General Services Administration Reports for April 1973
- B-176628 - Improper Submission of Bid Samples (1973-04-03)
- B-177623 - General Services Administration Assumption of the Telpak Functions of the Defense Commercial Communications Office (1973-04-13)
- B-177445 - Request for Rescission of Contract (1973-04-13)
- B-133972 - Compensation During Period of Temporary Intermittent Employment (1973-04-16)
- B-115369 - Revisions Needed in Financial Management Policies of the Federal Government's Automatic Data Processing Fund (1973-04-17)
- B-177284 - Agency Consideration of Late Proposals (1973-04-19)
- B-177278 - Protest of Army Contract Award for ADP Equipment (1973-04-19)
- B-174744 - Claim for Payment Withheld Under Army Contract (1973-04-20)
- B-176901 - Protest of GSA Contract Award (1973-04-20)
- B-115369 - Independent Estimate of Total Annual Costs Associated With Government Owned and Used ADP Equipment (1973-04-25)
- B-178311 - Questions Concerning Replacement of Kiwanis Markers With Similar Government Markers (1973-04-25)
- B-171019 - Costs of Redecorating the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration's Headquarters Office, Washington, D.C. (1973-04-26)
- B-171019 - Renovation Costs at the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (1973-04-26)