Navy Office Space
Consolidating Space in Northern Virginia for the Five Systems Commands Gao ID: GGD-90-39FS June 28, 1990Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information concerning 5 Navy commands, focusing on: (1) where the commands were located; (2) the status of the building leases; and (3) the status of the General Services Administration's (GSA) efforts to negotiate a lease to consolidate the commands.
GAO found that: (1) 20 GSA-managed buildings housed 5 Navy commands in 2.27 million square feet of space; (2) GSA has 17 leases, which individually expire from April 1990 through December 1996, for the 20 buildings; (3) GSA plans call for the Navy to start moving into new space in 1993, and expect the move to be completed in 1998; (4) to provide the Navy with space between the expiration of the leases and the availability of space, GSA plans to negotiate time extensions at market prices on the existing leases; (5) GSA paid the building owners from $4.00 to $30.45 per square foot on the 17 leases, and charged the Department of Defense (DOD) from $15.92 to $28.49 per square foot for office space and services; (6) GSA charged DOD 27 different rates for storage space, ranging from $5.67 to $50.89 per square foot; (7) offerors were responding to a GSA solicitation for the consolidated space by preparing design, construction, and maintenance proposals; (8) GSA required the offerors to submit their proposals during June 1990; and (9) GSA plans called for awarding a contract for the consolidated space during June 1991.