Analysis of Members' New Allowance System
Gao ID: GGD-77-18 January 3, 1977An analysis was performed of funds available to Members of the House of Representatives to operate a Congressional office under the new allowance system effective January 3, 1977. The analysis covered clerk-hire and Members' expenses incurred in the discharge of official duties, services available in connection with official duties, and personal benefits available to Members.
Under the new system, Members will be entitled to several annual allowances for use in official duties. Some of these allowances will be limited to specific purposes, others will be pooled and available to pay necessary expenses in any of the categories included in the pool. Total annual expenses will be from $300,328 to $316,751 depending on the Member's district. All allowances will be available for a 1-year period from January 3, and cannot be used beyond this period. Appropriate documentation of expenses must be submitted to the Clerk of the House.