887 reported by the Air Force for the use of Air Force One and Air Force Two to transport the President and Vice President to and from the Social Security reform events. EOP reported an additional $369,838 in travel costs, with SSA and Treasury reporting a combined $66,794 in travel costs. EOP also reported $62,388 in other direct costs to support its public speaking events. Finally, Treasury reported $222,608 in costs to establish and operate its SSIC and Web site. The costs are discussed in greater detail below, including limitations on the data. Also, as discussed previously, the costs we identified do not include Secret Service and other security costs or the salaries of administration officials participating in the events within the context of performing their larger duties, which we view as fixed costs. Finally, SSA and Treasury officials told us that when officials from their agencies were invited to speak at events hosted by private sector organizations, the agencies only paid for travel expenses. Table 2: Reported Social Security Reform Costs: Cost category: EOP event staging costs reimbursed through interagency agreements with Treasury, HHS, and Labor; Amount (in dollars): $1,651,460. Cost category: Air Force One and Air Force Two costs for; presidential and vice presidential travel[A]; Amount (in dollars): 437,887. Cost category: EOP travel costs; Amount (in dollars): 369,838. Cost category: SSA travel costs; Amount (in dollars): 45,898. Cost category: Treasury travel costs; Amount (in dollars): 20,896. Cost category: EOP other direct costs; Amount (in dollars): 62,388. Cost category: Subtotal: reported public speaking event costs; Amount (in dollars): 2,588,367. Cost category: Treasury's Social Security Information Center (SSIC) and Strengthening Social Security Web site costs; Amount (in dollars): 222,608. Cost Category: Total; Amount (in dollars): $2,810,975. Sources: SSA, Treasury, EOP, Labor, HSS, and the Air Force. [A] Reported fiscal year 2005 fuel costs, which accounted for nearly 90 percent of the Air Force's total reported costs, were $6,462 per flight hour for the VC-25 (the Boeing 747 used to transport the President to most of the Social Security reform events) and $1,325 per flight hour for the C-32A (the Boeing 757 that was primarily used to transport the Vice President). [End of table] Costs Related to EOP Participation. We have identified staging, travel, and other direct costs for the public speaking events with EOP participation. The staging costs were reimbursed to EOP by Treasury, HHS, and Labor pursuant to interagency agreements. Air Force incurred direct travel costs for the use of Air Force One and Air Force Two in transporting the President and Vice President to and from their public speaking events. In addition to the amounts reported by the Air Force, EOP reported its own travel costs. Finally, EOP reported having other direct costs to support its public speaking events. We determined that EOP had interagency agreements with Treasury, HHS, and Labor. In accordance with the agreements, these agencies agreed to reimburse EOP for staging costs associated with 36 events in which the President or Vice President participated. The agreements authorized a transfer of funds to EOP of up to $1,871,625. Respectively, Treasury, HHS, and Labor disbursed $703,177, $440,688, and $507,595 for a total of $1,651,460 to EOP for these events. Enclosure IV provides additional details on the costs reimbursed through these interagency agreements. In order to confirm the interagency agreement cost data submitted by EOP, we asked Treasury, Labor, and HHS to report on the amounts transferred by those agencies. However, we could not determine whether the transferred funds were actually used to pay for the costs of staging the events as stated in the agreements.[Footnote 8] Although we requested detailed source records (i.e., invoices, receipts, etc.) that would show what was purchased with these transferred funds, EOP withheld this documentation and Treasury officials said they did not receive supporting documentation from EOP and, therefore, could not provide the information. EOP stated in its April 25, 2007, letter that "much of the underlying data (such as the requested receipts, invoices, and travel vouchers) contains personal information for Executive Office of the President personnel (such as social security numbers, personal contact information, and credit card numbers), as well as certain information that could represent security concerns (such as travel patterns, the identities of vendors used, and names/pseudonyms used for arranging White House-related travel and supplies)," and, therefore, it would not provide the source documents. We disagree with EOP's decision to withhold this information and believe that it is inconsistent with current law. GAO has a statutory right of access to this information[Footnote 9] and our work often involves reviewing information that is sensitive or classified and we have procedures for handling and protecting such information. However, given the nature of this request and the amounts involved, GAO decided not to pursue this records access issue. Further, because Treasury was party to the interagency agreements, we expected that Treasury would possess or have immediate access to such documentation as a normal course of doing business. The Economy Act, under which Treasury entered into the agreements to reimburse EOP for its staging costs, requires that the reimbursement be based upon the actual cost of goods or services provided.[Footnote 10] When coupled with Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-123, Management's Responsibility for Internal Control, and our Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government,[Footnote 11] which require that all transactions be clearly documented and that documentation be properly maintained and managed and readily available for examination,[Footnote 12] we believe it would be prudent for Treasury to receive, review, and retain supporting documentation that would allow Treasury officials to ensure that the goods or services were received and that payments are properly certified in accordance with Treasury's own guidance.[Footnote 13] Additional Treasury guidance, such as the Treasury Financial Management Service's Federal Intragovernmental Transactions Accounting Policy Guide,[Footnote 14] states that each agency is responsible for documenting and supporting the information recorded in its accounting records related to intragovernmental transactions. Without the availability of adequate documentation, Treasury lacks reasonable assurance of its compliance with the Economy Act and that its appropriations are used for purposes authorized by law. Reported travel costs associated with EOP's participation totaled $807,725, including $437,887 reported by the Air Force for direct, incremental mission costs incurred to fly the President and Vice President aboard Air Force One and Air Force Two. The Air Force reported that it flew 39 missions in support of the Social Security reform initiative. Mission costs included fuel, travel expenses of Air Force personnel, and miscellaneous mission expenses. As discussed previously, this figure does not include security costs or the salaries of the flight crews, as these were not incremental costs. Separately, EOP reported that its personnel incurred $369,838 in direct travel costs relating to 46 of the 57 EOP events. Finally, EOP reported $62,388 in other direct costs. We were unable to review the travel authorizations and travel vouchers for EOP's travel and the receipts for the miscellaneous costs because EOP withheld certain information, as described above. We also cannot provide reasonable assurance based on the information provided by EOP that its reported travel costs are complete since EOP stated for 7 events that we had identified that its records reflected no events and expenses on those particular days.[Footnote 15] However, we identified these events from either Treasury or White House Web sites and, for most of these events, have transcripts or other support showing that the events did occur. Costs Related to SSA Participation. For the 73 public speaking events in which an SSA official was a primary speaker, we identified $45,898 in travel costs.[Footnote 16] According to an SSA official, SSA had no other costs related to the administration's promotion of Social Security reform. We reviewed all associated travel vouchers for proper approvals and to ensure the vouchers agreed with the reported amounts, and selected a statistical sample[Footnote 17] of these vouchers to test travel authorizations and supporting documentation for proper approvals and support for claimed amounts. We found that these costs were adequately supported. Costs Related to Treasury Participation. For the 39 public speaking events and other initiatives in which a Treasury official was a primary speaker, we identified $20,896 in travel costs.