S. 1482 To Amend Certain Provisions of P.L. 91-269
Gao ID: 120393 June 29, 1982GAO discussed its audit work on the construction of pavilions for international expositions and its views on S. 1482. This bill would amend P.L. 91-269 and provide a procedure for determining whether to construct a permanent or temporary Federal pavilion. It would require the design of a permanent pavilion meet both the immediate need of the exposition and the Federal Government's reuse needs. In two previous reports GAO recommended that to, avoid unnecessary expenditures and to maximize residual use of U.S. pavilions, Congress should amend P.L. 91-269. Finding a Federal use for pavilions after expositions had been a continuing problem. The Department of Commerce failed to develop an adequate residual plan for the U.S. pavilion at the Knoxville International Energy Exposition. Although a Federal need for 100,000 square feet of office space in the Knoxville area has been identified and considered early in the planning phase, a firm Federal reuse plan for the pavilion was never developed. GAO is pleased that S. 1482 provisions are consistent with recommendations contained in two previous reports and supports its enactment into law.