General Services Administration Reports for February 1979
- EMD-79-17 - Use, Cost, Purpose, and Makeup of Department of Energy Advisory Committees (1979-02-02)
- B-129874 - Review of New DAR Establishing a New Cost Principle Allowing the Charge of Lobbying Costs (1979-02-02)
- 108536 - Administration of the Federal Government's Anti-Inflation Program (1979-02-05)
- B-161744 - GAO's Need for an Interim Management Data System (MDS) (1979-02-05)
- 108553 - GSA's Multiple Award Schedule Program (1979-02-06)
- PSAD-79-30 - Allegations of Contractor Malperformance and Improper Contracting Out of Work by General Services Administration Employees in the Baltimore, Maryland, Area (1979-02-14)
- 108613 - Department of Energy Procurement Practices, Personnel Management, Administrative Law Judge Activities, and Advisory Committee Management Operations (1979-02-15)
- LCD-79-106 - Release of Carson City Silver Dollar Bidders List (1979-02-15)
- CED-79-48 - Review of Allegations of Unfair Treatment of New Breed Moving Corporation (1979-02-21)
- 108719 - Claimed Default on General Services Administration's Participation Certificates, Series A Through E (1979-02-27)