[Footnote 18] We reviewed the associated travel authorizations and travel vouchers for proper approvals and support for claimed amounts, and found that these costs were adequately supported. Treasury officials indicated that Treasury also had costs associated with its SSIC and Web site totaling $222,608. These costs included the salaries of personnel[Footnote 19] dedicated to the SSIC and information technology costs. Conclusions and Recommendation for Executive Action: We identified hundreds of events geared toward educating the public about Social Security solvency issues and reform ideas as well as associated costs reported by Treasury, SSA, EOP, Labor, HHS, and the Air Force totaling about $2.8 million. We could not test the validity of some of those costs because EOP withheld certain key information and Treasury did not have supporting documentation for amounts it reimbursed EOP under the interagency agreements. We are, therefore, unable to provide reasonable assurance that the costs reported to us are complete and fully supported. While we continue to assert that we have a right to the supporting documentation denied us by EOP, we have decided to report the limitation without initiating the process to enforce our right to these documents because of the disproportionate amount of time and resources needed to pursue this matter and the limited amount of the funds involved. To strengthen Treasury's oversight of its interagency agreements, GAO recommends that the Secretary of the Treasury direct the Chief Financial Officer of the department to strengthen the department's guidance to clarify that sufficient documentation to support reimbursements made through interagency agreements is to be obtained, reviewed, and retained. Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: EOP did not provide comments but did provide certain data related to our August 2006 request. The information contained therein was incorporated into the report. In oral comments, Treasury agreed with the facts contained in this report but did not say whether it agreed or disagreed with GAO's recommendation. Rather, Treasury stated that it would review its procedures with respect to the processing of interagency agreements. In written comments on a draft of this report, which are reprinted in enclosure V, SSA stated that it strongly believes that the body of the report should be modified to indicate the involvement of SSA's representatives and the funds spent on those activities were to provide solvency education to the public rather than to promote any particular plan to achieve solvency. GAO does not believe such a distinction is warranted. Solvency issues are integral to any discussion of modifications to Social Security and the events identified in the report were, among other things, used to promote the President's reform agenda as evidenced by their inclusion on Treasury's Strengthening Social Security Web site. SSA's comments also included minor technical corrections, which were incorporated into the report as appropriate. The Department of Defense orally commented that the agency agreed with the facts contained in the report. As agreed with your office, unless you publicly announce its contents earlier, we plan no further distribution of this report until 30 days from its date. At that time, we will send copies of this report to the appropriate House and Senate committees; the Director of Administration, EOP; the Secretary of the Treasury; the Commissioner of Social Security; the Secretary of Defense; the Secretary of Labor; the Secretary of Health and Human Services; and other interested parties. Copies will be made available to others upon request. In addition, this report will also be available at no charge on GAO's Web site at [hyperlink,]. This report was prepared under the direction of Jeffrey C. Steinhoff, Managing Director, Financial Management and Assurance, who may be reached at: (202) 512-2600 or at if you or your staff have any questions regarding it. Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last page of this report. Major contributors to this report include Phillip W. McIntyre, Assistant Director; Michelle L. Smith; and Edward F. Tanaka. Signed by: Sincerely yours, David M. Walker: Comptroller General: of the United States: [End of section] Enclosure I: Scope and Methodology: To address your inquiry, we first identified the universe of public speaking events and other initiatives reported on the Department of the Treasury's (Treasury) Web site dedicated to the President's Social Security reform agenda, [hyperlink,], the general Treasury Web site, [hyperlink,], and the White House Web site, [hyperlink,], and collected basic event data from these Web sites. Because the Social Security Administration (SSA), Treasury, and the Executive Office of the President (EOP) accounted for approximately 75 percent of all identified events,[Footnote 20] we requested financial records and other documentation for the events attended by officials from SSA, Treasury, and EOP.[Footnote 21] We requested additional information concerning EOP activities from the United States Air Force (Air Force) regarding the use of Air Force One and Air Force Two, and asked the Departments of Labor (Labor) and Health and Human Services (HHS) to report on interagency agreement costs those agencies reimbursed to EOP for many of the President's and Vice President's speaking events. We received information from SSA, Treasury, EOP, Air Force, Labor, and HHS. We also conducted interviews with officials from SSA, Treasury, and the Air Force. We did not ask the agencies that participated in a minimal number of speaking engagements (like Labor and HHS) to report their events or to provide us with costs related to those agencies' speaking events. We also did not determine the costs of the Secret Service, other security, and the salaries of government officials who participated in the Social Security reform events within the context of performing their larger duties. Except as discussed below, salaries were considered fixed costs because they would have been incurred whether or not the officials participated in the Social Security reform events. We reviewed information and documentation from SSA, Treasury, and EOP, which we used to compile the lists of public speaking events and other reform initiatives. See enclosures II and III, respectively. EOP was unable to fully verify the completeness and accuracy of our list of EOP public speaking events. It stated in its April 2007 submittal that it did not have records for some of the events we identified. For the events that EOP could not verify, we are including the ones we identified from data contained on either the White House or Treasury Web sites. For most of these events, we have transcripts or other support showing that these events did occur. For the staging costs reimbursed to EOP through interagency agreements, we compared amounts reported by EOP with those reported by Treasury, Labor, and HHS. We reviewed Treasury's interagency agreements with EOP for Treasury approvals but could not test for adequate support because Treasury did not have support and EOP did not provide the requested support. EOP's decision to withhold the requested documentation hindered our ability to provide reasonable assurance that the reported costs are complete and fully supported. Although we did not perform detailed tests at Labor and HHS because any results from those tests would not have fully eliminated the records access limitation, we did ask Labor and HHS to report on the amounts transferred to EOP under the interagency agreements. We reviewed SSA and Treasury travel authorizations and vouchers for proper approvals and support for claimed amounts. For SSA travel, we reviewed 100 percent of the travel vouchers for proper approvals and to ensure the vouchers supported the reported amounts. We also selected a statistical sample of 15 SSA travel vouchers totaling $11,510 from a population of 60 vouchers totaling $45,898[Footnote 22] to test for proper travel authorizations and adequate support (i.e., hotel bills, airline tickets, etc.) We found no exceptions during testing.