FTS 2000
Mandatory Use Gao ID: IMTEC-92-33R February 28, 1992Pursuant to a legislative requirement and a congressional request, GAO commented on FTS 2000 mandatory use, focusing on: (1) whether a requirement for mandatory use of FTS 2000 should be continued for fiscal year (FY) 1993; and (2) a proposed modification to make mandatory use contingent on the General Services Administration's (GSA) reporting that FTS 2000 is satisfying the government's telecommunications requirements in the most cost-effective manner. GAO noted that: (1) GSA is currently conducting the first of two price redeterminations called for in the contracts, which should result in a favorable price for telecommunications services for the government; (2) in light of the ongoing price redeterminations, the mandatory use requirement should continue to be enforced for FY 1993; and (3) the FY 1993 proposed budget modification can be used as a vehicle to ensure that FTS 2000 is providing telecommunications services in the most cost-effective manner.