Federal Real Property

Vacant and Underutilized Properties at GSA, VA, and USPS Gao ID: GAO-03-747 August 19, 2003

The federal government has many vacant and underutilized properties that are no longer needed. Retaining unneeded real properties presents federal agencies with significant potential risks for (1) lost dollars because such properties are costly to maintain; and (2) lost opportunities because the properties could be put to more cost-beneficial uses, exchanged for other needed property, or sold to generate revenue for the government. The General Services Administration (GSA), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) hold a significant number of real property assets. GAO was asked to provide information on how these agencies identify vacant and underutilized real properties and the numbers, types, and locations of these properties.

GSA, VA, and USPS primarily rely on field office officials to identify vacant and underutilized properties. These officials make on-site property visits, communicate with tenant agencies about lease renewals, and examine agency program requirements that will affect agencies' real property needs. These three agencies also have ongoing nationwide initiatives to realign their real property portfolios. GSA officials are reviewing all of its properties to identify and remove all assets from its real property inventory that are not financially self-sustaining or for which there is not a substantial, long-term federal purpose. VA officials are in the process of identifying unneeded real property assets to reduce VA's large inventory of vacant and underutilized buildings. USPS officials are reviewing and modifying its postal real property infrastructure so that USPS can enhance customer service and control costs through the closing and consolidation of unneeded facilities, such as some post offices. As of October 1, 2002, these agencies reported a total of 927 vacant and underutilized real properties--including facilities and land--located throughout the United States and Puerto Rico in 294 cities. VA reported the most properties--577; GSA reported 236 properties, and USPS reported 114 properties. Most of these properties--807 of 927--were facilities that represented about 32.1 million square feet and ranged from office buildings to hospitals to post offices. Although VA reported the highest number of facilities, GSA facilities made up more than half of this square footage. The remaining 120 properties were vacant lands reported only by VA and USPS, most of which were 10 acres or less. GSA said that 236 properties is an overstatement because 43 properties are committed to future use, and 37 small properties support occupiable space. GAO did not change GSA's total number of properties because they were vacant or underutilized as of October 1, 2002. However, GAO reflected GSA's concern in the text and in the list of GSA's properties. VA and USPS generally agreed with the information in this report.

GAO-03-747, Federal Real Property: Vacant and Underutilized Properties at GSA, VA, and USPS This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-03-747 entitled 'Federal Real Property: Vacant and Underutilized Properties at GSA, VA, and USPS' which was released on August 19, 2003. This text file was formatted by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) to be accessible to users with visual impairments, as part of a longer term project to improve GAO products' accessibility. Every attempt has been made to maintain the structural and data integrity of the original printed product. Accessibility features, such as text descriptions of tables, consecutively numbered footnotes placed at the end of the file, and the text of agency comment letters, are provided but may not exactly duplicate the presentation or format of the printed version. The portable document format (PDF) file is an exact electronic replica of the printed version. We welcome your feedback. Please E-mail your comments regarding the contents or accessibility features of this document to Webmaster@gao.gov. This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. It may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. Because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately. On January 8, 2004, this document was revised to add various footnote references missing in the text of the body of the document. Report to Congressional Requesters: August 2003: Federal Real Property: Vacant and Underutilized Properties at GSA, VA, and USPS: GAO-03-747: GAO Highlights: Highlights of GAO-03-747, a report to Congressional Requesters Why GAO Did This Study: The federal government has many vacant and underutilized properties that are no longer needed. Retaining unneeded real properties presents federal agencies with significant potential risks for (1) lost dollars because such properties are costly to maintain; and (2) lost opportunities because the properties could be put to more cost- beneficial uses, exchanged for other needed property, or sold to generate revenue for the government. The General Services Administration (GSA), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) hold a significant number of real property assets. GAO was asked to provide information on how these agencies identify vacant and underutilized real properties and the numbers, types, and locations of these properties. What GAO Found: * GSA, VA, and USPS primarily rely on field office officials to identify vacant and underutilized properties. These officials make on- site property visits, communicate with tenant agencies about lease renewals, and examine agency program requirements that will affect agencies‘ real property needs. These three agencies also have ongoing nationwide initiatives to realign their real property portfolios. GSA officials are reviewing all of its properties to identify and remove all assets from its real property inventory that are not financially self-sustaining or for which there is not a substantial, long-term federal purpose. VA officials are in the process of identifying unneeded real property assets to reduce VA‘s large inventory of vacant and underutilized buildings. USPS officials are reviewing and modifying its postal real property infrastructure so that USPS can enhance customer service and control costs through the closing and consolidation of unneeded facilities, such as some post offices. * As of October 1, 2002, these agencies reported a total of 927 vacant and underutilized real properties”including facilities and land” located throughout the United States and Puerto Rico in 294 cities. VA reported the most properties”577; GSA reported 236 properties, and USPS reported 114 properties. Most of these properties”807 of 927”were facilities that represented about 32.1 million square feet and ranged from office buildings to hospitals to post offices. Although VA reported the highest number of facilities, GSA facilities made up more than half of this square footage. The remaining 120 properties were vacant lands reported only by VA and USPS, most of which were 10 acres or less. * GSA said that 236 properties is an overstatement because 43 properties are committed to future use, and 37 small properties support occupiable space. GAO did not change GSA‘s total number of properties because they were vacant or underutilized as of October 1, 2002. However, GAO reflected GSA‘s concern in the text and in the list of GSA‘s properties. VA and USPS generally agreed with the information in this report. www.gao.gov/cgi-bin/getrpt?GAO-03-747. To view the full report, including the scope and methodology, click on the link above. For more information, contact Mark L. Goldstein at (202) 512-2834 or goldsteinm@gao.gov. [End of section] Contents: Letter: Results In Brief: Background: How GSA, VA, and USPS Identify Vacant and Underutilized Real Property: Numbers, Types, and Locations of GSA, VA, and USPS Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties: Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: Appendixes: Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology: Appendix II: List of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by the General Services Administration as of October 1, 2002: Appendix III: List of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by the Department of Veterans Affairs as of October 1, 2002: Appendix IV: List of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by the U.S. Postal Service as of October 1, 2002: Appendix V: List of Locations with 5 or More GSA, VA, and USPS Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties as of October 1, 2002: Appendix VI: Comments from the General Services Administration: Appendix VII: GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments: Tables: Table 1: Total Number of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by GSA, VA, and USPS as of October 1, 2002: Table 2: Information on Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by GSA, VA, and USPS as of October 1, 2002: Table 3: Ranges of Facility Sizes for all 3 agencies--GSA, VA, and USPS- -as of October 1, 2002: Table 4: Size Ranges for Vacant Land Reported by VA and USPS as of October 1, 2002: Figures: Figure 1: Total Number of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by GSA, VA, and USPS as of October 1, 2002: Figure 2: Breakdown of the Numbers of Vacant and Underutilized Properties Reported by GSA, VA, and USPS as of October 1, 2002: Figure 3: Example of Vacant GSA-Owned Property--the L. Mendel Rivers Federal Building in Charleston, South Carolina: Figure 4: Example of Vacant VA-Owned Property--the Former Main Hospital Building on the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Health Facility Campus: Figure 5: Example of Vacant USPS-Owned Property--the Former Main Post Office in Chicago, Illinois: Abbreviations: CARES: Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services: GSA: General Services Administration: USPS: U.S. Postal Service: VA: Department of Veterans Affairs: VHA: Veterans Health Administration: Letter August 19, 2003: Congressional Requesters: This report responds to your request for information on vacant and underutilized real property controlled by three federal agencies--the General Services Administration (GSA), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS).[Footnote 1] As discussed in our January 2003 high-risk report on federal real property, over 30 agencies control hundreds of thousands of real property assets worldwide that are worth hundreds of billions of dollars.[Footnote 2] However, many of these assets, which include vacant and underutilized properties, are no longer needed because of significant changes in the size and mission needs of federal agencies. Unneeded assets present significant potential risks to federal agencies not only for lost dollars because such properties are costly to maintain but also for lost opportunities because the properties could be put to more cost-beneficial uses, exchanged for other needed property, or sold to generate revenue for the government. In addition, continuing to hold real property that may no longer be needed does not present a positive image of the federal government in local communities. Instead, it can present an image of waste and inefficiency that erodes taxpayers' confidence and can have a negative impact on local economies if the property is occupying a valuable location and is not used for other purposes, sold, or used in a public-private partnership if such a partnership provides the best economic value for the government.[Footnote 3] As of September 30, 2000, the federal government owned about 3 billion square feet of building floor space worldwide.[Footnote 4] You asked us to provide information on (1) how GSA, VA, and USPS--the largest nondefense holders of federally owned space--identify vacant and underutilized properties; and (2) the numbers, types, and locations of these properties.[Footnote 5] To meet the first objective, we discussed and documented real property procedures and practices with federal officials at the three agencies, including how they identified these properties. For the second objective, we obtained and analyzed information on GSA's, VA's Veterans Health Administration, and USPS's vacant and underutilized properties. A more detailed discussion of our objectives, scope, and methodology is included in appendix I. Results In Brief: GSA, VA, and USPS rely primarily on their agencies' real property officials in field office locations to identify vacant and underutilized properties. According to agency officials and current agency policies and procedures, field office officials identify such properties through the daily management and oversight of their real property portfolios. Some specific steps these officials use to identify vacant and underutilized property include on-site property visits, communications with tenant agencies about lease renewals, and examinations of agency program requirements that will affect agencies' real property needs. Also, all three agencies have recognized the importance of realigning their real property portfolios by identifying and disposing of unneeded real property. * In June 2001, GSA started an overall effort, commonly referred to as the portfolio restructuring initiative, in which GSA officials are reviewing all of its properties nationwide to identify and remove all assets from its real property inventory, including vacant and underutilized properties, that are not financially self-sustaining or for which there is not a substantial, long-term federal purpose. * In October 2000, VA began a process known as the Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services that is intended to strategically realign its real property assets to better serve veterans' health needs. One of the process' major objectives is to reduce VA's large inventory of vacant and underutilized buildings and the significant costs needed to maintain these buildings. * USPS, faced with such challenges as changing customer needs, declining mail volumes, rising costs, and increasing security concerns, issued a transformation plan in April 2002. Among other things, the plan discussed the need for USPS to review and modify its infrastructure of postal facilities so that it can enhance customer service and control costs through the closing and consolidation of unneeded postal facilities, such as some post offices. As of October 1, 2002, GSA, VA, and USPS reported having a total of 927 vacant and underutilized real properties that included a wide range of facilities--such as office buildings, hospitals, and post offices--and land located throughout the 50 states and in the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. As shown in figure 1, VA reported the highest number of vacant and underutilized real properties. Figure 1: Total Number of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by GSA, VA, and USPS as of October 1, 2002: [See PDF for image] [End of figure] More of the 927 properties--600, or about 65 percent--were vacant compared with the remaining 327, or about 35 percent, which were underutilized properties. Further, most of the vacant and underutilized properties--807 of 927, or about 87 percent--were facilities and ranged from office buildings and storage facilities to hospitals and medical centers to post offices. These facilities represented about 32.1 million square feet of space. Although VA reported having the highest number of vacant and underutilized facilities, GSA's vacant and underutilized facilities made up more than half of this square footage. The sizes of the 3 agencies' facilities ranged from less than 10,000 square feet to more than 100,000 square feet, with about half of the facilities measuring less than 10,000 square feet. The 120 land properties were owned by VA and USPS and ranged in size from less than 1 acre to 174 acres. The three agencies' vacant and underutilized properties were located in 294 cities throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. The highest numbers of vacant and underutilized properties were reported for Los Angeles, California, which had a total of 54 properties; and Fort Howard, Maryland, which had a total of 43 properties. In commenting on a draft of this report, the Commissioner of GSA's Public Buildings Service said that the report overstated the number of vacant and underutilized properties in GSA's inventory. He said that the 236 GSA properties cited in the report include 43 properties representing about 8 million square feet of space that are already committed to being used and 37 small, unoccupiable support properties, such as pump houses, that are necessary to the functioning of occupiable space. We did not change the total number of GSA's properties as GSA suggested because the 236 properties met our criteria of being vacant or underutilized as of October 1, 2002. Furthermore, most of the 43 committed properties remain vacant or underutilized, and most of the 37 support properties have vacant or underutilized rentable square feet. However, we reflected GSA's concern in the report and modified appendix II--the list of GSA's vacant and underutilized properties as of October 1, 2002--to specifically identify those properties that GSA said were committed to being used and small properties that support occupiable space. VA's Assistant Secretary for Management and USPS's Managers of Facilities Program Management and Realty Asset Management generally agreed with the information in the report and provided technical comments that were incorporated in the report where appropriate. Background: The federal real property environment has many stakeholders and involves a vast and diverse portfolio of assets that are used for a wide variety of missions. Real property is generally defined as facilities; land; and anything constructed on, growing on, or attached to land. The U.S. government's fiscal year 2002 financial statements show an acquisition cost of more than $335 billion for real property assets held by the federal government on September 30, 2002.[Footnote 6] In terms of facilities, GSA data indicated that as of September 30, 2000, the federal government owned about 3 billion square feet of building floor space worldwide and that GSA, VA, and USPS are the largest nondefense holders of this federally owned space. GSA provides real estate services for itself as well as for other federal agencies and owns such facilities as office buildings, courthouses, and border stations.[Footnote 7] VA provides health care services to veterans and owns such facilities as hospitals, medical centers, research laboratories, and nursing homes and structures that support these facilities, such as garages and storage buildings.[Footnote 8] USPS provides mail delivery services and owns such facilities as post offices and mail processing plants. Also, the three agencies own tracts of land that may have been acquired for various purposes. For example, in some cases, USPS acquires land adjacent to a postal facility in anticipation of a possible need for future expansion of the facility. Federal real property managers operate in a complex and dynamic environment. Numerous laws and regulations govern the acquisition, management, and disposal of federal real property. The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (Property Act), and the Public Buildings Act of 1959, as amended, are the laws that generally apply to the acquisition, use, and disposal of real property held by federal agencies.[Footnote 9] GSA is responsible for implementing the Property Act and the Public Buildings Act. Agencies, including GSA and VA, are subject to the requirements of these acts unless they are specifically exempted from them. USPS, which is an independent establishment in the executive branch, is exempt from the Property Act and from most federal laws dealing with real property and contracting. USPS is authorized to sell, lease, or dispose of real property under its general powers.[Footnote 10] In addition to the Property Act, Executive Order 12512, dated April 29, 1985, required GSA to, among other things, provide governmentwide policy oversight and guidance for federal real property management. In response to Executive Order 12512, GSA published regulations that established governmentwide guidelines that agencies can use to identify vacant and underutilized real property.[Footnote 11] Among other things, these guidelines provided general definitions of vacant and underutilized real properties and established a process that agencies can use to review real property holdings and determine the actions that may be needed to better use or dispose of vacant and underutilized properties. How GSA, VA, and USPS Identify Vacant and Underutilized Real Property: GSA, VA, and USPS rely primarily on their real property officials in field office locations to identify vacant and underutilized properties. According to agency officials and current agency policies and procedures, field office officials identify such properties through the daily management and oversight of their real property portfolios. Some specific steps for identifying vacant and underutilized properties include observations that these officials make during on-site property visits, communications the officials have with tenant agencies about lease renewals, and examinations of agency program requirements that will affect agencies' real property needs. In addition, each agency has initiated a special nationwide effort to identify unneeded properties and develop an effective strategy for better aligning its real property assets with each agency's changing mission. In examining their real property portfolios, GSA and VA officials told us that they generally rely on GSA's governmentwide regulations concerning vacant and underutilized property as their guide for identifying such properties. USPS officials told us that although USPS is exempt from these regulations, they continuously strive to identify any real property assets that are vacant or underutilized as part of their ongoing real property oversight and management responsibilities. The regulations, among other things, include various questions that agencies could consider in examining their real property portfolios. For example, the questions involve such matters as whether contemplated agency program changes will alter property requirements or whether all of the property is essential for program requirements. GSA officials said that each agency has unique properties that serve different missions and has significant discretion in interpreting these regulations as to when and how best to identify vacant and underutilized properties. GSA officials also said that although there are no governmentwide data on vacant and underutilized properties, each agency is responsible for maintaining its own information on such properties. Identifying Vacant and Underutilized Properties Is a Decentralized Process: GSA headquarters officials are primarily responsible for monitoring the use of space in all of its properties to ensure that such space is efficiently used. GSA headquarters officials also work with field officials to develop plans for enhancing the use of space in vacant and underutilized properties or disposing of them. However, identifying vacant and underutilized properties in GSA is largely a decentralized process and considered an integral part of the routine real property management activities that GSA headquarters expects its field officials to implement. Asset management teams in GSA's 11 regional offices are primarily responsible for real property management activities, which include identifying vacant and underutilized properties. The members of GSA's regional office asset management teams include various real property management officials, such as portfolio directors, asset managers, realty specialists, and property managers, who are usually located at or near specific properties. According to GSA officials, these team members work together on a regular basis to manage the real properties for which they are responsible to ensure that the properties are well maintained and that property occupants are provided with space that will adequately meet their needs. Team members also work together to manage the property so that, to the extent possible, the property's income, usually received from property tenants, covers or exceeds the property's expenses. GSA officials said that asset management team members generally identify vacant and underutilized properties while carrying out their day-to-day real property management responsibilities. For example, a realty specialist, who is responsible for monitoring tenant leases in a facility, will apprise other asset management team members of any tenants who do not plan to renew their leases, which may cause the facility to become vacant or underutilized. Also, other means may be used to identify vacant and underutilized properties. For example, an asset manager may periodically visit a property to make first-hand observations about the overall condition of the property and the extent to which space in the property is occupied. These asset managers also examine program requirements and changing agency mission needs to determine if existing space is adequate. Like GSA, VA's process for identifying vacant and underutilized properties is decentralized. VA headquarters relies primarily on field staff to continuously oversee and manage its real properties, which involves identifying vacant and underutilized properties. In each of VA's 21 regional offices, referred to as Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISN), the VISN director is the key individual responsible for overall real property management activities at VA locations. To identify vacant and underutilized properties, the VISN director relies on various VA personnel, such as chief facility engineers, who are usually located at or near the properties and are most knowledgeable about them. According to VA officials, these individuals generally work together with occupants of the VA property, including medical center directors, hospital administrators, and chiefs of medical departments, to ensure that the property is well maintained and meets their needs for providing veterans with quality health care services. At VA locations, vacant and underutilized properties are identified through various methods. For example, a chief facility engineer may periodically walk through a VA property to identify unoccupied space or solicit information from property occupants about the extent to which space in the property is being used. Also, some VA locations have strategic planning committees that, among other things, are responsible for ensuring that space in VA properties is well used and effectively responds to changing mission needs. Members of these committees, most of which include the associate medical center director and the chief facility engineer as well as medical staff representatives such as the medical center's chief of surgery, work together on a regular basis to review the utilization of space in VA properties and identify specific properties or portions of properties that may be vacant or underutilized. Similar to GSA and VA, USPS has a decentralized process in which USPS headquarters expects its field staff to be responsible for continuous oversight and management of real properties, which includes identifying vacant or underutilized properties. USPS officials told us that although USPS is not subject to GSA's governmentwide guidelines related to such properties, field staff continuously strive to identify vacant and underutilized properties as part of their day-to-day real property oversight and management responsibilities. The vice presidents in charge of USPS's 8 area offices and the Capital Metro office have overall responsibility for real property operations in 85 district offices throughout the country. District managers, who are in charge of district offices and report to area office vice presidents, are responsible for the oversight and management of real properties within their jurisdictions. District managers are usually located at or near USPS properties and rely on various staff, including facility engineers, facility specialists, and architect-engineers, for day-to- day oversight and management of real properties, which includes identifying properties or portions of properties that are vacant or underutilized. According to USPS officials, USPS field staff may use various methods to identify these types of properties, such as periodic site visits to observe how space in properties is used and annual real property reviews to identify future space needs. Also, USPS field staff may receive information from occupants about space utilization changes. For example, a postmaster in charge of a post office may notify a facility specialist in the district office that changes to mail delivery routes have reduced the post office's workload, thus creating some vacant space in the post office that may no longer be needed. GSA, VA, and USPS Have Begun Nationwide Initiatives to Realign Their Real Property Portfolios: All three agencies have recognized the importance of realigning their real property portfolios by identifying and disposing of unneeded real property. Recently, each agency has initiated a special nationwide effort to identify unneeded properties and develop a strategy for better aligning its real property assets with each agency's changing mission. GSA has recognized that it has many buildings in its portfolio, including vacant and underutilized properties that are not financially self-sustaining--not generating sufficient income to cover expenses--or for which there is not a substantial, long-term federal purpose or predominant federal need. In June 2001, GSA initiated an overall effort--commonly referred to as the portfolio restructuring initiative--to restructure and reinvest in the portfolio. The objective of this initiative is to better align GSA's properties with its mission of providing quality space and services at a cost that is competitive with the private sector. According to GSA officials, GSA is currently developing plans for enhancing the utilization of its buildings or disposing of them. GSA plans to complete implementation of the portfolio restructuring initiative by 2007 and expects by that time to have a portfolio of strong, income-producing properties that is much more responsive to changing agency mission needs. In August 1999, we reported that VA could enhance veterans' health care benefits if it reduced the level of resources spent on underused or inefficient buildings and used these resources instead to provide health care more efficiently in existing locations or closer to where veterans live.