[Footnote 23] For Treasury travel, we reviewed 100 percent of the trips for proper approvals and for adequate support. In addition to SSA and Treasury travel cost data, we received information from the Air Force and EOP pertaining to EOP travel. The Air Force calculated and provided mission cost data for presidential and vice presidential events in which Air Force One and Air Force Two were used. To assess the reasonableness of the data, we applied analytic procedures and interviewed an Air Force official. For the travel and other miscellaneous costs reported by EOP, we could not perform tests because EOP withheld the requested records. Finally, our review of Treasury costs related to the Social Security Information Center (SSIC) and Web site was limited to analytic procedures focusing on the salaries of Treasury employees dedicated to the SSIC, which constituted the majority of the SSIC costs. The salary expenses associated with the assignments to the SSIC were considered direct and incremental because newly hired employees were initially assigned full-time to the SSIC. Except for the limitation related to EOP's withholding of detailed source records which affected our ability to provide reasonable assurance that the reported costs are complete and fully supported, we performed our work in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards from June 2005 through June 2007 in Washington, D.C. This report reflects the information we were able to obtain from Treasury, SSA, EOP, the Air Force, Labor, and HHS. Through our review of supporting documentation, interviews, and analytical procedures, we found that the data provided by Treasury, SSA, EOP, the Air Force, Labor, and HHS were sufficiently reliable to substantially meet our objectives and therefore could be reported with disclosed limitations about the completeness of the costs and adequacy of the supporting documentation. While EOP provided certain cost information, it withheld from us the detailed source records showing how the funds transferred pursuant to the interagency agreements with Treasury, HHS, and Labor were spent as well as the travel documentation we requested. EOP provided some summary and other cost data on April 25, 2007, which was after the scheduled end of field work and about 3 weeks into the 30-day agency comment period in which the agencies involved in this review had the opportunity to comment on a draft of this report. The information EOP provided was in response to our written request for information first made in August 2006. We could not confirm whether the transferred funds were actually used to pay for costs of staging the events as stated in the agreements but we are reporting the interagency agreement reimbursements because Treasury, Labor, and HHS reported to us that they had reimbursed EOP for costs associated with Social Security reform events. Further, we are including EOP reported amounts for travel and miscellaneous costs although we were unable to review the supporting documentation. We decided to report the limitation on our work without initiating the process to enforce our right of access to EOP financial and related information under 31 U.S.C. § 716(a) because of the disproportionate amount of time and resources needed to pursue this matter and the limited amount of the funds involved. Under the circumstances, we decided that it was appropriate to report that EOP withheld basic financial and related information and have the Congress decide whether to pursue this matter further as part of its own oversight and investigative agenda. We requested comments on a draft of this report from the Director, Office of Administration at EOP; the Secretary of the Treasury; the Commissioner of Social Security; and the Secretary of Defense. [End of section] Enclosure II: 228 Identified Social Security Reform Public Speaking Events: Date: 1/11/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 1/13/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: Richard B. Cheney; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/3/2005; Fargo, N.Dak.; Location of event: Great Falls, Mont.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/4/2005; Location of event: Omaha, Nebr.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/4/2005; Location of event: Little Rock, Ark.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/4/2005; Location of event: Tampa, Fla.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/8/2005; Location of event: Detroit, Mich.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/9/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 2/10/2005; Location of event: Blue Bell, Pa.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/10/2005; Location of event: Raleigh, N.C.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/16/2005; Location of event: Portsmouth, N.H.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/18/2005; Location of event: New York, N.Y.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 2/18/2005; Location of event: Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; Administration official: Mark J. Warshawsky; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 2/19/2005; Location of event: Tucson, Ariz.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 2/21/2005; Location of event: Atlanta, Ga.; Administration official: Andrew Biggs; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 2/22/2005; Location of event: Philadelphia, Pa.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 2/23/2005; Location of event: Cincinnati, Ohio; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 2/23/2005; Location of event: Sharonville, Ohio; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 2/24/2005; Location of event: Tampa, Fla.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 2/24/2005; Location of event: Houston, Tex.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 2/25/2005; Location of event: Jacksonville, Fla.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/3/2005; Location of event: Fayetteville, Ark.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/4/2005; Location of event: Notre Dame, Ind.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/4/2005; Location of event: Westfield, N.J.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/4/2005; Location of event: New Orleans, La.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/4/2005; Location of event: Allendale, Mich.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/4/2005; Location of event: Muskegon, Mich.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/5/2005; Location of event: Cadillac, Mich.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/5/2005; Location of event: Manistee, Mich.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/5/2005; Location of event: Ludington, Mich.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/7/2005; Location of event: Westminster, Md.; Administration official: Keith Hennessey; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/8/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/8/2005; Location of event: Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Administration official: Eric Stewart; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 3/8/2005; Location of event: Boca Raton, Fla.; Administration official: Eric Stewart; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 3/8/2005; Location of event: New Orleans, La.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/9/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/9/2005; Location of event: New Orleans, La.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/9/2005; Location of event: New Orleans, La.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/10/2005; Location of event: Albuquerque, N.Mex.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/10/2005; Location of event: Albuquerque, N.Mex.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/10/2005; Location of event: Montgomery, Ala.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/10/2005; Location of event: Louisville, Ky.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/11/2005; Location of event: San Antonio, Tex.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/11/2005; Location of event: Memphis, Tenn.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/11/2005; Location of event: Shreveport, La.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/11/2005; Location of event: London, England; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 3/11/2005; Location of event: Orlando, Fla.