General Services Administration
Observations on GSA's Implementation of the Federal Operations Review Model Gao ID: T-GGD-96-151 July 18, 1996GAO was asked to monitor the General Services Administration's (GSA) implementation of the Federal Operations Review Model (FORM), which GSA developed to help identify the most cost-effective methods of carrying out each of its 16 major mission-support functions or business lines. GAO found no reason to question the view of the GSA Office of Inspector General (IG) that, although GSA's implementation of the preliminary phase generally followed the prescribed FORM process, it contained several weaknesses involving the consistent application of assumptions, the sufficiency of--and in some cases the absence of--relevant data, the appropriateness of cost estimates, and financial calculation errors. Similarly, the IG's observation that the data in initial FORM analysis reports should not be relied upon as the primary basis for making final decisions about privatizing or outsourcing specific business lines seems reasonable--particularly because phase one was to be followed by a more in-depth second analysis.