General Services Administration Reports for May 1982
- PLRD-82-88 - Improvements Needed in Space Leasing Program (1982-05-06)
- FPCD-82-44 - Agencies Need Controls To Preclude Severance Payments to Certain Ineligible Former Employees (1982-05-07)
- PLRD-82-46 - More Effective Leasing Procedures and Practices Could Help GSA Reduce Delays in Meeting Federal Space Needs (1982-05-10)
- PLRD-82-78 - Federal Water Conservation in the Metropolitan Washington Area (1982-05-12)
- AFMD-82-78 - Validity and Comparability of Quantitative Data Presented by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency on Inspectors General Activities (1982-05-18)
- PLRD-82-53 - Review of Costs To Close the Frankford Arsenal (1982-05-19)
- 118445 - Review of Furniture Purchases by Federal Labor Relations Authority (1982-05-20)