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/12/2005; Location of event: Philadelphia, Pa.; Administration official: Anna Escobedo Cabral; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/15/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: Mark J. Warshawsky; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/15/2005; Location of event: Charlotte, N.C.; Administration official: Eric Stewart; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 3/16/2005; Location of event: Hickory, N.C.; Administration official: Eric Stewart; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 3/16/2005; Location of event: Gastonia, N.C.; Administration official: Eric Stewart; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 3/18/2005; Location of event: Pensacola, Fla.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/18/2005; Location of event: Orlando, Fla.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/18/2005; Location of event: Orlando, Fla.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Columbia, S.C.; Administration official: Melanie R. Sabelhaus; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Tucson, Ariz.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Pasadena, Calif.; Administration official: Hector V. Barreto; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Bakersfield, Calif.; Administration official: Richard B. Cheney; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Denver, Colo.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Lakewood, Colo.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Lakewood, Colo.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Castle Rock, Colo.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Grand View, Colo.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Atlanta, Ga.; Administration official: Timothy S. Bitsberger; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Green Bay, Wis.; Administration official: William H. Lash, III; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Edgefield, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: Aiken, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/21/2005; Location of event: North Augusta, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: Aurora, Colo.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: Denver, Colo.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: Reno, Nev.; Administration official: Richard B. Cheney; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: Albuquerque, N.Mex.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: Albuquerque, N.Mex.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: Memphis, Tenn.; Administration official: Melanie R. Sabelhaus; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: San Dimas, Calif.; Administration official: Hector V. Barreto; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: Los Angeles, Calif.; Administration official: Hector V. Barreto; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: Abbeville, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: Greenwood, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/22/2005; Location of event: Oxford, Miss.; Administration official: Timothy S. Bitsberger; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/23/2005; Location of event: Atlanta, Ga.; Administration official: Michael O. Leavitt; Agency: Department of Health and Human Services. Date: 3/23/2005; Location of event: Seneca, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/23/2005; Location of event: Anderson, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/23/2005; Location of event: Easley, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Battle Creek, Mich.; Administration official: Richard B. Cheney; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Administration official: Richard B. Cheney; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Stanton, Del.; Administration official: Jo Anne B. Barnhart; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Wilmington, Del.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Kennett Square, Pa.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Little Rock, Ark.; Administration official: Carlos M. Gutierrez; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: St. Louis, Mo.; Administration official: Carlos M. Gutierrez; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Springfield, Mo.; Administration official: Allan B. Hubbard; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Ozark, Mo.; Administration official: Allan B. Hubbard; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Mo.; Administration official: Allan B. Hubbard; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Mo.; Administration official: Allan B. Hubbard; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Clinton, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: Saluda, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/24/2005; Location of event: McCormick, S.C.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/25/2005; Location of event: Billings, Mont.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/28/2005; Location of event: Portland, Ore.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/28/2005; Location of event: Noblesville, Ind.; Administration official: Allan B. Hubbard; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/29/2005; Location of event: Bellevue, Wash.; Administration official: Robert S. Nichols; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/29/2005; Location of event: Manhattan, Kans.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/29/2005; Location of event: Topeka, Kans.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Bozeman, Mont.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Colusa, Calif.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Willows, Calif.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Redding, Calif.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Red Bluff, Calif.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Woodstock, Ga.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Charlotte, N.C.; Administration official: Keith Hennessey; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Portland, Maine; Administration official: Michael O. Leavitt; Agency: Department of Health and Human Services. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Flagstaff, Ariz.; Administration official: Steven J. Law; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 3/30/2005; Location of event: Flagstaff, Ariz.; Administration official: Steven J. Law; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Chico, Calif.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Magalia, Calif.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Yuba City, Calif.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Woodland, Calif.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Bismarck, N.Dak.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Bismarck, N.Dak.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: West Palm Beach, Fla.; Administration official: Alphonso R. Jackson; Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Delray Beach, Fla.; Administration official: Melanie R. Sabelhaus; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Baton Rouge, La.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Roswell, Ga.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Peachtree City, Ga.; Administration official: James J. Courtney, Jr.; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/31/2005; Location of event: Las Vegas, Nev.; Administration official: Steven J. Law; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/1/2005; Location of event: Miami, Fla.; Administration official: Carlos M. Gutierrez; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 4/1/2005; Location of event: Jupiter, Fla.; Administration official: Melanie R. Sabelhaus; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 4/1/2005; Location of event: Newark, Del.; Administration official: Jo Anne B. Barnhart; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/1/2005; Location of event: Lake Charles, La.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/1/2005; Location of event: Las Vegas, Nev.; Administration official: Hector V. Barreto; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 4/1/2005; Location of event: San Antonio, Tex.; Administration official: Anna Escobedo Cabral; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/2/2005; Location of event: Fairfield, Conn.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/2/2005; Location of event: Baltimore, Md.; Administration official: Noam Neusner; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/3/2005; Location of event: Darien, Conn.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/4/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/4/2005; Location of event: Dallas, Tex.; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/4/2005; Location of event: Manchester, N.H.; Administration official: Steven J. Law; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/4/2005; Location of event: Fairfax, Va.; Administration official: Jo Anne B. Barnhart; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/4/2005; Location of event: Waterbury, Conn.; Administration official: Melanie R. Sabelhaus; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 4/4/2005; Location of event: Dumont, N.J.; Administration official: Joshua B. Bolten; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/5/2005; Location of event: Parkersburg, W.Va.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/5/2005; Location of event: Parkersburg, W.Va.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/5/2005; Location of event: Philadelphia, Pa.; Administration official: Melanie R. Sabelhaus; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 4/6/2005; Location of event: Richmond, Va.; Administration official: Hector V. Barreto; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 4/6/2005; Location of event: Orlando, Fla.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/7/2005; Location of event: Cleveland, Ohio; Administration official: Alphonso R. Jackson; Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development. Date: 4/11/2005; Location of event: Cincinnati, Ohio; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/11/2005; Location of event: Philadelphia, Pa.; Administration official: Michael O. Leavitt; Agency: Department of Health and Human Services. Date: 4/11/2005; Location of event: Aiken, S.C.; Administration official: Arnold Havens; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/11/2005; Location of event: Aiken, S.C.; Administration official: Arnold Havens; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/12/2005; Location of event: Flagstaff, Ariz.; Administration official: Eric Stewart; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 4/12/2005; Location of event: Atlanta, Ga.; Administration official: Hector V. Barreto; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 4/12/2005; Location of event: Flagstaff, Ariz.; Administration official: Eric Stewart; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 4/13/2005; Location of event: Chicago, Ill.; Administration official: Michael O. Leavitt; Agency: Department of Health and Human Services. Date: 4/13/2005; Location of event: New Orleans, La.; Administration official: Hector V. Barreto; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 4/13/2005; Location of event: Providence, R.I.; Administration official: Dominic "Dan" Iannicola, Jr.; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/14/2005; Location of event: Cartersville, Ga.; Administration official: Anna Escobedo Cabral; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/14/2005; Location of event: Rome, Ga.; Administration official: Anna Escobedo Cabral; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/14/2005; Location of event: Smyrna, Ga.; Administration official: Anna Escobedo Cabral; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/14/2005; Location of event: Columbus, Ga.; Administration official: Hector V. Barreto; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 4/15/2005; Location of event: Kirtland, Ohio; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/15/2005; Location of event: Pemberton, N.J.; Administration official: Richard B. Cheney; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/16/2005; Location of event: Decatur, Ga.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/18/2005; Location of event: Columbia, S.C.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/18/2005; Location of event: Charlotte, N.C.; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/18/2005; Location of event: Aurora, Colo.; Administration official: Steven J. Law; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/18/2005; Location of event: Baltimore, Md.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/18/2005; Location of event: Yonkers, N.Y.; Administration official: Thomas M. Sullivan; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 4/19/2005; Location of event: St. Petersburg, Fla.; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/19/2005; Location of event: Denver, Colo.; Administration official: Michael O. Leavitt; Agency: Department of Health and Human Services. Date: 4/20/2005; Location of event: New York, N.Y.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/20/2005; Location of event: Seattle, Wash.; Administration official: Michael O. Leavitt; Agency: Department of Health and Human Services. Date: 4/21/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/22/2005; Location of event: Louisville, Ky.; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/22/2005; Location of event: Las Cruces, N.Mex.; Administration official: Carlos M. Gutierrez; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 4/22/2005; Location of event: Albuquerque, N.Mex.; Administration official: Carlos M. Gutierrez; Agency: Department of Commerce. Date: 4/23/2005; Location of event: Houston, Tex.; Administration official: Alphonso R. Jackson; Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development. Date: 4/25/2005; Location of event: Mandeville, La.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/25/2005; Location of event: Lancaster County, Pa.; Administration official: Brian Reardon; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/26/2005; Location of event: Galveston, Tex.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/26/2005; Location of event: Philadelphia, Pa.; Administration official: Mark J. Warshawsky; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/27/2005; Location of event: New Orleans, La.; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/27/2005; Location of event: St. Louis, Mo.; Administration official: Alphonso R. Jackson; Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development. Date: 4/27/2005; Location of event: New Orleans, La.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/27/2005; Location of event: New Orleans, La.; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/28/2005; Location of event: Kansas City, Mo.; Administration official: Michael O. Leavitt; Agency: Department of Health and Human Services. Date: 4/28/2005; Location of event: New York, N.Y.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/28/2005; Location of event: Fort Washington, Md.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/29/2005; Location of event: Falls Church, Va.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/29/2005; Location of event: Bowling Green, Ky.; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 4/29/2005; Location of event: Dallas, Tex.; Administration official: Michael O. Leavitt; Agency: Department of Health and Human Services. Date: 4/29/2005; Location of event: Hartford, Conn.; Administration official: Alphonso R. Jackson; Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development. Date: 4/29/2005; Location of event: Hartford, Conn.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 4/30/2005; Location of event: New York, N.Y.; Administration official: Alphonso R. Jackson; Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development. Date: 5/2/2005; Location of event: Smyrna, Ga.; Administration official: Richard B. Cheney; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 5/3/2005; Location of event: Canton, Miss.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 5/3/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 5/4/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 5/4/2005; Location of event: New Orleans, La.; Administration official: Elaine L. Chao; Agency: Department of Labor. Date: 5/7/2005; Location of event: Los Angeles, Calif.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 5/9/2005; Location of event: Hartford, Conn.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 5/11/2005; Location of event: Orlando, Fla.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 5/12/2005; Location of event: Davis, Calif.; Administration official: Anna Escobedo Cabral; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 5/13/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 5/16/2005; Location of event: Lakewood, Va.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 5/19/2005; Location of event: Milwaukee, Wis.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 5/20/2005; Location of event: San Diego, Calif.; Administration official: Hector V. Barreto; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 5/23/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 5/24/2005; Location of event: Greece, N.Y.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 6/1/2005; Location of event: Orange, Va.; Administration official: Jo Anne B. Barnhart; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 6/2/2005; Location of event: Hopkinsville, Ky.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 6/2/2005; Location of event: Glen Allen, Va.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 6/6/2005; Location of event: New York, N.Y.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 6/8/2005; Location of event: Washington, D.C.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 6/14/2005; Location of event: University Park, Pa.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 6/18/2005; Location of event: Ann Arbor, Mich.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 6/18/2005; Location of event: St. Petersburg, Fla.; Administration official: Michel N. Korbey; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 6/21/2005; Location of event: Boston, Mass.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 6/23/2005; Location of event: Silver Spring, Md.; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 6/27/2005; Location of event: Clifton Park, N.Y.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 6/27/2005; Location of event: Trumbull, Conn.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 6/29/2005; Location of event: Kearney, Neb.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 6/30/2005; Location of event: Medford, Ore.; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 7/6/2005; Location of event: Omaha, Neb.; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Sources: Department of the Treasury, Social Security Administration, and the Executive Office of the President. [End of table] Enclosure III: Other Social Security Reform Promotion Initiatives: Date: 12/11/2004; Type of initiative: Radio address; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 1/11/2005; Type of initiative: Internet questions; Administration official: Charles P. Blahous; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 1/15/2005; Type of initiative: Radio address; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/3/2005; Type of initiative: Internet questions; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 2/5/2005; Type of initiative: Radio address; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/12/2005; Type of initiative: Radio address; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/26/2005; Type of initiative: Radio address; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/3/2005; Type of initiative: Various media interviews; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/7/2005; Type of initiative: Internet questions; Administration official: Charles P. Blahous; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/8/2005; Type of initiative: Radio interview; Administration official: Richard B. Cheney; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/10/2005; Type of initiative: Radio interview; Administration official: Joshua B. Bolten; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/10/2005; Type of initiative: Radio interview; Administration official: Karl Rove; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 2/14/2005 - 8/31/2006; Type of initiative: Social Security Information Center; Administration official: Treasury Staff; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/12/2005; Type of initiative: Radio address; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/16/2005; Type of initiative: Radio interview; Administration official: Nicolle Devenish; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/18/2005; Type of initiative: Radio interview; Administration official: Daniel J. Bartlett; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 3/23/2005; Type of initiative: Social Security Trustees meeting; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/23/2005; Type of initiative: Social Security Trustees report speech; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 3/23/2005; Type of initiative: 23 Radio interviews; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 3/30/2005; Type of initiative: Radio interview; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/5/2005; Type of initiative: Internet questions; Administration official: Charles P. Blahous; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/6/2005; Type of initiative: Social Security Radio Day; Administration official: Multiple officials; Agency: Various. Date: 4/7/2005; Type of initiative: Radio interview; Administration official: Richard B. Cheney; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/13/2005; Type of initiative: Radio interview; Administration official: Hector V. Barreto; Agency: Small Business Administration. Date: 4/15/2005; Type of initiative: Internet questions; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/26/2005; Type of initiative: Teach Children to Save Day; Administration official: 23 officials; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 4/29/2005; Type of initiative: Internet questions; Administration official: Catherine J. Martin; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 4/30/2005; Type of initiative: Radio address; Administration official: George W. Bush; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 5/2/2005; Type of initiative: Anniversary of President's commission; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 5/9/2005; Type of initiative: Various media interviews; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 5/19/2005; Type of initiative: Social Security Economic Roundtable; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 5/19/2005; Type of initiative: Newspaper article; Administration official: John W. Snow; Agency: Department of the Treasury. Date: 6/2/2005; Type of initiative: Radio interview; Administration official: Catherine J. Martin; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 6/6/2005; Type of initiative: Various media interviews; Administration official: James B. Lockhart, III; Agency: Social Security Administration. Date: 6/8/2005; Type of initiative: Internet questions; Administration official: Charles P. Blahous; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Date: 6/14/2005; Type of initiative: Radio interview; Administration official: Allan B. Hubbard; Agency: Executive Office of the President. Sources: Department of the Treasury, Social Security Administration, and the Executive Office of the President. [End of table] Enclosure IV: EOP Events Covered by Interagency Agreements and the Amounts Reimbursed by Agency: Event location: Washington, D.C.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 1/11/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: $56,404.83; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: $0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: $0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: $56,404.83. Event location: Washington, D.C.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): VP; Event date: 1/13/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 10,625.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 10,625.00. Event location: Great Falls, Mont.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 2/3/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 19,613.18; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 84,974.97; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 104,588.15. Event location: Fargo, N.Dak.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 2/3/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 77,621.20; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 3,464.07; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 81,085.27. Event location: Omaha, Neb.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 2/4/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 79,536.86; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 79,536.86. Event location: Little Rock, Ark.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 2/4/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 40,475.47; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 4,047.55; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 44,523.02. Event location: Tampa, Fla.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 2/4/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 16,295.44; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 56,672.04; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 72,967.48. Event location: Blue Bell, Pa.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 2/10/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 46,707.91; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 23,353.96; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 70,061.87. Event location: Raleigh, N.C.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 2/10/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 22,588.27; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 22,588.27. Event location: Portsmouth, N.H.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 2/16/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 25,000.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 15,000.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 15,000.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 55,000.00. Event location: Westfield, N.J.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/4/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 65,000.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 5,000.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 70,000.00. Event location: Notre Dame, Ind.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/4/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 25,000.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 15,000.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 40,000.00. Event location: Montgomery, Ala.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/10/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 21,207.54; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 26,250.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 24,742.13; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 72,199.67. Event location: Louisville, Ky.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/10/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 22,500.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 18,750.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 18,750.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 60,000.00. Event location: Memphis, Tenn.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/11/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 22,500.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 2,991.32; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 3,250.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 28,741.32. Event location: Shreveport, La.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/11/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 22,500.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 33,750.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 33,750.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 90,000.00. Event location: Pensacola, Fla.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/18/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 17,500.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 20,000.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 17,500.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 55,000.00. Event location: Orlando, Fla.[A]; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/18/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 17,300.69; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 14,829.16; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 17,300.69; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 49,430.54. Event location: Tucson, Ariz.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/21/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 14,161.93; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 14,161.93; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 14,161.93; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 42,485.79. Event location: Denver, Colo.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/21/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 20,851.85; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 20,755.75; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 20,851.84; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 62,459.44. Event location: Bakersfield, Calif.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): VP; Event date: 3/21/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 29,334.23; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 29,334.23. Event location: Albuquerque, N.Mex.[A]; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/22/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 13,400.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 13,400.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 13,200.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 40,000.00. Event location: Reno, Nev.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): VP; Event date: 3/22/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 17,958.83; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 17,958.83. Event location: Battle Creek, Mich.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): VP; Event date: 3/24/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 23,809.61; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 23,809.61. Event location: Pittsburgh, Pa.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): VP; Event date: 3/24/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 27,817.27; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 27,817.27. Event location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 3/30/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 19,290.96; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 19,290.96; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 19,290.96; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 57,872.88. Event location: Parkersburg, W.Va.[A]; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 4/5/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 13,500.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 13,000.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 13,500.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 40,000.00. Event location: Kirtland, Ohio; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 4/15/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 10,632.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 11,813.50; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 10,632.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 33,077.50. Event location: Pemberton, N.J.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): VP; Event date: 4/15/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 28,116.67; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 28,116.67. Event location: Columbia, S.C.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 4/18/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 532.89; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 532.89; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 532.89; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 1,598.67. Event location: Galveston, Tex.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 4/26/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 844.50; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 844.50; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 844.50; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 2,533.50. Event location: Falls Church, Va.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 4/29/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 14,495.85; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 14,495.85; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 14,495.85; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 43,487.55. Event location: Smyrna, Ga.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): VP; Event date: 5/2/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 29,499.65; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 0.00; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 29,499.65. Event location: Canton, Miss.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 5/3/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 19,036.22; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 18,170.98; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 18,170.98; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 55,378.18. Event location: Rochester, N.Y.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 5/24/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 2,020.13; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 1,960.72; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 1,960.72; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 5,941.57. Event location: Hopkinsville, Ky.; President (POTUS)/Vice President (VP): POTUS; Event date: 6/2/2005; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: 16,094.38; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: 15,621.02; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: 15,621.02; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: 47,336.42. Total: Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of the Treasury: $703,176.50; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Health and Human Services: $440,688.07; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Department of Labor: $507,595.47; Reimbursed amount (dollars): Total: $1,651,460.04. [A] For each of these entries, there were two presidential events. Sources: Executive Office of the President, Departments of the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services. [End of table] Enclosure V: Comments from the Social Security Administration: Social Security: The Commissioner: May 02,2007: Mr. Robert E. Martin: Director, Financial Management and Assurance: U.S. Government Accountability Office: Washington, D.C. 20548: Dear Mr. Martin: Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the draft report, "Social Security: Costs Associated with the Administration's Efforts to Promote Program Reforms" (GAO-07-621). If you have any questions, please contact Candace Skurnik, Director, Audit Management and Liaison Staff, at (410) 965-4636. Sincerely, Signed by: Michael J. Astrue: Social Security Administration: Baltimore, Md. 21235-0001: Enclosure: Comments On The Government Accountability Office (Gao) Draft Report, "Social Security: Costs Associated With The Administration's Efforts To Promote Program Reforms" (GAO-07-621R): Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the draft report. We appreciate the professionalism of your audit team during the course of this audit. We pointed out at the entrance conference, in our written responses to GAO's requests for information, and again at the exit conference, that the Social Security Administration (SSA) strongly believes that the body of the report should clearly indicate that the role of SSA's representatives at the events constituted public education on the factors impacting the long-range solvency of the Social Security system and the range of options to address solvency. The funds spent on these activities were to promote solvency education and provide factual information, rather than to promote any particular plan to achieve solvency. Agency participation focused on the many factors affecting the solvency of the trust funds--including the rapid growth in the number of retirees, increasing life expectancy and lower birth rates, and the range of solutions to achieve sustainable solvency--including increasing taxes, slowing the growth of benefits and/or increasing the rate of return on investments. Further, many of these events were congressional town hall meetings where SSA's participation was specifically requested by the sponsoring member of Congress. These included events sponsored by both Republicans and Democrats. We believe that the report will be misleading if this information is not included in the body of the report. We request that the information be added to the section, "Costs Related to Social Security Administration Participation," beginning on page 12 of the draft report. Other Comments: Page 1, sentences 2 and 3”change "revenues" to "tax revenues." These sentences should be revised to read, "As you know, the ...will exceed tax revenues. After that time, the gap between costs and tax revenues..." Pages 5-6, under BACKGROUND, sentence 2, should be changed to two sentences that read, "According to the 2006 Social ...48 million beneficiaries at the end of 2005. Total benefits paid during 2005 amounted to $521 billion." Also, change last sentence of same paragraph, making two sentences which read, "The Board of Trustees projected a long-range (75-year) funding shortfall in the Social Security trust funds of $4.6 trillion in present value, absent program reforms. For the infinite future, the Board projects a funding shortfall of about $13 trillion in present value." {End of Section} Footnotes: [1] Officially, Social Security is called the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program. [2] This is the name given to the administration's plan to schedule at least 60 events across the country over a 60-day period to promote Social Security reform. [3] [hyperlink,],[hyperlink,], and [hyperlink,] [4] Fixed costs are those costs which would have been incurred whether or not the officials participated in the Social Security reform events. [5] 31 U.S.C. §§ 1535-1536. [6] HHS identified 2 other events for which it stated it reimbursed $59,749.47 to EOP for costs associated with Social Security reform events, which are not included in the report totals. We could not obtain corroborating evidence that there were Social Security reform events in Cleveland, Ohio on January 27, 2005, and in Maple Grove, Minnesota on June 17, 2005. [7] The Strengthening Social Security Web site was still available at [hyperlink,] as of July 25, 2007. [8] As discussed in enc. 1, because Labor and HHS were not asked to report the costs associated with events with their agency officials based upon our decision to review the agencies with significant numbers of public speaking events and the fact that any additional information we might have obtained from Labor and HHS would not fully remove the records access limitation imposed by EOP, we only asked that Labor and HHS confirm the amounts reported by EOP. [9] 31 U.S.C. § 716(a). [10] 31 U.S.C. § 1535(b). [11] GAO, Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government, GAO/AIMD-00-21.3.1 (Washington, D.C.: November 1999). [12] See also chapter 2 of title VII of GAO's Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies, which provides guidance on agencies' responsibilities with regard to reimbursements between agencies. [13] Department of the Treasury, Procurement Services Division, Customer's Guide To Processing Payable Interagency Agreements (IAA) (January 2006), p. 9. [14] Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service, Federal Intragovernmental Transactions Accounting Policy Guide (Washington, D.C. August 2006). [15] The EOP events with no reported expenses include the President's events on May 4 and 13, and June 8, 14, and 23, 2005; Noam Neusner's April 2, 2005 event; and Keith B. Hennessey's March 7, 2005, event. The reported expenses do include travel expenses for 8 events that EOP reported it could not tie to the specific Social Security reform events we identified based upon its review of travel expense files. Those events include Joshua B. Bolten's April 4, 2005, event, Allan B. Hubbard's events on March 24 and 28, 2005, Keith B. Hennessey's March 30, 2005, event, and Brian Reardon's April 25, 2005, event. [16] SSA did not report costs for local travel. [17] Refer to enc. 1, Scope and Methodology, for details related to the statistical sample. [18] Identified Treasury travel expenses included $3,063 for travel to "Teach Children to Save Day" events, which are listed in enclosure III. While not the primary focus of these events, Social Security reform was discussed. Many of the initiatives were conducted in Washington, D.C., or in conjunction with other events and therefore did not likely have significant additional travel expenses. Treasury did not report costs for local travel. [19] The salary expenses associated with the assignments to the SSIC were considered direct and incremental because newly hired employees were initially assigned full-time to the SSIC. [20] The remaining events were attended by officials from five other agencies including the Departments of Commerce, Health and Human Services (HHS), Housing and Urban Development, and Labor (Labor), and the Small Business Administration. [21] In our request for EOP information and documentation, we asked EOP to report nontravel and nonstaging expenses if they amounted to more than $2,500. [22] These vouchers represent 73 of the events attended by SSA officials in support of the Social Security reform initiative. [23] We are 95-percent confident that the error rate associated with sampling error inherent in statistical sampling is less than or equal to 1 percent, plus or minus 5 percent. GAO's Mission: The Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, exists to support Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and accountability of the federal government for the American people. GAO examines the use of public funds; evaluates federal programs and policies; and provides analyses, recommendations, and other assistance to help Congress make informed oversight, policy, and funding decisions. 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