[Footnote 12] We recommended that VA develop asset- restructuring plans for all of its health care delivery markets to, among other things, help guide future decision-making about capital real property investments. In responding to this recommendation, VA recognized the need to strategically realign its real property assets to better serve veterans' health needs and began a process in October 2000 known as the Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services (CARES). VA initiated the CARES process to, among other things, reduce its large inventory of vacant and underutilized buildings and the significant costs required to maintain them. Many of the buildings became vacant and underutilized when VA began shifting its role in the mid-1990s from being a traditional hospital-based provider of medical services to an integrated delivery system that emphasizes a full continuum of care with a significant shift from inpatient to outpatient services. To get a better perspective on the extent to which vacant and underutilized properties existed nationwide, VA headquarters developed a database that identified these properties and that was used in the CARES process to identify space conditions in these properties. Through CARES, VA expects to develop a nationwide strategic plan that identifies the capital real property assets needed to meet veterans' health care needs as well as those assets that are no longer needed. In August 2002, VA announced the results of its CARES pilot test--a plan to realign capital real property assets in its Great Lakes network, which involves restructuring inpatient facilities and opening new outpatient clinics in community settings to provide health care to veterans. As part of this plan, VA identified 31 buildings that are no longer needed to meet veterans' health care needs, including 30 that were vacant, and has developed or implemented alternative use or disposal plans for most of these buildings.[Footnote 13] Currently, VA is conducting CARES studies in its 20 other health care networks. VA's goal is to make property realignment decisions by the end of 2003; at that time, given its extensive inventory of buildings nationwide, VA expects that many additional buildings will have been identified as not needed for use in providing health care to veterans. VA officials told us that in addition to CARES, VA has initiated other actions to address vacant and underutilized real properties. For example, under its enhanced-use leasing program, VA has entered into various public-private partnerships to help improve the use of some of its vacant and underutilized facilities.[Footnote 14] Also, in July 2001, VA established the Office of Asset Enterprise Management, which provides oversight of VA's real property assets by evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of real property asset management policies, principles, standards, and guidelines that govern the acquisition, management, and disposal of such assets. In addition, VA officials said that VA (1) has established 7 capital portfolio goals that are designed to help VA better manage its real property assets--3 of these goals focus on reducing the amount of vacant and underutilized space in its facilities; and (2) is developing a portfolio management information system known as the Capital Asset Management System that will enable VA to measure performance and monitor progress in attaining these goals. USPS has also recognized the need for addressing problems associated with vacant and underutilized properties. Faced with such challenges as changing customer needs, declining mail volumes, rising costs, and increasing security concerns, USPS issued a transformation plan in April 2002. In the plan, USPS discussed the need for a comprehensive transformation of USPS to ensure that it will be financially viable and can adequately fulfill its mission of providing the nation with postal services in the 21ST century. USPS also discussed the need to review and modify its infrastructure of postal facilities so that it can enhance customer service and control costs. Among other things, USPS identified various actions it plans to take regarding the process for closing and consolidating unneeded postal facilities. For example, USPS stated that it will lift the self-imposed moratorium on post office closings and consolidations. In addition, USPS plans to work with the Postal Rate Commission to streamline the post office closing process to minimize the amount of time it takes to reach decisions about post office closures. According to USPS officials, USPS will be continuously reviewing its entire postal infrastructure to, among other things, develop plans for realigning postal facilities to ensure that the facilities will adequately fulfill USPS's mission needs. The officials told us that as these reviews are completed, USPS will publicly announce its plans for realigning postal facilities. Numbers, Types, and Locations of GSA, VA, and USPS Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties: As of October 1, 2002, GSA, VA, and USPS reported having a total of 927 vacant and underutilized real properties--including a wide range of facilities and land--located throughout the 50 states and in the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.[Footnote 15] Of the 3 agencies, VA reported having the highest number of vacant and underutilized real properties--a total of 577 properties. GSA was second with 236 vacant and underutilized properties; and USPS was third with 114 vacant and underutilized properties.[Footnote 16] Table 1 shows a breakdown of the total numbers of vacant and underutilized facilities and land at the 3 agencies. Table 1: Total Number of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by GSA, VA, and USPS as of October 1, 2002: Agency: GSA; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Facilities: 236; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Land: 0; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Total: 236; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Percent of total: 26. Agency: VA; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Facilities: 533; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Land: 44; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Total: 577; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Percent of total: 62. Agency: USPS; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Facilities: 38; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Land: 76; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Total: 114; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Percent of total: 12. Agency: Total; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Facilities: 807; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Land: 120; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Total: 927; Number of vacant and underutilized properties: Percent of total: 100%. Source: GAO analysis of GSA, VA, and USPS data. [End of table] In commenting on a draft of this report, the Commissioner of GSA's Public Buildings Service said that the report overstated the number of vacant and underutilized properties in GSA's inventory. He said that the 236 GSA properties cited in the report include 43 properties representing about 8 million square feet of space that are already committed to being used and 37 small, unoccupiable support properties, such as pump houses, that are necessary to the functioning of occupiable space. We did not change the total number of GSA's properties as GSA suggested because the 236 properties met our criteria of being vacant or underutilized as of October 1, 2002. Furthermore, most of the 43 committed properties remain vacant or underutilized, and most of the 37 support properties have vacant or underutilized rentable square feet. However, to reflect GSA's concern, we modified appendix II--the list of GSA's vacant and underutilized properties as of October 1, 2002--to specifically identify those properties that GSA said were committed to being used and small properties that support occupiable space. GSA, VA, and USPS data showed that of the 927 properties, 600, or about 65 percent, were vacant properties; and 327, or about 35 percent, were underutilized properties. As shown in figure 2, VA and USPS reported having more vacant than underutilized properties, whereas GSA reported having more underutilized than vacant properties. Figure 2: Breakdown of the Numbers of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by GSA, VA, and USPS as of October 1, 2002: [See PDF for image] [End of figure] Table 2 provides more detailed information on the numbers of vacant and underutilized properties at each of the 3 agencies. Table 2: Information on Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by GSA, VA, and USPS as of October 1, 2002: Agency: GSA; Number of vacant properties: Facilities: 93; Number of vacant properties: Land[A]: 0; Number of vacant properties: Total vacant properties: 93; Number of underutilized properties: Facilities: 143; Number of underutilized properties: Land: 0; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Facilities: 236; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Land: 0; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Total: 236. Agency: VA; Number of vacant properties: Facilities: 352; Number of vacant properties: Land[A]: 44; Number of vacant properties: Total vacant properties: 396; Number of underutilized properties: Facilities: 181; Number of underutilized properties: Land: 0; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Facilities: 533; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Land: 44; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Total: 577. Agency: USPS; Number of vacant properties: Facilities: 35; Number of vacant properties: Land[A]: 76; Number of vacant properties: Total vacant properties: 111; Number of underutilized properties: Facilities: 3; Number of underutilized properties: Land: 0; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Facilities: 38; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Land: 76; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Total: 114. Agency: Total; Number of vacant properties: Facilities: 480; Number of vacant properties: Land[A]: 120; Number of vacant properties: Total vacant properties: 600; Number of underutilized properties: Facilities: 327; Number of underutilized properties: Land: 0; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Facilities: 807; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Land: 120; Total number of vacant and underutilized properties: Total: 927. Source: GAO analysis of GSA, VA, and USPS data. [A] The two agencies that identified land properties--VA and USPS-- considered these properties to be vacant. [End of table] As table 2 shows, most of the vacant and underutilized properties were facilities--807 of 927 properties, or about 87 percent--and these facilities included a wide range of structures. Most of GSA's vacant and underutilized facilities included office buildings, warehouses, and storage facilities. VA's vacant and underutilized facilities were buildings that were generally located on medical complexes in campus- like settings. These facilities typically included various medical buildings, such as hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes along with structures that supported the medical buildings, such as garages and storage buildings. Most of USPS's facilities included post offices, stations, and branches. The 807 facilities represented a total of about 32.1 million square feet of space.[Footnote 17] Although VA reported having the highest number of facilities, GSA's facilities had the highest amount of square footage. Specifically, GSA reported that its facilities had about 18.4 million square feet,[Footnote 18] or 57 percent of the total square footage belonging to the 3 agencies; VA reported that its facilities had about 9.4 million square feet, or 29 percent, of the total square footage; and USPS reported that its facilities had about 4.3 million square feet, or 13 percent, of the total square footage.[Footnote 19] In addition, the sizes of the facilities ranged from less than 10,000 square feet to over 100,000 square feet, with about half of the facilities under 10,000 square feet. Of the 63 properties that were over 100,000 square feet, 6 were over 500,000 square feet, with 1 of the 6 facilities having about 2.5 million square feet of space. Table 3 shows the ranges of facility sizes. Table 3: Ranges of Facility Sizes for All 3 Agencies--GSA, VA, and USPS--as of October 1, 2002: Range of size (square feet): 0 to 10,000; Vacant facilities: 324; Underutilized facilities: 94; Total: 418; Percent of total: 52. Range of size (square feet): 10,001 to 50,000; Vacant facilities: 117; Underutilized facilities: 141; Total: 258; Percent of total: 32. Range of size (square feet): 50,001 to 100,000; Vacant facilities: 19; Underutilized facilities: 49; Total: 68; Percent of total: 8. Range of size (square feet): Over 100,000; Vacant facilities: 20; Underutilized facilities: 43; Total: 63; Percent of total: 8. Range of size (square feet): Total; Vacant facilities: 480; Underutilized facilities: 327; Total: 807; Percent of total: 100%. Source: GAO analysis of GSA, VA, and USPS data. [End of table] It should be noted that the three agencies have taken actions or have planned actions to improve the use of some of these facilities or dispose of them. For example, through its portfolio restructuring initiative, GSA has developed plans to do repair and alteration work at 46 buildings and use the space in these buildings to house other federal agencies. In addition, GSA anticipates that 44 other buildings will ultimately be candidates for disposal. By the end of 2003, VA expects that its CARES process will result in a nationwide strategic plan that, among other things, will not only help VA improve the use of space in its facilities but also identify those real property assets that are no longer needed. Also, USPS has ongoing efforts to sell unneeded properties. For example, during 2002, USPS generated a total of $25.5 million in revenue from the sales of unneeded properties, which was an increase over similar sales in 2001 that totaled $22.7 million. Of the three agencies, only VA and USPS reported having vacant land. As of October 1, 2002, VA and USPS identified a total of 120 tracts of vacant land, which amounted to a total of about 2,000 acres. The land tracts ranged in size from less than 1 acre to 174 acres. As shown in table 4, 80, or about 67 percent, of the tracts of land owned by VA and USPS fell into the category of less than 1 acre to 10 acres. Only 9 properties fell into the category of more than 50 acres, with VA having most of these properties. Table 4: Size Ranges for Vacant Land Reported by VA and USPS as of October 1, 2002: Range of size (acres): Less than 1 to 10; Number of land tracts: VA: 13; Number of land tracts: USPS: 67; Number of land tracts: Total: 80; Percent of total: 67. Range of size (acres): 11 to 50; Number of land tracts: VA: 24; Number of land tracts: USPS: 7; Number of land tracts: Total: 31; Percent of total: 26. Range of size (acres): More than 50; Number of land tracts: VA: 7; Number of land tracts: USPS: 2; Number of land tracts: Total: 9; Percent of total: 8. Range of size (acres): Total; Number of land tracts: VA: 44; Number of land tracts: USPS: 76; Number of land tracts: Total: 120; Percent of total: 100%[A]. Source: GAO analysis of VA and USPS data. [A] Percentages do not add to 100 due to rounding. [End of table] As previously mentioned, our analysis of GSA, VA, and USPS data showed that the 927 vacant or underutilized properties were located throughout the 50 states and in the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. GSA's vacant and underutilized properties were located in 42 states and the District of Columbia, and VA's vacant and underutilized properties were located in 47 states and the District of Columbia. USPS's vacant and underutilized properties were located in 33 states and Puerto Rico. These 927 vacant and underutilized properties were located in 294 cities in the United States and Puerto Rico. Some of these vacant and underutilized properties were located in large metropolitan cities, such as Los Angeles, California; Chicago, Illinois; and Dallas, Texas; others were in smaller cities, such as Newington, Connecticut; Marion, Indiana; and Canton, Ohio. The data also showed that 49 locations had 5 or more of these properties. The highest numbers of vacant and underutilized properties were reported for Los Angeles, California, which had a total of 54 properties; and Fort Howard, Maryland, which had a total of 43 properties. A list of GSA's vacant and underutilized real properties is included in appendix II. Lists of vacant and underutilized real properties for VA and USPS are included in appendixes III and IV, respectively. Appendix V identifies the 49 locations that had 5 or more vacant and underutilized properties. GSA, VA, and USPS officials explained that each vacant or underutilized property has a unique history that, among other things, involves how long the property has been vacant or underutilized and the reasons why the property became vacant or underutilized. The officials told us that real property staff in field locations who have direct responsibility for oversight and management of vacant and underutilized properties would be in the best position to provide detailed information on the history of these properties. The officials explained that in all likelihood, changing agency mission needs along with other problems, such as the advanced age of various vacant and underutilized properties and their deteriorated condition, were the most common factors that led to the properties becoming vacant or underutilized. GSA, VA, and USPS officials said that although some vacant and underutilized federal properties have potential for alternate uses, the properties have for various reasons remained vacant or underutilized for years. For example, as discussed in our July 2001 report on public- private partnerships, the GSA-held property that is shown in figure 3- -the L. Mendel Rivers federal office building in Charleston, South Carolina--has been vacant for about 4 years.[Footnote 20] According to GSA officials, this facility--a 7-story, 100,000-square-foot building on just over 2 acres--has no rentable square footage. The facility is contaminated with asbestos and has been unoccupied since it sustained damage in 1999 from Hurricane Floyd. We reported that although there was a weak federal demand for space where the property is located, the property is located in a highly desirable location where land values are high, and there was a strong potential for private sector demand. GSA officials estimated that in fiscal year 2002, a total of about $28,000 was spent to cover various building operations and maintenance expenses, such as fire protection and utilities. A GSA official told us that as of April 2003, GSA and the city of Charleston had developed a memorandum of understanding, which states that the city of Charleston will construct a new building for GSA and, in exchange, the city will take control of the L. Mendel Rivers building. The official estimated that the city should be able to proceed with the new GSA building project in the summer of 2003. Figure 3: Example of Vacant GSA-Owned Property--the L. Mendel Rivers Federal Building in Charleston, South Carolina: [See PDF for image] Note: Provided by Ernst & Young LLP for use in our July 2001 report on public-private partnerships (GAO-01-906). [End of figure] Another example of a long-held vacant property involves a VA-owned building at a health care facility campus in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This 134,000-square-foot building, which is shown in figure 4, has been vacant for about 14 years. The building had been used as the campus' main hospital but was vacated in 1989 primarily because a new main hospital was built on the campus. VA officials told us that in June 1999, a consulting firm--Economic Research Associates--issued a study in which it identified various options for VA to consider in trying to enhance the use of various vacant and underutilized buildings on the Milwaukee campus, including the former main hospital building.[Footnote 21] On the basis of the study's results, VA officials told us that a substantial investment of capital would in all likelihood be needed to convert this building for alternate use. For example, to convert the building for use as housing for the elderly, the study estimated that about $8.4 million to $9.3 million would be needed. VA officials also mentioned that various organizations, such as the Salvation Army and the Knights of Columbus, expressed some interest in leasing the building; but thus far, VA has not received any firm offers from these organizations. VA officials told us that in fiscal year 2001, VA incurred about $348,000 in maintenance costs for this building, which included such expenses as utilities, pest management, and security. Also, the officials said that VA currently has no alternate use or disposal plans for this building. Figure 4: Example of Vacant VA-Owned Property--the Former Main Hospital Building on the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Health Facility Campus: [See PDF for image] Note: Photograph taken in December 2001. [End of figure] An example of a vacant USPS facility is the former Chicago Main Post Office located in downtown Chicago, Illinois, which is shown in figure 5. This 2.5-million-square-foot former post office and mail processing facility has not been used as the main post office since 1997--about 6 years--when it was replaced with a new postal facility. According to USPS officials, annual holding costs for this property exceed $2 million. The officials also told us that although USPS has received various offers to purchase this facility, attempts to complete the sale have thus far been delayed due mainly to (1) an overall weakness in the Chicago real estate market, which has raised concerns about whether a sufficient number of tenants could be found to occupy the facility; and (2) the inability of potential developers and the city of Chicago to agree on real estate tax abatement issues. According to USPS, there will have to be a breakthrough in current market conditions, together with an agreement between potential developers and the city of Chicago, before this project can move forward. Figure 5: Example of Vacant USPS-Owned Property--the Former Main Post Office in Chicago, Illinois: [See PDF for image] Note: Photograph taken in approximately 1995. [End of figure] Vacant and Underutilized Properties Pose Challenges for Federal Agencies: As noted in the above examples, the efficient use or disposal of unneeded real property, including vacant and underutilized property, poses significant challenges for federal agencies.[Footnote 22] As discussed in our January 2003 high-risk report on federal real property, disposal of unneeded real property is a complicated issue influenced by various laws as well as budgetary limitations.[Footnote 23] The high-risk report pointed out that in the disposal area, a range of laws intended to address other objectives challenges agencies' efforts to dispose of unneeded property. For example, USPS is specifically precluded from closing small post offices solely for economic reasons.[Footnote 24] Furthermore, agencies are required under the National Environmental Policy Act to consider the environmental impact of their decisions to dispose of real property. Generally speaking, agencies are responsible for environmental cleanup of any hazardous substances associated with the properties prior to disposal, such as medical wastes, asbestos, and lead paint. Despite the importance of this, cleanup costs can be considerable and can involve years of study. For property with historic designations--which is common in the federal portfolio--agencies are required by the National Historic Preservation Act to ensure that historic preservation is factored into how the property is eventually used. The high-risk report also pointed out that most agencies cannot retain the proceeds from the sale of unneeded property. Given that agencies are required to fund the costs of preparing property for disposal, the inability to retain any of the proceeds acts as an additional disincentive. The report further pointed out that public-private partnership arrangements can be a viable option for redeveloping obsolete federal property when they provide the best economic value for the government, compared with other options, such as federal financing through appropriations or sale of the property. However, most agencies are precluded from entering into such arrangements. The high-risk report recommended the development of a comprehensive and integrated real property transformation strategy that, among other things, could identify how best to realign and rationalize federal real property and dispose of unneeded real property assets. Continuing to hold unneeded vacant and underutilized properties is costly to the government and can present an image of waste and inefficiency that erodes taxpayer confidence. Given this, we plan to continue monitoring federal agencies' efforts to realign their real property portfolios. These efforts can help the agencies respond to changing mission needs and reduce the large number of vacant and underutilized properties in their real property inventories. Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: We received written comments on a draft of this report from GSA's Commissioner of the Public Buildings Service on June 23, 2003 (see app. VI). He said that the report overstates the amount of underutilized space in GSA's inventory. He said that the current list of GSA properties in the report includes vacant space that was not available for assignment because it is already committed, such as space being renovated for a customer agency. He stated that revising our list of vacant and underutilized properties to recognize properties committed to being occupied would reduce the total number of properties by 43-- from 236 to 193--and the square footage from 18.2 million to 10.3 million. In addition, he said that the number of vacant and underutilized properties is inflated by the inclusion of 37 small support properties that were unoccupiable, such as a pump house or a parking lot booth, but necessary to the functioning of occupiable space. The Commissioner went on to say that support properties are small and have little impact on the square footage of underutilized space reported, but the inclusion of these properties does disproportionately affect the number of underutilized properties. He stated that as of March 2003, the vacant assignable space in GSA's owned inventory, which he said was the commonly accepted private sector measure of vacancy, was 10 million square feet, which was only 5.5 percent of GSA's owned inventory. He also said that this percent is well below industry averages. He went on to say that as GSA implements its portfolio restructuring initiative, which is discussed earlier in this report, it will further improve the performance of its real property portfolio. For example, phasing out GSA's warehouses will reduce the current list of vacant and underutilized properties by 48 buildings. We did not change the total number of GSA's vacant and underutilized properties in the report. One of our objectives was to identify all vacant and underutilized properties in GSA's inventory as of October 1, 2002, so that we could provide an overview of these types of properties at a given point in time. According to GSA data, the 43 properties, which GSA said were committed to future use, and the 37 properties, which GSA said were support properties, met our criteria as vacant or underutilized properties as of October 1, 2002. Furthermore, based on updated information that we obtained from GSA, 37 of the 43 properties that GSA said were committed to future use remained vacant or underutilized as of May 1, 2003. In addition, 30 of the 37 support properties that GSA cites as unoccupiable had rentable space that GSA reported as vacant or underutilized. In the report, we provided specific information on the types, sizes, and vacancy rates for all properties reported by GSA, including committed and support properties, which provides transparency and context for understanding the nature of these properties. In addition, we stated in the report that the identification and disposal of vacant and underutilized property is an ongoing process, with the numbers of properties thus subject to constant change. Also, we recognized in the report that GSA (1) has developed plans to do repair and alteration work at 46 buildings and use the space in these buildings to house other federal agencies and (2) anticipates that 44 other buildings will ultimately be candidates for disposal. However, we reflected GSA's concern in the report and modified appendix II--the list of all GSA vacant and underutilized properties as of October 1, 2002--to specifically identify those properties that GSA identified as committed to being used and as support facilities necessary to the functioning of occupiable space. We did not verify the data that GSA provided on committed space and support properties. We applaud GSA's efforts to restructure its real property portfolio and its current progress in reducing vacant assignable space. GSA's current portfolio restructuring initiative, if implemented effectively, can go a long way toward better aligning GSA's properties to provide quality space and services at a cost that is competitive with the private sector and to reduce the number of vacant and underutilized properties in its real property inventory. GSA also provided technical comments that were incorporated in the report where appropriate. On June 23, 2003, we received oral comments from VA's Assistant Secretary for Management and USPS's Managers of Facilities Program Management and Realty Asset Management. They generally agreed with the information in the report and provided technical comments that were incorporated in the report where appropriate. We will send copies of the report to the appropriate congressional committees, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Administrator of GSA, the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Postmaster General. Copies will also be made available to other interested parties on request. In addition, the report will be available at no charge on our Web site at www.gao.gov. Contacts and staff acknowledgments for this report are included in appendix VII. If you or your staff have any questions, please contact me at (202) 512-2834 or at goldsteinm@gao.gov. Signed by: Mark L. Goldstein Acting Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues: List of Congressional Requesters: The Honorable Susan Collins United States Senate: The Honorable James M. Jeffords United States Senate: The Honorable Carl Levin United States Senate: The Honorable Jack Reed United States Senate: The Honorable Olympia J. Snowe United States Senate: The Honorable Arlen Specter United States Senate: The Honorable Luis Gutierrez House of Representatives: The Honorable Marcy Kaptur House of Representatives: The Honorable Dale Kildee House of Representatives: The Honorable Steven C. LaTourette House of Representatives: The Honorable Marty Meehan House of Representatives: The Honorable Jack Quinn House of Representatives: The Honorable Bart Stupak House of Representatives: [End of section] Appendixes: Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology: To meet the first objective, which was to provide information on how the General Services Administration (GSA), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and U.S. Postal Service (USPS) identified vacant and underutilized real properties, we reviewed, analyzed, and discussed with GSA and VA officials governmentwide real property management laws, regulations, and executive orders, which established criteria for most federal agencies to follow in accomplishing their responsibilities regarding vacant and underutilized real property. Also, because USPS is exempt from most federal laws dealing with real property, we reviewed appropriate legislation that authorizes USPS to sell, lease, or dispose of property under its general powers and discussed this legislation with USPS headquarters officials responsible for real property management operations. In addition, we reviewed various internal GSA, VA, and USPS documents, such as manuals, handbooks, and bulletins, which provided guidance on the agencies' procedures for identifying vacant and underutilized real property under their control. We also discussed these procedures with various headquarters and field officials from GSA, VA, and USPS who were responsible for and most knowledgeable about their agencies' real property management operations involving vacant and underutilized property. To meet the second objective, which was to provide information on the numbers, types, and locations of vacant and underutilized real properties at the three agencies, we obtained data from agency headquarters officials at GSA, VA's Veterans Health Administration, and USPS on their owned vacant and underutilized real properties-- facilities and land--as of October 1, 2002. In addition to identifying the numbers, types, and locations of such properties, we also examined, analyzed, and formatted the data to obtain some perspective and context about the characteristics of the properties, including size and vacancy rate. GSA suggested using a property's vacancy rate as the basis for determining whether a facility could be considered vacant or underutilized. GSA officials told us that they considered a facility as underutilized if it had a vacancy rate of 26 percent or more. To establish a clearer distinction between vacant and underutilized facilities in this report, we considered a facility with a 100 percent vacancy rate to be vacant and a facility with a vacancy rate of 26 percent to 99 percent to be underutilized. Using vacancy rates that GSA, VA, and USPS provided to us, we categorized the three agencies' facilities as either vacant or underutilized. For the purposes of this report, all land properties were considered 100 percent vacant. The real property data provided by GSA, VA, and USPS were the only centralized data available that could provide some indication of the numbers, types, and locations of the three agencies' vacant and underutilized properties nationwide. We did some limited testing of the real property data by discussing with agencies' headquarters database managers any apparent inconsistencies or inaccuracies we found with the data. On the basis of those discussions, we adjusted the data to ensure that the inconsistencies and inaccuracies we found were corrected or clearly explained. We did not perform a detailed review of the three agencies' computer systems that generated these data to determine the extent to which significant errors or incompleteness in the key real property data elements might exist. Also, we did not consider in our analysis the appropriateness of how space was used in the agencies' real properties. In addition, we did not examine the extent to which agencies used GSA's governmentwide guidelines to identify vacant and underutilized properties. As part of the initial request, we were also asked to develop information on the impact that GSA, VA, and USPS vacant and underutilized properties had on their real property operations and the local communities where the properties are located. As agreed with congressional staff, it was decided that this issue would be best pursued under a separate engagement. We received written comments on a draft of this report from the Commissioner of GSA's Public Buildings Service and oral comments from VA's Assistant Secretary for Management and USPS's Managers of Facilities Program Management and Realty Asset Management. The comments we received are discussed near the end of the letter, and GSA's written comments are included in appendix VI. We performed our work from November 2002 through June 2003 in accordance with generally accepted governmentwide auditing standards. [End of section] Appendix II: List of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by the General Services Administration as of October 1, 2002: State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Alabama (7); Property location: City: Theodore; Property location: Address[A]: Hamilton Blvd; Type of property: Depot[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Montgomery; Property location: Address[A]: 15 Lee St; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 119,751; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 96. Property location: City: Mobile; Property location: Address[A]: 167 St Louis St; Type of property: Garage parking[E, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 4,003; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 93. Property location: City: Gadsden; Property location: Address[A]: 600 Broad St; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 28,728; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 47. Property location: City: Selma; Property location: Address[A]: 908 Alabama Ave; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 20,373; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 44. Property location: City: Jasper; Property location: Address[A]: 1710 Alabama Ave; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 23,812; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 39. Property location: City: Birmingham; Property location: Address[A]: 1800 5th Ave N; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 164,644; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 35. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Alaska (2); Property location: City: Anchorage; Property location: Address[A]: 2nd Ave & Christensen; Type of property: Motor pool[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Anchorage; Property location: Address[A]: 222 W 8th Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 64,819; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 48. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Arizona (3); Property location: City: Tucson; Property location: Address[A]: 55 E Broadway St; Type of property: Courthouse[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 69,027; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Phoenix; Property location: Address[A]: 230 N First Ave; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 283,862; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 99. Property location: City: Phoenix; Property location: Address[A]: 314 N Second Ave; Type of property: Parking lot[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 80. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Arkansas (1); Property location: City: Hot Spgs Nat'l Park; Property location: Address[A]: Broadway & Reserve; Type of property: Post office/ courthouse[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 66,279; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): California (19); Property location: City: Laguna Niguel; Property location: Address[A]: 24000 Avila Rd; Type of property: Support bldg[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 12,361; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Alameda; Property location: Address[A]: 620 Central Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 8,470; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Alameda; Property location: Address[A]: 620 Central Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 8,387; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Alameda; Property location: Address[A]: 620 Central Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 689; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: San Francisco; Property location: Address[A]: 5[TH] & Mission St; Type of property: Mint building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Vallejo; Property location: Address[A]: 823 Marin St; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Alameda; Property location: Address[A]: 620 Central Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 8,406; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 74. Property location: City: Alameda; Property location: Address[A]: 620 Central Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 8,387; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 73. Property location: City: Sacramento; Property location: Address[A]: 801 I St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 170,404; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 67. Property location: City: Alameda; Property location: Address[A]: 620 Central Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 17,042; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 63. Property location: City: Alameda; Property location: Address[A]: 620 Central Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 9,271; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 63. Property location: City: Sacramento; Property location: Address[A]: 650 Capitol Mall; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 355,302; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 57. Property location: City: Alameda; Property location: Address[A]: 620 Central Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 22,654; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 45. Property location: City: Alameda; Property location: Address[A]: 620 Central Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 8,466; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 42. Property location: City: Alameda; Property location: Address[A]: 620 Central Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 42[I]. Property location: City: Merced; Property location: Address[A]: 18th & K Sts; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 14,061; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 38. Property location: City: South San Francisco; Property location: Address[A]: 1070 San Mateo Ave; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 571,274; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 37. Property location: City: San Francisco; Property location: Address[A]: 630 Sansome St; Type of property: Appraisers building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 434,481; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 35. Property location: City: Sacramento; Property location: Address[A]: 2800 Cottage Way; Type of property: Federal bldg shop[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 5,126; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Colorado (14); Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 14,963; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 8,878; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 2,083; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 1,541; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 1,541; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 5,128; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 92. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 372; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 81. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 33,625; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 69. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 360,797; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 67. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 1,957; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 52. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 10,171; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 49. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 12,837; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 36. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 5,180; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 36. Property location: City: Lakewood; Property location: Address[A]: W 6th Ave & Kipling St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 761; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 35. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Connecticut (1); Property location: City: New Haven; Property location: Address[A]: 150 Court St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 130,629; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 31. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): District of Columbia (10); Property location: City: Washington, DC; Property location: Address[A]: Second & C Sts SW; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 477,039; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Washington, DC; Property location: Address[A]: 2430 E St NW; Type of property: Federal building[E, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 38,945; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Washington, DC; Property location: Address[A]: M St SE; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 36,717; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Washington, DC; Property location: Address[A]: 726 Jackson Pl NW; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 6,842; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Washington, DC; Property location: Address[A]: 716 Jackson Pl NW; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 4,422; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Washington, DC; Property location: Address[A]: 740 Jackson Pl NW; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 3,909; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Washington, DC; Property location: Address[A]: 600 Independence SW; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 384,041; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 98. Property location: City: Washington, DC; Property location: Address[A]: Navy Yards; Type of property: GPO field plant[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 99,792; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 85. Property location: City: Washington, DC; Property location: Address[A]: 2701 South Capitol St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 51,158; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 81. Property location: City: Washington, DC; Property location: Address[A]: 9th & Constitution Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 904,858; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 40. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Florida (5); Property location: City: Tampa; Property location: Address[A]: 611 N Florida Ave; Type of property: Courthouse[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 92,747; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Tallahassee; Property location: Address[A]: 110 East Park Ave; Type of property: Courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 48,827; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: West Palm Beach; Property location: Address[A]: 801 Clematis St; Type of property: Industrial building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 14,903; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Pensacola; Property location: Address[A]: 100 Palafox St; Type of property: Courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 28,083; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 77. Property location: City: West Palm Beach; Property location: Address[A]: 801 Clematis St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 76,711; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 49. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Georgia (5); Property location: City: Thomasville; Property location: Address[A]: 404 Pinetree Blvd; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 8,695; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Albany; Property location: Address[A]: 337 Broad Ave; Type of property: Post office/courthouse[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 25,793; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 74. Property location: City: Savannah; Property location: Address[A]: 124 Barnard St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 14,494; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 61. Property location: City: Athens; Property location: Address[A]: 115 Hancock Ave; Type of property: Post office/courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 41,487; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 48. Property location: City: Dublin; Property location: Address[A]: 100 N Franklin St; Type of property: Courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 21,120; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 31. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Idaho (1); Property location: City: Boise; Property location: Address[A]: 304 N 8th St; Type of property: Fed bldg/post office[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 65,950; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 46. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Illinois (1); Property location: City: Danville; Property location: Address[A]: 201 N Vermillion St; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 52,640; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 62. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Indiana (4); Property location: City: New Haven; Property location: Address[A]: Bldg T-130; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 4,960; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Elkhart; Property location: Address[A]: 327 W Marion St; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: New Haven; Property location: Address[A]: Bldg T-146; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Jeffersonville; Property location: Address[A]: 1201 East 10th St; Type of property: Federal building[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 17,384; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 35. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Louisiana (4); Property location: City: New Orleans; Property location: Address[A]: 3819 Patterson Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 1,136; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Opelousas; Property location: Address[A]: Union & Vine; Type of property: Fed bldg/post office/courthouse[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 38,380; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 54. Property location: City: Harahan; Property location: Address[A]: 400 Edwards Ave; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 201,400; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 41. Property location: City: Harahan; Property location: Address[A]: 400 Edwards Ave; Type of property: Pump house[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 1,706; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 40[I]. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Maine (1); Property location: City: Houlton; Property location: Address[A]: 95 Interstate; Type of property: Animal inspection[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 3,676; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 37. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Maryland (37); Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 1 New Hampshire Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 407,498; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Baltimore; Property location: Address[A]: Curtis Bay Depot; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 151,622; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Baltimore; Property location: Address[A]: Curtis Bay Depot; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 144,685; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 25 Goddard Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 130,700; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 20 Edison Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 95,786; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Middle River; Property location: Address[A]: 2800 Eastern Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 73,025; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 132 Dahlgren Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 39,202; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 71 Maury Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 34,323; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 30 Lake Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 32,998; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 90 Bowditch Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 31,099; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Middle River; Property location: Address[A]: 2800 Eastern Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 25,642; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 100 Bowditch Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 23,745; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 130 Dahlgren Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 22,757; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 70 Maury Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 22,051; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Suitland; Property location: Address[A]: 4510 Silver Hill Rd; Type of property: Suitland house[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 7,180; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 206 Bowditch Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 5,029; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 203 Bowditch Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 4,346; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Middle River; Property location: Address[A]: 2800 Eastern Ave; Type of property: Flammable storage[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 1,124; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 10901 New Hampshire Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 588; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 203A Bowditch Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 120; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 108 Blandy Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 101 Bowditch Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 405 Bushnell Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Maryland (37); Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 402-406 Dahlgren Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: T5 Dahlgren Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 510 Sims Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Silver Spring; Property location: Address[A]: 323 Wilkes Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Suitland; Property location: Address[A]: Suitland Complex; Type of property: Heating plant[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Middle River; Property location: Address[A]: 2800 Eastern Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 493,986; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 94. Property location: City: Middle River; Property location: Address[A]: 2800 Eastern Ave; Type of property: Oil house[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 16,216; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 67[I]. Property location: City: Middle River; Property location: Address[A]: Eastern Blvd; Type of property: Boiler house[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 6,604; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 67[I]. Property location: City: Middle River; Property location: Address[A]: Federal Depot; Type of property: Flammable storage[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 768; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 67[I]. Property location: City: Suitland; Property location: Address[A]: 4401 Suitland Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 317,545; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 56. Property location: City: Salisbury; Property location: Address[A]: 129 E Main St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 28,676; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 55. Property location: City: Middle River; Property location: Address[A]: 2800 Eastern Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 1,209,091; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 54. Property location: City: Rockville; Property location: Address[A]: 2 W Montgomery Ave; Type of property: Fed bldg/post office[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 14,259; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 53. Property location: City: Baltimore; Property location: Address[A]: 103 South Gay St; Type of property: Appraisers building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 147,665; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 27. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Massachusetts (3); Property location: City: Watertown; Property location: Address[A]: Arsenal St; Type of property: Depot[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 101; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Watertown; Property location: Address[A]: Arsenal St; Type of property: Depot[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 72; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Pittsfield; Property location: Address[A]: 78 Center St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 27,364; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 44. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Michigan (3); Property location: City: Pontiac; Property location: Address[A]: 142 Auburn; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Kalamazoo; Property location: Address[A]: 410 W Michigan Ave; Type of property: Fed bldg/post office/courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 72,113; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 37. Property location: City: Lansing; Property location: Address[A]: 315 W Allegan; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 97,161; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Minnesota (5); Property location: City: Minneapolis; Property location: Address[A]: 212 Third Ave S; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 143,197; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 95. Property location: City: Fort Snelling; Property location: Address[A]: 1 Federal Dr; Type of property: Garage[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 56,684; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 49. Property location: City: Fergus Falls; Property location: Address[A]: 118 S Mill St; Type of property: Post office/courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 46,573; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 45. Property location: City: Fort Snelling; Property location: Address[A]: 1 Federal Dr; Type of property: Garage[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 28[I]. Property location: City: Fort Snelling; Property location: Address[A]: 1 Federal Dr; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 605,430; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 26. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Mississippi (3); Property location: City: Vicksburg; Property location: Address[A]: 120 Crawford St; Type of property: Post office/courthouse[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 70,133; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 45. Property location: City: Oxford; Property location: Address[A]: 911 Jackson Ave; Type of property: Post office/courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 68,193; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 44. Property location: City: Tupelo; Property location: Address[A]: 500 W Main St; Type of property: Fed bldg/post office[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 37,609; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Missouri (22); Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 233,206; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Kansas City; Property location: Address[A]: 607 Hardesty; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 208,487; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Kansas City; Property location: Address[A]: 607 Hardesty; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 171,246; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Kansas City; Property location: Address[A]: 607 Hardesty; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 88,838; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Kansas City; Property location: Address[A]: 607 Hardesty; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 18,098; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 15,919; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Kansas City; Property location: Address[A]: 607 Hardesty; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 8,640; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Kansas City; Property location: Address[A]: 607 Hardesty; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 540; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Kansas City; Property location: Address[A]: 811 Grand Ave; Type of property: Courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 311,446; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 80. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 13,772; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 75. Property location: City: Kansas City; Property location: Address[A]: 8930 Ward Pkwy; Type of property: Federal building[E, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 191,765; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 74. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 13,834; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 72. Property location: City: Kansas City; Property location: Address[A]: 1500 E Bannister Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 13,918; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 58. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 14,315; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 57. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 12,841; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 55. Property location: City: Kansas City; Property location: Address[A]: 1200 E Bannister Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 22,077; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 52. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 15,383; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 52. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 13,260; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 44[I]. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Electrical substation[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 3,070; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 44[I]. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Electrical substation[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 2,394; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 44[I]. Property location: City: St Louis; Property location: Address[A]: 4300 Goodfellow; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 15,285; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Nebraska (1); Property location: City: Omaha; Property location: Address[A]: 215 N 17th St; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 378,149; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 39. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Nevada (4); Property location: City: Las Vegas; Property location: Address[A]: 300 Las Vegas Blvd S; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 196,635; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 72. Property location: City: Reno; Property location: Address[A]: 300 Booth St; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 121,695; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 66. Property location: City: Carson City; Property location: Address[A]: 705 N Plaza; Type of property: Fed bldg/post office[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 51,459; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 60. Property location: City: Las Vegas; Property location: Address[A]: 600 Las Vegas Blvd; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 85,694; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 29. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): New Hampshire (1); Property location: City: Concord; Property location: Address[A]: 55 Pleasant St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 109,602; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 80. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): New Jersey (1); Property location: City: Belle-Mead; Property location: Address[A]: Bldg 101 GSA Depot; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): New Mexico (4); Property location: City: Albuquerque; Property location: Address[A]: 517 Gold Ave SW; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 211,462; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 70. Property location: City: Roswell; Property location: Address[A]: Fifth & Richardson Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 56,698; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. Property location: City: Albuquerque; Property location: Address[A]: 500 Gold Ave SW; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 309,520; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 27. Property location: City: Albuquerque; Property location: Address[A]: 1800 Twelfth St NW; Type of property: Motor pool[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 3,108; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 27. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): New York (7); Property location: City: Binghamton; Property location: Address[A]: 1151 Hoyt Ave; Type of property: Warehouse[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 200,429; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Scotia; Property location: Address[A]: One Amsterdam Rd; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 6,494; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Manhattan; Property location: Address[A]: 203- 209 Centre St; Type of property: Garage[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 4,132; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Olean; Property location: Address[A]: 517 North Barry St; Type of property: SSA Trust Fund Bldg[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Binghamton; Property location: Address[A]: 1151 Hoyt Ave; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 42[I]. Property location: City: Binghamton; Property location: Address[A]: 1151 Hoyt Ave; Type of property: Warehouse[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 42[I]. Property location: City: Champlain; Property location: Address[A]: Route 9; Type of property: Border station[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 2,869; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): North Carolina (2); Property location: City: Raleigh; Property location: Address[A]: 300 Fayetteville St; Type of property: Fed bldg/post office[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 73,787; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 35. Property location: City: Raleigh; Property location: Address[A]: 310 New Bern Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 334,206; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 34. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): North Dakota (3); Property location: City: Dunseith; Property location: Address[A]: US Hwy 281 at; Canadian Border; Type of property: Border station[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 1,300; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Portal; Property location: Address[A]: US Hwy 52 at; Canadian Border; Type of property: Border station[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 937; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Bismarck; Property location: Address[A]: 1st and Thayer; Type of property: Parking lot[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 39. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Ohio (3); Property location: City: Sharonville; Property location: Address[A]: 11935 Enterprise Dr; Type of property: Depot[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Canton; Property location: Address[A]: 201 Cleveland Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 73,154; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 54. Property location: City: Cincinnati; Property location: Address[A]: 100 E Fifth St; Type of property: Post office/courthouse[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 437,808; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 27. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Oklahoma (6); Property location: City: Ardmore; Property location: Address[A]: 200 First Ave NW; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 5,284; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Oklahoma City; Property location: Address[A]: 2800 S Eastern Ave; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 5,460; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 93. Property location: City: Oklahoma City; Property location: Address[A]: 200 NW Fifth St; Type of property: Parking lot[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 16,732; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 56. Property location: City: Jay; Property location: Address[A]: Whitehead & Delaware; Type of property: Fed bldg/post office[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 8,907; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 51. Property location: City: Oklahoma City; Property location: Address[A]: 2800 S Eastern Ave; Type of property: Maintenance bldg[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 2,360; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location: City: McAlester; Property location: Address[A]: Third & Grand Ave; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[E]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 17,617; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 31. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Oregon (4); Property location: City: Medford; Property location: Address[A]: North Runway Dr; Type of property: Fleet mgmt center[E, F, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 3,230; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Portland; Property location: Address[A]: 511 NW Broadway; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 122,529; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 49. Property location: City: Enterprise; Property location: Address[A]: 201 W North St; Type of property: Fed bldg/post office[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 10,847; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 46. Property location: City: Portland; Property location: Address[A]: 220 NW Eighth Ave; Type of property: Custom house[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 84,316; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 30. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Pennsylvania (3); Property location: City: Ambridge; Property location: Address[A]: 521 8th St; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Pittsburgh; Property location: Address[A]: 700 Grant St; Type of property: Post office/courthouse[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 703,986; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 45. Property location: City: Erie; Property location: Address[A]: 617 State St; Type of property: Federal building[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 47,538; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 35. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): South Carolina (3); Property location: City: Charleston; Property location: Address[A]: 334 Meeting St; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Spartanburg; Property location: Address[A]: 201 Magnolia St; Type of property: Federal building[E, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 38,870; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 31. Property location: City: Sumter; Property location: Address[A]: Corner, Main & Caldwell; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 11,054; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 30. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): South Dakota (2); Property location: City: Aberdeen; Property location: Address[A]: 102 4th Ave SE; Type of property: Post office/courthouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 48,709; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 41. Property location: City: Sisseton; Property location: Address[A]: 205 E Oak St; Type of property: Fed bldg/post office[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 18,889; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Tennessee (3); Property location: City: Greeneville; Property location: Address[A]: 101 Summer St; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 25,465; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 98. Property location: City: Clarksville; Property location: Address[A]: 204 N 2[ND] St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 12,572; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 45. Property location: City: Lafayette; Property location: Address[A]: 118 E Locust St; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 10,585; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 43. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Texas (23); Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 261,099; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 144,259; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Corpus Christi; Property location: Address[A]: 521 Starr St; Type of property: Courthouse[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 26,187; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Brownsville; Property location: Address[A]: 405 E Levee; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 7,689; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: San Antonio; Property location: Address[A]: 651 S Main Ave; Type of property: Federal building[E]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 6,643; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 401 Texas; Type of property: Garage[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 3,802; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 2,321; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Texas (23); Property location: City: San Antonio; Property location: Address[A]: 651 S Main Ave; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 1,211; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Los Indios; Property location: Address[A]: 100 Los Indios Blvd; Type of property: Border station[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 79; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 265,774; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 97. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 96,649; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 94. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Warehouse[E]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 255,736; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 73. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Warehouse[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 266,707; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 60. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Shed[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 391; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 47[I]. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Gas meter house[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 213; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 47[I]. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Shed[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 133; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 47[I]. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Storehouse[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 92; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 47[I]. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Oxygen storage[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 90; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 47[I]. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Acetyl storage[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 90; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 47[I]. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Storehouse[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 86; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 47[I]. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Shed[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 47[I]. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Warehouse[E]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 261,034; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 36. Property location: City: Fort Worth; Property location: Address[A]: 501 Felix St; Type of property: Warehouse[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 218,750; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 26. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Utah (3); Property location: City: Clearfield; Property location: Address[A]: Clearfield Fed Depot; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 128,885; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Clearfield; Property location: Address[A]: Clearfield Fed Depot; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 131,516; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. Property location: City: Salt Lake City; Property location: Address[A]: 125 S State St; Type of property: Federal building[E, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 307,196; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 29. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Vermont (5); Property location: City: Alburg Springs; Property location: Address[A]: US Highway; Type of property: Border station[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 2,873; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 52. Property location: City: Alburg Springs; Property location: Address[A]: US Highway; Type of property: Garage[D, F]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 52[I]. Property location: City: West Berkshire; Property location: Address[A]: State Route 118; Type of property: Border station[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 5,379; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 49. Property location: City: Richford; Property location: Address[A]: State Route 105; Type of property: Border station[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 6,838; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 43. Property location: City: Richford; Property location: Address[A]: State Route 105; Type of property: Border station[D, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 6,343; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 30. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Virginia (2); Property location: City: Staunton; Property location: Address[A]: 1426 N Augusta St; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 3,950; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Farmville; Property location: Address[A]: High & Main Sts; Type of property: Federal building[H]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 7,686; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 89. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Washington (1); Property location: City: Vancouver; Property location: Address[A]: 500 W 12th St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 20,677; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 46. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): West Virginia (2); Property location: City: Moundsville; Property location: Address[A]: 7th & Lafayette St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Martinsburg; Property location: Address[A]: 244 Needy Rd; Type of property: Unknown[E, G]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 150,000; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 81. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Wisconsin (2); Property location: City: Wausau; Property location: Address[A]: 317 First St; Type of property: Federal building[D]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 0; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location: City: Eau Claire; Property location: Address[A]: 500 S Barstow Commons; Type of property: Fed bldg/courthouse[E]; Property size (square feet)[B]: 24,449; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. State/entity (total number of properties in state/entity): Total (236); Property location: City: 113 cities; Type of property: 236 properties; Property size (square feet)[B]: 18,428,566. Source: GSA. [A] Some GSA properties are installations that include more than one structure. For such structures, GSA's database provided only the address for the installation. Thus, in some cases, more than one structure will have the same address. [B] Building size is in rentable square feet. Some buildings, such as those scheduled for demolition, have no rentable square feet. [C] This table includes all GSA buildings that had a vacancy rate of 26 percent or higher. [D] GSA officials told us that as of May 1, 2003, GSA was considering alternatives or implementing actions aimed at enhancing the utilization of this property or disposing of it. [E] GSA officials told us that as of May 1, 2003, this property was no longer vacant or underutilized because scheduled renovations for the property had been completed, and the property had a vacancy rate of 25 percent or less. [F] According to GSA officials, this property is a support structure necessary to the functioning of occupiable space. [G] According to GSA officials, this property includes vacant space that is committed for use. For example, in some cases, such space is being renovated for a customer agency. [H] GSA officials told us that as of May 1, 2003, GSA had initiated actions to dispose of this property. [I] GSA did not have vacancy rates for some buildings but had a vacancy rate for the entire installation on which the building was located. This vacancy rate is the installation vacancy rate. [End of table] [End of section] Appendix III: List of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by the Department of Veterans Affairs as of October 1, 2002: State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Alabama (30); Property location[A]: City: Tuscaloosa; Property location[A]: Address: 3701 Loop Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 55; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 25; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Montgomery; Property location[A]: Address: 215 Perry Hill Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 12; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 48,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 43,757; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 17,298; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,948; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,346; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,260; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,892; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,489; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,050; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,990; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,553; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,118; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Montgomery; Property location[A]: Address: 215 Perry Hill Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,800; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 948; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 948; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 948; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 948; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 948; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 948; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 948; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 948; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 59,188; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 98. Property location[A]: City: Tuscaloosa; Property location[A]: Address: 3701 Loop Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 27,125; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 87. Property location[A]: City: Tuskegee; Property location[A]: Address: 2400 Hospital Rd; Type of property[B]: Linen; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Tuscaloosa; Property location[A]: Address: 3701 Loop Rd; Type of property[B]: Child care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 48,648; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 49. Property location[A]: City: Tuscaloosa; Property location[A]: Address: 3701 Loop Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 49,104; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 48. Property location[A]: City: Tuscaloosa; Property location[A]: Address: 3701 Loop Rd; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,135; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Arizona (4); Property location[A]: City: Prescott; Property location[A]: Address: 500 Hwy 89 North; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,834; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Prescott; Property location[A]: Address: 500 Hwy 89 North; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 19,153; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 57. Property location[A]: City: Prescott; Property location[A]: Address: 500 Hwy 89 North; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,191; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 44. Property location[A]: City: Prescott; Property location[A]: Address: 500 Hwy 89 North; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,476; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 42. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Arkansas (5); Property location[A]: City: North Little Rock; Property location[A]: Address: 2200 Foot Roots Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 21,170; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: North Little Rock; Property location[A]: Address: 2200 Foot Roots Dr; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,542; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: North Little Rock; Property location[A]: Address: 2200 Foot Roots Dr; Type of property[B]: Research storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,485; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: North Little Rock; Property location[A]: Address: 2200 Foot Roots Dr; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 13,099; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 44. Property location[A]: City: North Little Rock; Property location[A]: Address: 2200 Foot Roots Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,272; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 30. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): California (65); Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 50; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Mather AFB; Property location[A]: Address: 10535 Hospital Way; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 26; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Oakland; Property location[A]: Address: 150 Muir Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 23; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fresno; Property location[A]: Address: 2615 E Clinton Ave; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 1; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 131,313; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 60,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 60,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Pharmacy; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 55,886; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 52,604; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Gym; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 24,432; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Mental health; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 22,072; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Chapel; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,758; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Repair shop; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,648; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,155; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Livermore; Property location[A]: Address: 4951 Arroyo Rd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,600; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Supply; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,480; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Treatment center; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,187; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Livermore; Property location[A]: Address: 4951 Arroyo Rd; Type of property[B]: Director's quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,045; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,600; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Supply; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,234; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Dry clean; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,758; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: San Francisco; Property location[A]: Address: 4150 Clement St; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,373; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,253; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,240; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Grounds locker; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,240; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Research trailer; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,978; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Research trailer; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,929; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,758; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,577; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Mobile house; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Mobile house; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Mobile house; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Research trailer; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,321; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Research trailer; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,303; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Menlo Park; Property location[A]: Address: 795 Willow Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,300; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Research trailer; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,158; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Research trailer; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,141; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,072; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 998; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Restrooms; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 960; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Grounds maintenance; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 900; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 840; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Grounds maintenance; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 800; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 720; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 380; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Motor pool; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 100; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Menlo Park; Property location[A]: Address: 795 Willow Rd; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 15,200; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 77. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 28,602; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 66. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 33,333; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 64. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Research/clinic; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 44,395; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 63. Property location[A]: City: Oakland; Property location[A]: Address: 150 Muir Rd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,978; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 61. Property location[A]: City: Palo Alto; Property location[A]: Address: 3801 Miranda Ave; Type of property[B]: Engineering/laundry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,300; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 59. Property location[A]: City: Mather AFB; Property location[A]: Address: 10535 Hospital Way; Type of property[B]: Dental administration; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,440; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 40,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. Property location[A]: City: Palo Alto; Property location[A]: Address: 3801 Miranda Ave; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 60,083; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 16111 Plummer St; Type of property[B]: Outpatient care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 73,350; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 351 East Temple; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 153,420; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 31. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Rehab; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 52,099; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 31. Property location[A]: City: Los Angeles; Property location[A]: Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 65,575; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 30. Property location[A]: City: Palo Alto; Property location[A]: Address: 3801 Miranda Ave; Type of property[B]: Modular bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 17,300; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 29. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Colorado (1); Property location[A]: City: Denver; Property location[ A]: Address: 1055 Clermont St; Type of property[B]: Chapel; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,817; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Connecticut (12); Property location[A]: City: Newington; Property location[A]: Address: 555 Willard Ave; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 13,131; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Newington; Property location[A]: Address: 555 Willard Ave; Type of property[B]: Warehouse; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,285; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Newington; Property location[A]: Address: 555 Willard Ave; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,630; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Newington; Property location[A]: Address: 555 Willard Ave; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,050; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Newington; Property location[A]: Address: 555 Willard Ave; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,277; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 99. Property location[A]: City: Newington; Property location[A]: Address: 555 Willard Ave; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 22,362; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 92. Property location[A]: City: Newington; Property location[A]: Address: 555 Willard Ave; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,032; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 90. Property location[A]: City: West Haven; Property location[A]: Address: 950 Campbell Ave; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,880; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 59. Property location[A]: City: Newington; Property location[A]: Address: 555 Willard Ave; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,350; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 56. Property location[A]: City: West Haven; Property location[A]: Address: 950 Campbell Ave; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,860; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 55. Property location[A]: City: Newington; Property location[A]: Address: 555 Willard Ave; Type of property[B]: Facilities mgmt; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,975; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Newington; Property location[A]: Address: 555 Willard Ave; Type of property[B]: Boiler plant; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Delaware (3); Property location[A]: City: Elsmere; Property location[ A]: Address: 1601 Kirkwood Hwy; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 13,326; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Elsmere; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 Kirkwood Hwy; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,570; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Elsmere; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 Kirkwood Hwy; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,736; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): District of Columbia (1); Property location[A]: City: Washington, DC; Property location[A]: Address: 50 Irving St. NW; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 12; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Florida (2); Property location[A]: City: Lake City; Property location[A]: Address: 619 S Marion Ave; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 36; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: West Palm Beach; Property location[A]: Address: 7305 N Military Trail; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 10; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Georgia (14); Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 30; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Shops/storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 48,547; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 38,633; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 35,566; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 26,891; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Dublin; Property location[A]: Address: 1826 Veterans Blvd; Type of property[B]: Nursing home care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,920; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,328; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,328; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,328; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,328; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,239; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Engineering storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,884; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 87. Property location[A]: City: Dublin; Property location[A]: Address: 1826 Veterans Blvd; Type of property[B]: Inpatient bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 18,130; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Augusta; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Freedom Way; Type of property[B]: Engineering storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 11,788; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 44. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Idaho (2); Property location[A]: City: Boise; Property location[A]: Address: 500 W Fort St; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 5; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Boise; Property location[A]: Address: 500 W. Fort St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,258; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Illinois (20); Property location[A]: City: Hines; Property location[ A]: Address: 5[TH] St & Roosevelt Ave; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 50; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: North Chicago; Property location[A]: Address: 3001 Greenbay Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 23; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hines; Property location[A]: Address: 5th St & Roosevelt Ave; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 58,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hines; Property location[A]: Address: 5th St & Roosevelt Ave; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 58,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hines; Property location[A]: Address: 5th St & Roosevelt Ave; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 58,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: North Chicago; Property location[A]: Address: 3001 Greenbay Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 50,681; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: North Chicago; Property location[A]: Address: 3001 Greenbay Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 49,670; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: North Chicago; Property location[A]: Address: 3001 Greenbay Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 48,742; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Danville; Property location[A]: Address: 1900 E. Main; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 14,290; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Danville; Property location[A]: Address: 1900 E. Main; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 13,875; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Chicago; Property location[A]: Address: 820 S Damen St; Type of property[B]: Outpatient social work; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,752; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hines; Property location[A]: Address: 5th St & Roosevelt Ave; Type of property[B]: Greenhouse; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 573; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: North Chicago; Property location[A]: Address: 3001 Greenbay Rd; Type of property[B]: Paint shop/union offices; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,449; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 76. Property location[A]: City: North Chicago; Property location[A]: Address: 3001 Greenbay Rd; Type of property[B]: Administrative; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 21,026; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 71. Property location[A]: City: Danville; Property location[A]: Address: 1900 E Main; Type of property[B]: Nursing home; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 78,295; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 59. Property location[A]: City: North Chicago; Property location[A]: Address: 3001 Greenbay Rd; Type of property[B]: Recreation; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 56,720; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 53. Property location[A]: City: North Chicago; Property location[A]: Address: 3001 Greenbay Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 89,975; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 40. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Illinois (20); Property location[A]: City: Hines; Property location[ A]: Address: 5th St & Roosevelt Ave; Type of property[B]: Admin/office/ qtrs[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 22,446; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 28. Property location[A]: City: North Chicago; Property location[A]: Address: 3001 Greenbay Rd; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 51,535; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 27. Property location[A]: City: Hines; Property location[A]: Address: 5th St & Roosevelt Ave; Type of property[B]: Nursing home; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 69,702; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 26. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Indiana (28); Property location[A]: City: Indianapolis; Property location[A]: Address: 1481 W Tenth St; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 8; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 37,135; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 32,892; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 27,660; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 27,660; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 26,452; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 26,124; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 24,697; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 24,116; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,572; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,550; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,287; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 19,058; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 18,263; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 18,126; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 17,380; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,237; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,237; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,765; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,980; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,971; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,025; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,020; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 260; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 28,958; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 95. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: Print shop; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,139; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 85. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 17,533; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 57. Property location[A]: City: Marion; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 E 38th St; Type of property[B]: Hospital; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 63,076; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 31. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Iowa (7); Property location[A]: City: Knoxville; Property location[A]: Address: 1515 W Pleasant St; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 49; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Knoxville; Property location[A]: Address: 1515 W Pleasant St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 43,836; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Knoxville; Property location[A]: Address: 1515 W Pleasant St; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 28,894; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 97. Property location[A]: City: Knoxville; Property location[A]: Address: 1515 W Pleasant St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 43,872; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 94. Property location[A]: City: Knoxville; Property location[A]: Address: 1515 W Pleasant St; Type of property[B]: Recreation; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 14,646; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 52. Property location[A]: City: Knoxville; Property location[A]: Address: 1515 W Pleasant St; Type of property[B]: Canteen; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 46,635; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 37. Property location[A]: City: Knoxville; Property location[A]: Address: 1515 W Pleasant St; Type of property[B]: Nursing home care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 49,129; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 36. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Kansas (39); Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4[TH] St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 39; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 60,846; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 49,124; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 30,312; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 28,890; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 28,046; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 24,284; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 24,186; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 23,946; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 23,946; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 23,946; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Canteen; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 23,946; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 23,919; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 22,190; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Wichita; Property location[A]: Address: 5500 East Kellogg; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 22,152; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 21,764; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Theater/ library; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 17,275; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 14,526; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,028; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Topeka; Property location[A]: Address: 2200 Gage Blvd; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,521; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,700; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,061; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,061; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,239; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,130; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 7,726; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Rec hall/credit union; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 7,473; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,143; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Kansas (39); Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,550; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St. Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Psychology offices; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,420; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,320; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,945; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,945; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,033; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Chapel; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,081; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Shelter; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,585; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Shelter; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,568; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Leavenworth; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 S 4th St Trafficway; Type of property[B]: Training center; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,920; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 66. Property location[A]: City: Wichita; Property location[A]: Address: 5500 East Kellogg; Type of property[B]: Outpatient care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,074; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 28. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Kentucky (19); Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 20; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Inpatient bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 53,711; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Inpatient bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 53,368; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Nursing home care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 50,859; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 16,714; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Rehab; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,464; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,082; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,082; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,164; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,811; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Greenhouse; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,710; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,475; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 901; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 329; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 232; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,106; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Inpatient bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,706; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. Property location[A]: City: Lexington; Property location[A]: Address: 2250 Leestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Inpatient bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 46,127; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 30. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Louisiana (2); Property location[A]: City: Alexandria; Property location[A]: Address: 2495 Shreveport Hwy; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,176; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 58. Property location[A]: City: Alexandria; Property location[A]: Address: 2495 Shreveport Hwy; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 21,102; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 41. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Maine (3); Property location[A]: City: Togus; Property location[A]: Address: 1 VA Center; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,457; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Togus; Property location[A]: Address: 1 VA Center; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,930; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Togus; Property location[A]: Address: 1 VA Center; Type of property[B]: Administrative; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 56,639; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 53. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Maryland (46); Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 10; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Baltimore; Property location[A]: Address: 10 N Greene St; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Hospital; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 116,739; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 16,680; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Office; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 15,750; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,032; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 11,230; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Warehouse; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,380; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Boiler plant; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,360; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 7,797; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Perry Point; Property location[A]: Address: VAMC Perry Pt, MD; Division; Type of property[B]: Treatment center; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,868; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,954; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Office; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,760; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,750; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,663; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,663; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,663; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,663; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,663; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,663; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,330; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,120; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Theater; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,430; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Office; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,270; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Canteen; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,120; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,050; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Theater; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,731; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,690; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,450; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Warehouse; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,332; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Eye clinic; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,234; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Orthotics lab; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,160; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Linen hut; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,042; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,800; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,460; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,310; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,246; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,232; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,160; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Connecting corridor; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,150; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Connecting corridor; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,100; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Office; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 924; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Canteen; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 750; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Incinerator; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 610; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Howard; Property location[A]: Address: 9600 North Point Rd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 300; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Perry Point; Property location[A]: Address: VAMC Perry Pt,; MD Division; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 16,372; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 55. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Massachusetts (14); Property location[A]: City: Brockton; Property location[A]: Address: 940 Belmont St; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 5; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Bedford; Property location[A]: Address: 200 Springs Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,880; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Bedford; Property location[A]: Address: 200 Springs Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,232; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Bedford; Property location[A]: Address: 200 Springs Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,276; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Bedford; Property location[A]: Address: 200 Springs Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,948; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Brockton; Property location[A]: Address: 940 Belmont St; Type of property[B]: Greenhouse; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,348; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Bedford; Property location[A]: Address: 200 Springs Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,714; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Bedford; Property location[A]: Address: 200 Springs Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,500; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Bedford; Property location[A]: Address: 200 Springs Rd; Type of property[B]: Bathrooms; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 960; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Brockton; Property location[A]: Address: 940 Belmont St; Type of property[B]: Theater; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 39,736; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 99. Property location[A]: City: Bedford; Property location[A]: Address: 200 Springs Rd; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 30,420; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 84. Property location[A]: City: Northampton; Property location[A]: Address: 421 North Main St; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 16,438; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. Property location[A]: City: Brockton; Property location[A]: Address: 940 Belmont St; Type of property[B]: Domiciliary; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 71,512; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. Property location[A]: City: Brockton; Property location[A]: Address: 940 Belmont St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 13,646; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Michigan (8); Property location[A]: City: Iron Mountain; Property location[A]: Address: 325 East H St; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 9; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Allen Park; Property location[A]: Address: Not provided; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 1; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Battle Creek; Property location[A]: Address: 5500 Armstrong Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 14,436; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Saginaw; Property location[A]: Address: 1500 Weiss St; Type of property[B]: Housekeeping quarters; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,444; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Battle Creek; Property location[A]: Address: 5500 Armstrong Rd; Type of property[B]: Learning resources; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 14,427; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 93. Property location[A]: City: Battle Creek; Property location[A]: Address: 5500 Armstrong Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 52,897; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 82. Property location[A]: City: Battle Creek; Property location[A]: Address: 5500 Armstrong Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 50,334; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 37. Property location[A]: City: Battle Creek; Property location[A]: Address: 5500 Armstrong Rd; Type of property[B]: Pharmacy; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,637; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 35. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Minnesota (2); Property location[A]: City: Minneapolis; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Veterans Dr; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 12; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Minneapolis; Property location[A]: Address: One Veterans Dr; Type of property[B]: Fire stn/warehouse; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 23,260; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Mississippi (4); Property location[A]: City: Gulfport; Property location[A]: Address: 200 East Beach Blvd; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 27,223; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 98. Property location[A]: City: Gulfport; Property location[A]: Address: 200 East Beach Blvd; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 25,789; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Gulfport; Property location[A]: Address: 200 East Beach Blvd; Type of property[B]: Kitchen; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 35,960; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 45. Property location[A]: City: Gulfport; Property location[A]: Address: 200 East Beach Blvd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,280; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Missouri (5); Property location[A]: City: St Louis; Property location[ A]: Address: 1 Jefferson Barracks Dr; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 25,527; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Poplar Bluff; Property location[A]: Address: 1500 N. Westwood Blvd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,124; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 88. Property location[A]: City: St Louis; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Jefferson Barracks Dr; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 100,089; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 82. Property location[A]: City: St Louis; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Jefferson Barracks Dr; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 17,906; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 69. Property location[A]: City: St Louis; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Jefferson Barracks Dr; Type of property[B]: Shops; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 21,177; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 31. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Montana (3); Property location[A]: City: Fort Harrison; Property location[A]: Address: Hwy 12 & William St; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,698; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Harrison; Property location[A]: Address: Hwy 12 & William St; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 83,962; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Fort Harrison; Property location[A]: Address: Hwy 12 & William St; Type of property[B]: Fitness center; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,984; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Nebraska (8); Property location[A]: City: Lincoln; Property location[ A]: Address: 600 S 70[TH] St; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 18; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Grand Island; Property location[A]: Address: 2201 N Brdwell Ave; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,500; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Grand Island; Property location[A]: Address: 2201 N Brdwell Ave; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,500; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 62. Property location[A]: City: Grand Island; Property location[A]: Address: 2201 N Brdwell Ave; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,464; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 51. Property location[A]: City: Lincoln; Property location[A]: Address: 600 South 70th St; Type of property[B]: Dietetics; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 24,205; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 51. Property location[A]: City: Lincoln; Property location[A]: Address: 600 South 70th St; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,315; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 45. Property location[A]: City: Lincoln; Property location[A]: Address: 600 South 70th St; Type of property[B]: Hospital; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 70,551; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 34. Property location[A]: City: Omaha; Property location[A]: Address: 4101 Woolworth Ave; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 550; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): New Hampshire (3); Property location[A]: City: Manchester; Property location[A]: Address: 718 Smyth Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 650; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Manchester; Property location[A]: Address: 718 Smyth Rd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 624; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Manchester; Property location[A]: Address: 718 Smyth Rd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 624; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): New Jersey (7); Property location[A]: City: Lyons; Property location[A]: Address: 151 Knollcroft Rd; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 85,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lyons; Property location[A]: Address: 151 Knollcroft Rd; Type of property[B]: Training; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lyons; Property location[A]: Address: 151 Knollcroft Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: East Orange; Property location[A]: Address: 385 Tremont Ave; Type of property[B]: Grounds unit; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,730; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: East Orange; Property location[A]: Address: 385 Tremont Ave; Type of property[B]: Trailer; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Lyons; Property location[A]: Address: 151 Knollcroft Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 37,994; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 84. Property location[A]: City: Lyons; Property location[A]: Address: 151 Knollcroft Rd; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 67,176; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 75. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): New Mexico (1); Property location[A]: City: Albuquerque; Property location[A]: Address: 1501 San Pedro Dr SE; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 100; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Nevada (4); Property location[A]: City: Reno; Property location[A]: Address: 1000 Locust St; Type of property[B]: Laundry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,227; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Reno; Property location[A]: Address: 1000 Locust St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,089; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 69. Property location[A]: City: Reno; Property location[A]: Address: 1000 Locust St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,904; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 57. Property location[A]: City: Reno; Property location[A]: Address: 1000 Locust St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,623; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 51. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): New York (38); Property location[A]: City: Jamaica; Property location[A]: Address: 179-01 Linden Blvd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 1; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Montrose; Property location[A]: Address: 622 Albany Post Rd; Route 9-A; Type of property[B]: Nursing home care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 46,122; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Montrose; Property location[A]: Address: 622 Albany Post Rd; Route 9-A; Type of property[B]: Nursing home care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 45,405; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Montrose; Property location[A]: Address: 622 Albany Post Rd; Route 9-A; Type of property[B]: Substance abuse; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 34,540; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Jamaica; Property location[A]: Address: 179-01 Linden Blvd; Type of property[B]: Radiation; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,122; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Castle Point; Property location[A]: Address: VAMC Castle Pt,; NY Division; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,062; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: New York-Kings; Property location[A]: Address: 800 Poly Place; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,880; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Batavia; Property location[A]: Address: 222 Richmond Ave; Type of property[B]: Laundry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,872; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Northport; Property location[A]: Address: 79 Middleville Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,191; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Batavia; Property location[A]: Address: 222 Richmond Ave; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,300; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Batavia; Property location[A]: Address: 222 Richmond Ave; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,698; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Batavia; Property location[A]: Address: 222 Richmond Ave; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,698; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Batavia; Property location[A]: Address: 222 Richmond Ave; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,698; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Batavia; Property location[A]: Address: 222 Richmond Ave; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,028; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Montrose; Property location[A]: Address: 622 Albany Post Rd; Route 9-A; Type of property[B]: Admin bldg/lab; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 49,324; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 97. Property location[A]: City: Castle Point; Property location[A]: Address: VAMC Castle Pt,; NY Division; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,133; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 95. Property location[A]: City: Jamaica; Property location[A]: Address: 179-01 Linden Blvd; Type of property[B]: Nursing home care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 40,317; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 84. Property location[A]: City: Northport; Property location[A]: Address: 79 Middleville Rd; Type of property[B]: Geriatrics; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 66,853; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 84. Property location[A]: City: Jamaica; Property location[A]: Address: 179-01 Linden Blvd; Type of property[B]: Nursing home care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 39,608; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 79. Property location[A]: City: Montrose; Property location[A]: Address: 622 Albany Post Rd; Route 9-A; Type of property[B]: Admin/inpatient; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 43,992; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 78. Property location[A]: City: Montrose; Property location[A]: Address: 622 Albany Post Rd; Route 9-A; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 40,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 75. Property location[A]: City: Canandaigua; Property location[A]: Address: 400 Fort Hill Ave; Type of property[B]: Patient building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 57,556; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 73. Property location[A]: City: Castle Point; Property location[A]: Address: VAMC Castle Pt,; NY Division; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,736; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 68. Property location[A]: City: Northport; Property location[A]: Address: 79 Middleville Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 18,882; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 67. Property location[A]: City: Northport; Property location[A]: Address: 79 Middleville Rd; Type of property[B]: Mental health; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 42,763; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 64. Property location[A]: City: Canandaigua; Property location[A]: Address: 400 Fort Hill Ave; Type of property[B]: Patient building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 52,480; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 59. Property location[A]: City: Montrose; Property location[A]: Address: 622 Albany Post Rd; Route 9-A; Type of property[B]: Admin/inpatient; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 37,108; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 52. Property location[A]: City: Northport; Property location[A]: Address: 79 Middleville Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,638; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Montrose; Property location[A]: Address: 622 Albany Post Rd; Route 9-A; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 79,577; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 49. Property location[A]: City: Northport; Property location[A]: Address: 79 Middleville Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 19,332; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 46. Property location[A]: City: Northport; Property location[A]: Address: 79 Middleville Rd; Type of property[B]: Mental health; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 37,817; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 41. Property location[A]: City: Syracuse; Property location[A]: Address: 800 Irving Ave; Type of property[B]: Medical center/ outpatient care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 80,438; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 41. Property location[A]: City: Northport; Property location[A]: Address: 79 Middleville Rd; Type of property[B]: Mental health; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 35,586; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 41. Property location[A]: City: Jamaica; Property location[A]: Address: 179-01 Linden Blvd; Type of property[B]: Nursing home care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 32,414; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 37. Property location[A]: City: Montrose; Property location[A]: Address: 622 Albany Post Rd; Route 9-A; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 46,941; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 36. Property location[A]: City: Castle Point; Property location[A]: Address: VAMC Castle Pt,; NY Division; Type of property[B]: Nursing home care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 28,790; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. Property location[A]: City: Northport; Property location[A]: Address: 79 Middleville Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 17,391; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. Property location[A]: City: Batavia; Property location[A]: Address: 222 Richmond Ave; Type of property[B]: Mental health; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 16,488; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 31. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): North Carolina (16); Property location[A]: City: Salisbury; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 Brenner Ave; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 50; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Asheville; Property location[A]: Address: 1100 Tunnel Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 42,619; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Salisbury; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 Brenner Ave; Type of property[B]: Adminstrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,849; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Durham; Property location[A]: Address: 508 Fulton St; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,846; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Asheville; Property location[A]: Address: 1100 Tunnel Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,472; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Asheville; Property location[A]: Address: 1100 Tunnel Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,111; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Asheville; Property location[A]: Address: 1100 Tunnel Rd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,736; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Asheville; Property location[A]: Address: 1100 Tunnel Rd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 435; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Asheville; Property location[A]: Address: 1100 Tunnel Rd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 435; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Asheville; Property location[A]: Address: 1100 Tunnel Rd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 435; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Asheville; Property location[A]: Address: 1100 Tunnel Rd; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 233; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Durham; Property location[A]: Address: 508 Fulton St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,301; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 96. Property location[A]: City: Salisbury; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 Brenner Ave; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 36,308; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 77. Property location[A]: City: Salisbury; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 Brenner Ave; Type of property[B]: Extended care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 75,054; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 31. Property location[A]: City: Fayetteville; Property location[A]: Address: 2300 Ramsey St; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,640; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 30. Property location[A]: City: Salisbury; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 Brenner Ave; Type of property[B]: Recreation; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 57,687; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 29. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Ohio (8); Property location[A]: City: Cincinnati; Property location[A]: Address: 3200 Vine St; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 19; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Chillicothe; Property location[A]: Address: 17273 State Route 104; Type of property[B]: Patient bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 58,678; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Dayton; Property location[A]: Address: 4100 West Third St; Type of property[B]: Engineer residence; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,915; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Dayton; Property location[A]: Address: 4100 West Third St; Type of property[B]: Nursing home care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 79,377; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 94. Property location[A]: City: Chillicothe; Property location[A]: Address: 17273 State Route 104; Type of property[B]: Child care/ offices; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 44,419; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 58. Property location[A]: City: Chillicothe; Property location[A]: Address: 17273 State Route 104; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 16,780; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Dayton; Property location[A]: Address: 4100 West Third St; Type of property[B]: Cottage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,253; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 47. Property location[A]: City: Dayton; Property location[A]: Address: 4100 West Third St; Type of property[B]: Fitness center; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 23,846; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 29. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Oklahoma (1); Property location[A]: City: Muskogee; Property location[ A]: Address: 1011 Honor Heights Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,302; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 53. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Oregon (4); Property location[A]: City: White City; Property location[A]: Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy; Type of property[B]: Domiciliary; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 16,182; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 81. Property location[A]: City: White City; Property location[A]: Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy; Type of property[B]: Domiciliary; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 16,075; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: White City; Property location[A]: Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy; Type of property[B]: Domiciliary; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 15,592; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 49. Property location[A]: City: White City; Property location[A]: Address: 8495 Crater Lake Hwy; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,934; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 38. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Pennsylvania (27); Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: 7180 Highland Dr; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 168; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Butler; Property location[A]: Address: 325 New Castle Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 35; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: Delafield Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 14,674; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: Delafield Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,322; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: Delafield Rd; Type of property[B]: Apartments; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 7,124; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: Delafield Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 7,124; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: Delafield Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,860; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: Delafield Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,120; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Butler; Property location[A]: Address: 325 New Castle Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,904; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Butler; Property location[A]: Address: 325 New Castle Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,904; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Butler; Property location[A]: Address: 325 New Castle Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,904; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Wilkes Barre; Property location[A]: Address: 1111 East End Blvd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,865; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: 7180 Highland Dr; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,960; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Butler; Property location[A]: Address: 325 New Castle Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,518; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Butler; Property location[A]: Address: 325 New Castle Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,204; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: 7180 Highland Dr; Type of property[B]: Patient care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 38,900; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 71. Property location[A]: City: Lebanon; Property location[A]: Address: 1700 South Lincoln Ave; Type of property[B]: Canteen/recreation; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 31,971; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 59. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: Delafield Rd; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 29,392; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 53. Property location[A]: City: Butler; Property location[A]: Address: 325 New Castle Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 13,936; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: Delafield Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,860; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Coatesville; Property location[A]: Address: 1400 Black Horse Hill Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,498; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Coatesville; Property location[A]: Address: 1400 Black Horse Hill Rd; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,498; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: Delafield Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,120; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: 7180 Highland Dr; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,600; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Pittsburgh; Property location[A]: Address: 7180 Highland Dr; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,120; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Wilkes Barre; Property location[A]: Address: 1111 East End Blvd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,865; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Coatesville; Property location[A]: Address: 1400 Black Horse Hill Rd; Type of property[B]: Inpatient/ support; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 35,939; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Rhode Island (1); Property location[A]: City: Providence; Property location[ A]: Address: 830 Chalkstone Ave; Type of property[B]: Gym; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 19,776; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): South Carolina (7); Property location[A]: City: Columbia; Property location[ A]: Address: 6439 Garners Ferry Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 33; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Columbia; Property location[A]: Address: 6439 Garners Ferry Rd; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 21,512; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Columbia; Property location[A]: Address: 6439 Garners Ferry Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,644; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Columbia; Property location[A]: Address: 6439 Garners Ferry Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,411; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Columbia; Property location[A]: Address: 6439 Garners Ferry Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,288; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Columbia; Property location[A]: Address: 6439 Garners Ferry Rd; Type of property[B]: Education; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 40. Property location[A]: City: Columbia; Property location[A]: Address: 6439 Garners Ferry Rd; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 48,553; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 36. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): South Dakota (10); Property location[A]: City: Fort Meade; Property location[A]: Address: 113 Comanche Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 12; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Sioux Falls; Property location[A]: Address: 2501 W 22[ND] St; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Meade; Property location[A]: Address: 113 Comanche Rd; Type of property[B]: Greenhouse; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,678; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Meade; Property location[A]: Address: 113 Comanche Rd; Type of property[B]: Theater; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,942; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Meade; Property location[A]: Address: 113 Comanche Rd; Type of property[B]: National Guard; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,046; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Meade; Property location[A]: Address: 113 Comanche Rd; Type of property[B]: Incinerator; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 818; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Fort Meade; Property location[A]: Address: 113 Comanche Rd; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 495; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hot Springs; Property location[A]: Address: 500 North Fifth St; Type of property[B]: Incinerator; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 920; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Sioux Falls; Property location[A]: Address: 2501 West 22nd St; Type of property[B]: Mental health; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,448; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 83. Property location[A]: City: Fort Meade; Property location[A]: Address: 113 Comanche Rd; Type of property[B]: Recreation; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,358; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 30. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Tennessee (15); Property location[A]: City: Johnson City; Property location[A]: Address: Sidney & Lamont Sts; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 174; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Murfreesboro; Property location[A]: Address: 3400 Lebanon Pike; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 60; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Johnson City; Property location[A]: Address: Sidney & Lamont Sts; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 28,602; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Johnson City; Property location[A]: Address: Sidney & Lamont Sts; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 28,602; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Johnson City; Property location[A]: Address: Sidney & Lamont Sts; Type of property[B]: Chapel; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,352; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Johnson City; Property location[A]: Address: Sidney & Lamont Sts; Type of property[B]: Nursing education; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,760; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Johnson City; Property location[A]: Address: Sidney & Lamont Sts; Type of property[B]: Morgue; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,916; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Murfreesboro; Property location[A]: Address: 3400 Lebanon Pike; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,283; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Murfreesboro; Property location[A]: Address: 3400 Lebanon Pike; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 547; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Murfreesboro; Property location[A]: Address: 3400 Lebanon Pike; Type of property[B]: Garage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 547; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Murfreesboro; Property location[A]: Address: 3400 Lebanon Pike; Type of property[B]: Therapy shop; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,382; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 58. Property location[A]: City: Murfreesboro; Property location[A]: Address: 3400 Lebanon Pike; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,756; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Murfreesboro; Property location[A]: Address: 3400 Lebanon Pike; Type of property[B]: Water filtration; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,384; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 48. Property location[A]: City: Murfreesboro; Property location[A]: Address: 3400 Lebanon Pike; Type of property[B]: Medical wards; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 47,738; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 34. Property location[A]: City: Murfreesboro; Property location[A]: Address: 3400 Lebanon Pike; Type of property[B]: Storage; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 13,103; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 26. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Texas (22); Property location[A]: City: Houston; Property location[A]: Address: 2002 Holcombe Blvd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 95; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Kerrville; Property location[A]: Address: 3600 Memorial Blvd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 17; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Waco; Property location[A]: Address: 4800 Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 46,288; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Waco; Property location[A]: Address: 4800 Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: Psychiatry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 17,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Waco; Property location[A]: Address: 4800 Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 17,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Temple; Property location[A]: Address: 1901 Veterans Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,133; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Marlin; Property location[A]: Address: 1016 Ward St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,536; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Dallas; Property location[A]: Address: 4500 S Lancaster Rd; Type of property[B]: Boiler plant; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,530; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Temple; Property location[A]: Address: 1901 Veterans Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,151; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Waco; Property location[A]: Address: 4800 Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,770; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Waco; Property location[A]: Address: 4800 Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,600; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Kerrville; Property location[A]: Address: 3600 Memorial Blvd; Type of property[B]: Rehab shop; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,720; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Temple; Property location[A]: Address: 1901 Veterans Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,535; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Waco; Property location[A]: Address: 4800 Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,400; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Temple; Property location[A]: Address: 1901 Veterans Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 19,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 79. Property location[A]: City: Waco; Property location[A]: Address: 4800 Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 55,644; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 69. Property location[A]: City: Temple; Property location[A]: Address: 1901 Veterans Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: Recreation; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,267; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 52. Property location[A]: City: Temple; Property location[A]: Address: 1901 Veterans Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 18,900; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Waco; Property location[A]: Address: 4800 Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,236; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Marlin; Property location[A]: Address: 1016 Ward St; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,080; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Waco; Property location[A]: Address: 4800 Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 50,045; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 38. Property location[A]: City: Waco; Property location[A]: Address: 4800 Memorial Dr; Type of property[B]: Pharmacy; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 37,141; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 33. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Utah (2); Property location[A]: City: Salt Lake City; Property location[ A]: Address: 500 Foothill Blvd; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 217; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Salt Lake City; Property location[A]: Address: 500 Foothill Blvd; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 29,104; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 71. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Vermont (2); Property location[A]: City: White River Jctn; Property location[ A]: Address: 215 N Main St; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,148; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: White River Jctn; Property location[A]: Address: 215 N Main St; Type of property[B]: Research trailer; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 864; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Virginia (14); Property location[A]: City: Salem; Property location[ A]: Address: 1970 Roanoke Blvd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 41; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hampton; Property location[A]: Address: 100 Emancipation Dr; Type of property[B]: Recreation; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 31,273; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hampton; Property location[A]: Address: 100 Emancipation Dr; Type of property[B]: Engineering; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 21,093; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hampton; Property location[A]: Address: 100 Emancipation Dr; Type of property[B]: Psychology; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,909; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hampton; Property location[A]: Address: 100 Emancipation Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 19,192; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Salem; Property location[A]: Address: 1970 Roanoke Blvd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,146; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hampton; Property location[A]: Address: 100 Emancipation Dr; Type of property[B]: Grounds shop; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,234; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Hampton; Property location[A]: Address: 100 Emancipation Dr; Type of property[B]: Grounds shop; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,518; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Salem; Property location[A]: Address: 1970 Roanoke Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 38,389; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 54. Property location[A]: City: Hampton; Property location[A]: Address: 100 Emancipation Dr; Type of property[B]: Laundry; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,324; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 46. Property location[A]: City: Salem; Property location[A]: Address: 1970 Roanoke Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 38,836; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 38. Property location[A]: City: Hampton; Property location[A]: Address: 100 Emancipation Dr; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 19,781; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 35. Property location[A]: City: Salem; Property location[A]: Address: 1970 Roanoke Blvd; Type of property[B]: Outpatient care; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 32,317; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. Property location[A]: City: Hampton; Property location[A]: Address: 100 Emancipation Dr; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 19,823; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 29. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Washington (23); Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 8,138; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,600; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,795; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,481; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,495; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,731; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,790; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,382; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Washington (23); Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,741; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,674; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,408; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,487; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,405; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,458; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,527; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,452; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,208; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,570; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,540; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,152; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tacoma; Property location[A]: Address: Veterans Dr; Type of property[B]: Mental health; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 33,091; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 59. Property location[A]: City: Vancouver; Property location[A]: Address: 1601 E 4th Plain Blvd; Type of property[B]: Office; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,724; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 53. Property location[A]: City: Tacoma; Property location[A]: Address: Veterans Dr; Type of property[B]: Homeless program; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 17,973; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 48. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): West Virginia (7); Property location[A]: City: Martinsburg; Property location[A]: Address: Rte 9/Charlestown Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 92; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Clarksburg; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Medical Center Dr; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 27; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Beckley; Property location[A]: Address: 200 Veterans Dr; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 8; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Huntington; Property location[A]: Address: 1540 Spring Valley Rd; Type of property[B]: Research; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 13,067; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Clarksburg; Property location[A]: Address: 1 Medical Center Dr; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,104; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Huntington; Property location[A]: Address: 1540 Spring Valley Rd; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,092; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 89. Property location[A]: City: Beckley; Property location[A]: Address: 200 Veterans Ave; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,669; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 29. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Wisconsin (11); Property location[A]: City: Milwaukee; Property location[A]: Address: 5000 W National Ave; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 37; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Milwaukee; Property location[A]: Address: 5000 W National Ave; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 133,730; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Milwaukee; Property location[A]: Address: 5000 W National Ave; Type of property[B]: Theater; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 21,986; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Milwaukee; Property location[A]: Address: 5000 W National Ave; Type of property[B]: Power plant; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,920; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Tomah; Property location[A]: Address: 500 East Veterans St; Type of property[B]: Living quarters[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 20,193; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Milwaukee; Property location[A]: Address: 5000 W National Ave; Type of property[B]: Library; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,010; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Milwaukee; Property location[A]: Address: 5000 W National Ave; Type of property[B]: Chapel; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 7,316; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Milwaukee; Property location[A]: Address: 5000 W National Ave; Type of property[B]: Regional office bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 130,374; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 86. Property location[A]: City: Tomah; Property location[A]: Address: 500 East Veterans St; Type of property[B]: Administrative bldg; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 23,831; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 62. Property location[A]: City: Madison; Property location[A]: Address: 2500 Overlook Terrace; Type of property[B]: Laundry/boiler plant; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 26,500; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 50. Property location[A]: City: Milwaukee; Property location[A]: Address: 5000 W National Ave; Type of property[B]: Hospital; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 150,728; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 29. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Wyoming (7); Property location[A]: City: Sheridan; Property location[A]: Address: 1898 Fort Rd; Type of property[B]: Land; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 1; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Sheridan; Property location[A]: Address: 1898 Fort Rd; Type of property[B]: Shop; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,899; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Sheridan; Property location[A]: Address: 1898 Fort Rd; Type of property[B]: Bowling alley; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,444; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 100. Property location[A]: City: Sheridan; Property location[A]: Address: 1898 Fort Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 7,506; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 42. Property location[A]: City: Sheridan; Property location[A]: Address: 1898 Fort Rd; Type of property[B]: Hospital ward; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 13,269; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 39. Property location[A]: City: Sheridan; Property location[A]: Address: 1898 Fort Rd; Type of property[B]: Homeless shelter; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 7,013; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 36. Property location[A]: City: Sheridan; Property location[A]: Address: 1898 Fort Rd; Type of property[B]: VA building; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,769; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: 32. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Total (577); Property location[A]: City: 109 cities; Property location[A]: Address: [Empty]; Type of property[B]: 577 properties[E]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,420,890; Property size: Land (acres): 1,503; Vacancy rate (percent)[C]: [Empty]. Source: VA. [A] Some VA properties are medical complexes that include multiple structures and land. For such properties, VA's database provided only the address for the medical complex. Thus, in some cases, multiple structures and land will have the same address. [B] This table provides information that describes various types of VA structures, such as hospitals and storage facilities, when such information was available from VA's database. When descriptive information on structure types was not available, the structure was designated as a VA building. Also, the vacant tracts of land that VA reported were generally located on medical complexes. VA officials told us that these land tracts, which had no structures on them, may be suitable for development. However, the officials said that a final determination has not been made on whether these land tracts can be made available for disposal. [C] This table includes all VA structures that had a vacancy rate of 26 percent or higher. [D] In past years, VA provided housing for some employees, such as the hospital director, assistant director, and director of finance. [E] VA officials told us that updated information on the planned disposition of these vacant and underutilized properties would in all likelihood be available after the Secretary of Veterans Affairs approved the results of the Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services process. The officials anticipated that this approval would occur by the end of 2003. [End of table] [End of section] Appendix IV: List of Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties Reported by the U.S. Postal Service as of October 1, 2002: State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Alabama (3); Property location: City: Tuskegee; Property location: Address: N Church St; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 3; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Point Clear; Property location: Address: N/S Hwy 32; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Selma; Property location: Address: 723 Alabama Ave; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 16,870; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Alaska (2); Property location: City: Tununak; Property location: Address: Second & D Sts; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,043; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Point Hope; Property location: Address: 912 Ippig Ave; Type of property[A]: Main office[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 843; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Arizona (3); Property location: City: Phoenix; Property location: Address: 16825 S Desert Foothills Pkwy; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 5; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Phoenix; Property location: Address: Northwest Corner, McDowell Rd & 36th St; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 4; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Central; Property location: Address: South side of Central Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Arkansas (4); Property location: City: Van Buren; Property location: Address: 2741 Fayetteville Rd; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 19,787; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: McGehee; Property location: Address: 201 N Second St; Type of property[A]: Main office[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 14,609; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Stuttgart; Property location: Address: 302-308 S Maple; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,663; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Marianna; Property location: Address: 58 W Main St; Type of property[A]: Main office[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 7,982; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): California (15); Property location: City: Lancaster; Property location: Address: Federal Way & Ave K; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 25; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Santa Ana; Property location: Address: Liberty & Aliso Creek Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 17; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Vernon/Bell; Property location: Address: 5555 Bandini Blvd; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 10; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: San Fernando/Sylmar; Property location: Address: 13700 Foothill Blvd; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 5; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Irvine/Northwood; Property location: Address: Farwell Ave & League St; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 4; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Mendocino; Property location: Address: East side of Lansing St, between Palette Dr Loop; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 3; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: La Quinta; Property location: Address: 79-125 Corporate Centre Dr; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 3; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Santa Clarita; Property location: Address: Northwest corner, Parker Rd and Old Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Stockton; Property location: Address: Corner of Airport Way, First & Pilgrim; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: San Francisco; Property location: Address: 390 Main St; Type of property[A]: Land[E]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Los Angeles; Property location: Address: 760 N Main St; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Van Nuys; Property location: Address: 5805 White Oak; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Danville; Property location: Address: 2605 Camino Tassajara; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Los Angeles; Property location: Address: 7001 S Central Ave; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Santa Monica; Property location: Address: 711 Olympic; Type of property[A]: USPS building[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 54,410; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Colorado (2); Property location: City: Denver; Property location: Address: S Potomac; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 44; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Denver; Property location: Address: 1501 Wynkoop; Type of property[A]: Mail processing plant[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 487,295; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Connecticut (3); Property location: City: Southbury; Property location: Address: 710 Main St S; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 11; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Westport; Property location: Address: 234 Westport Ave; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Naugatuck; Property location: Address: 285 Church St; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 12,386; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Florida (3); Property location: City: Venice; Property location: Address: US 41 & Jacaranda Blvd; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 8; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Terra Ceia; Property location: Address: Southside Terra Ceia Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 4; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Ft Pierce; Property location: Address: 500 Orange Ave; Type of property[A]: Post office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,403; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Hawaii (3); Property location: City: Kahalui; Property location: Address: Kahalui Airport; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 5; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Kailua Kona; Property location: Address: Big Island Airport; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 4; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Honolulu; Property location: Address: 335 Merchant St; Type of property[A]: Post office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 168,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 80. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Idaho (1); Property location: City: Jerome; Property location: Address: Lincoln Ave; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Illinois (6); Property location: City: Schaumburg; Property location: Address: American Ln & State Pkwy; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 7; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Island Lake; Property location: Address: North side of Newport Ct; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Chicago; Property location: Address: 4231 W Washington; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Chicago; Property location: Address: 433 W Van Buren; Type of property[A]: Main office/mail processing plant/ administrative space[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,500,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Franklin Park; Property location: Address: 10750 W Grand Ave; Type of property[A]: Warehouse[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 267,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Forest Park; Property location: Address: 7600 Roosevelt Rd; Type of property[A]: Warehouse[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 245,782; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Indiana (2); Property location: City: Lawrenceburg; Property location: Address: Short & William Sts; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,535; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Rochester; Property location: Address: 200 E 8[TH] St; Type of property[A]: Main office[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,578; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Kentucky (1); Property location: City: Barbourville; Property location: Address: 114 N Allison Ave; Type of property[A]: Tenant residence[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,258; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Maine (2); Property location: City: Scarborough; Property location: Address: Mussey Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 51; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Eastport; Property location: Address: 2 Washington St; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Maryland (3); Property location: City: Baltimore/Brooklyn; Property location: Address: 1500 Cherry Hill Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 4; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Columbia; Property location: Address: 6801 Oak Hall Ln; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Randallstown; Property location: Address: 9113 Liberty Rd; Type of property[A]: Main office[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 5,876; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Massachusetts (1); Property location: City: Bourne; Property location: Address: 54 Meetinghouse Ln; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 4; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Michigan (4); Property location: City: Waterford; Property location: Address: North side of Highland Rd, between Airport & Crescent; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 7; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Constantine; Property location: Address: W/S Pigion Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Caro; Property location: Address: E/S M-81; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Detroit; Property location: Address: 10325 Lyndon; Type of property[A]: Garage[E]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 24,144; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Nebraska (1); Property location: City: Lincoln; Property location: Address: 1201 Calvert; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 5; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Nevada (2); Property location: City: Reno; Property location: Address: North Hills Blvd & Golden Valley Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 3; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Ely; Property location: Address: 415 5th St; Type of property[A]: Downtown retail unit[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,998; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): New Hampshire (1); Property location: City: Salem; Property location: Address: 51 S Broadway; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): New Jersey (4); Property location: City: Red Bank; Property location: Address: 307 Industrial Way West; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 12; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Trenton; Property location: Address: 680 U S Highway 130; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 9; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Secaucus; Property location: Address: 300 County Ave; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Jersey City; Property location: Address: 312- 314 Pacific Ave; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): New Mexico (2); Property location: City: Albuquerque; Property location: Address: Broadway Blvd SE; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 52; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Albuquerque; Property location: Address: Montano & Tesuque NW; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 5; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): New York (7); Property location: City: Hicksville/Plainview; Property location: Address: 1475 Old Country Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 3; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Great Neck; Property location: Address: 302- 308 East Shore Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Woodstock; Property location: Address: Rock City Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: New York; Property location: Address: 110 E 45th St; Type of property[A]: Land[E]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Saint James; Property location: Address: 325 Lake Ave; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Syracuse; Property location: Address: 1801 Milton Ave; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Newfane; Property location: Address: 2748 Main St; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 1,800; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): North Carolina (2); Property location: City: New Bern; Property location: Address: 413-415 Middle St; Type of property[A]: Main office[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 21,000; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 50. Property location: City: Clinton; Property location: Address: 109 W Main St; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 13,653; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Ohio (3); Property location: City: Columbus; Property location: Address: 1521 Cassady Ave; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 4; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Cincinnati; Property location: Address: 5545 Murray Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 3; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Lorain; Property location: Address: 863 Broadway; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 29,565; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Oklahoma (2); Property location: City: Oklahoma City; Property location: Address: W Reno Ave, between Meridan & Portland; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 37; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Oklahoma City; Property location: Address: 7800 Hefner Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 7; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Oregon (1); Property location: City: Myrtle Creek; Property location: Address: Rice St, between Battan & Maple; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Pennsylvania (3); Property location: City: Philadelphia; Property location: Address: Lindbergh Blvd; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 50; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Swiftwater; Property location: Address: Swiftwater Rd Sr 1011; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Elizabethville; Property location: Address: 25 Broad St; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Puerto Rico(3); Property location: City: San Juan; Property location: Address: E/S State Rd 176; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Loiza; Property location: Address: State Rd 188 at Mediania Baja Ward; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Vieques; Property location: Address: State Rd 993 opposite Isabel Segunda Bypass; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Rhode Island (3); Property location: City: Providence; Property location: Address: 24 Corliss St; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 8; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: North Kingstown; Property location: Address: 7715 Post Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: West Warwick; Property location: Address: 1190 Main St; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,179; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): South Carolina (3); Property location: City: Hilton Head Island; Property location: Address: 10 Bow Circle; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Darlington; Property location: Address: 201 Pearl St; Type of property[A]: Main office[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,123; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: North Myrtle Beach; Property location: Address: 621 Sixth Ave S; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,500; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Texas (13); Property location: City: San Antonio; Property location: Address: 10410 Perrin-Bietel Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 10; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Round Rock; Property location: Address: 2250 Double Creek Dr; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 9; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Austin; Property location: Address: Airport Blvd; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 6; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: El Paso; Property location: Address: PO Box 9998; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 6; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Edinburg; Property location: Address: 410 South Jackson Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 4; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Eastland; Property location: Address: Southwest corner, Daugherty/White; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Dallas; Property location: Address: Bryan & Ervay Sts; Type of property[A]: Post office[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 163,694; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 75. Property location: City: Paris; Property location: Address: 231 Lamar Ave; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 28,673; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: San Benito; Property location: Address: 417 N Sam Houston St; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 16,342; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Mission; Property location: Address: 901 N Francisco Ave; Type of property[A]: Main office[D]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,670; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Austin; Property location: Address: 2620 Anderson Ln; Type of property[A]: Post office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 9,383; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Waller; Property location: Address: Southeast corner, Saunders and Main; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 3,360; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Austin; Property location: Address: 3507 N Lamar St; Type of property[A]: Post office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 2,877; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Virginia (5); Property location: City: Roanoke; Property location: Address: 1515 Courtland Rd, NE; Type of property[A]: Land[B]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): 2; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Arlington; Property location: Address: 3101- 3115 10th St; Type of property[A]: Land[E]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Mechanicsville; Property location: Address: 9540 Chamberlain Rd; Type of property[A]: Land[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): [Empty]; Property size: Land (acres): Less than 1; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Harrisonburg; Property location: Address: 116 N Main; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 50,423; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. Property location: City: Chester; Property location: Address: 4238 W Hundred Rd; Type of property[A]: Main office[C]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 6,765; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Washington (1); Property location: City: Toppenish; Property location: Address: Old Safeway Building; Type of property[A]: USPS building[E]; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 10,700; Property size: Land (acres): [Empty]; Vacancy rate (percent): 100. State/entity (total number of properties in each state/entity): Total (114); Property location: City: 106 cities; Property location: Address: [Empty]; Type of property[A]: 114 properties; Property size: Buildings (square feet): 4,276,979; Property size: Land (acres): 500[F]; Vacancy rate (percent): [Empty]. Source: USPS. [A] This table includes all properties that had been reported to USPS headquarters for disposal or enhanced use. Land refers to real property that has no structures on it, and all land is considered 100 percent vacant. [B] As of May 1, 2003, USPS officials said that this property was being held for construction of a future USPS facility. [C] As of May 1, 2003, USPS officials said that this property had been sold or was under contract to be sold. [D] As of May 1, 2003, USPS officials said that this property was being offered for sale or it had been identified as unneeded for USPS purposes. [E] As of May 1, 2003, USPS officials said that this property was no longer vacant or underutilized because it was being used by USPS or had been leased to other tenants. [F] This figure includes a total of about 11 acres for 19 land properties, each of which measured less than 1 acre. [End of table] [End of section] Appendix V: List of Locations with 5 or More GSA, VA, and USPS Vacant and Underutilized Real Properties as of October 1, 2002: State/entity: Alabama; Location: Tuscaloosa; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 5; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: Alabama; Location: Tuskegee; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 23; Number of properties: USPS: 1; Number of properties: Total: 24. State/entity: Arkansas; Location: North Little Rock; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 5; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: California; Location: Alameda; Number of properties: GSA: 10; Number of properties: VA: [Empty]; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 10. State/entity: California; Location: Los Angeles; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 52; Number of properties: USPS: 2; Number of properties: Total: 54. State/entity: Colorado; Location: Lakewood; Number of properties: GSA: 14; Number of properties: VA: [Empty]; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 14. State/entity: Connecticut; Location: Newington; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 10; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 10. State/entity: District of Columbia; Location: Washington, DC; Number of properties: GSA: 10; Number of properties: VA: 1; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 11. State/entity: Georgia; Location: Augusta; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 12; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 12. State/entity: Iowa; Location: Knoxville; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 7; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 7. State/entity: Illinois; Location: Hines; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 7; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 7. State/entity: Illinois; Location: North Chicago; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 9; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 9. State/entity: Indiana; Location: Marion; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 27; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 27. State/entity: Kansas; Location: Leavenworth; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 36; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 36. State/entity: Kentucky; Location: Lexington; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 19; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 19. State/entity: Massachusetts; Location: Bedford; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 8; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 8. State/entity: Massachusetts; Location: Brockton; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 5; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: Maryland; Location: Baltimore; Number of properties: GSA: 3; Number of properties: VA: 1; Number of properties: USPS: 1; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: Maryland; Location: Fort Howard; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 43; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 43. State/entity: Maryland; Location: Middle River; Number of properties: GSA: 8; Number of properties: VA: [Empty]; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 8. State/entity: Maryland; Location: Silver Spring; Number of properties: GSA: 21; Number of properties: VA: [Empty]; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 21. State/entity: Michigan; Location: Battle Creek; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 5; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: Missouri; Location: Kansas City; Number of properties: GSA: 10; Number of properties: VA: [Empty]; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 10. State/entity: Missouri; Location: St. Louis; Number of properties: GSA: 12; Number of properties: VA: 4; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 16. State/entity: Nebraska; Location: Lincoln; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 4; Number of properties: USPS: 1; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: Nevada; Location: Reno; Number of properties: GSA: 1; Number of properties: VA: 4; Number of properties: USPS: 1; Number of properties: Total: 6. State/entity: New Jersey; Location: Lyons; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 5; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: New Mexico; Location: Albuquerque; Number of properties: GSA: 2; Number of properties: VA: 1; Number of properties: USPS: 2; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: New York; Location: Batavia; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 7; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 7. State/entity: New York; Location: Jamaica; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 5; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: New York; Location: Montrose; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 9; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 9. State/entity: New York; Location: Northport; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 9; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 9. State/entity: North Carolina; Location: Asheville; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 8; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 8. State/entity: North Carolina; Location: Salisbury; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 5; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: Oklahoma; Location: Oklahoma City; Number of properties: GSA: 3; Number of properties: VA: [Empty]; Number of properties: USPS: 2; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: Pennsylvania; Location: Butler; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 7; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 7. State/entity: Pennsylvania; Location: Pittsburgh; Number of properties: GSA: 1; Number of properties: VA: 14; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 15. State/entity: South Carolina; Location: Columbia; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 7; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 7. State/entity: South Dakota; Location: Fort Meade; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 7; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 7. State/entity: Tennessee; Location: Johnson City; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 6; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 6. State/entity: Tennessee; Location: Murfreesboro; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 9; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 9. State/entity: Texas; Location: Fort Worth; Number of properties: GSA: 18; Number of properties: VA: [Empty]; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 18. State/entity: Texas; Location: Temple; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 6; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 6. State/entity: Texas; Location: Waco; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 10; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 10. State/entity: Virginia; Location: Hampton; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 9; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 9. State/entity: Virginia; Location: Salem; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 5; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 5. State/entity: Washington; Location: Vancouver; Number of properties: GSA: 1; Number of properties: VA: 21; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 22. State/entity: Wisconsin; Location: Milwaukee; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 8; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 8. State/entity: Wyoming; Location: Sheridan; Number of properties: GSA: [Empty]; Number of properties: VA: 7; Number of properties: USPS: [Empty]; Number of properties: Total: 7. State/entity: Total--31 states and the District of Columbia; Location: 49 locations; Number of properties: GSA: 114; Number of properties: VA: 452; Number of properties: USPS: 10; Number of properties: Total: 576. Source: GAO analysis of GSA, VA, and USPS data. [End of table] [End of section] Appendix VI: Comments from the General Services Administration: GSA Public Buildings Service: JUN 23 2003: Mark L. Goldstein: Acting Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues U.S. General Accounting Office: Washington, DC 20548: Dear Mr. Goldstein: We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the U.S. General Accounting Office draft report entitled Federal Real Property: Vacant and Underutilized Properties at GSA, VA, and USPS" (GAO-03-747). In addition to providing editorial suggestions (Enclosure 1), we have one fundamental comment: you have overstated the amount of underutilized space in GSA's inventory by including vacant space that is not available for assignment because it is already committed; for example, space that is being renovated for a customer agency. Revising your list of vacant and underutilized properties (Enclosure 2) would reduce the number of properties from 236 to 193 and the square footage from 18.2 to 10.3 million. We also would like to note that the number of vacant and underutilized properties is inflated by the inclusion of 37 support properties. While themselves unoccupiable, they are necessary to the functioning of occupiable space; for example, a pump house or a parking lot booth. These properties are small and have little impact on the square footage of underutilized space reported, but their inclusion does disproportionately impact the number of underutilized properties (see added footnote on Enclosure 2). I am pleased to report that as of March 2003, the vacant assignable space in our owned inventory - the commonly accepted private sector measure of vacancy - was 10 million square feet, which is only 5.5 percent of our owned inventory. This vacancy rate is well below industry averages. As we implement our restructuring initiative, we will improve the performance of our owned portfolio by reinvesting in viable assets for which there is a long-term federal need and by redeploying non- performing assets. For example, phasing out our warehouses will reduce the forty-eight buildings (5 million square feet) that now appear on the list of vacant and underutilized properties. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the draft report. If you have any questions or if we can provide any further assistance, please have your staff contact Mr. William H. Matthews, Assistant Commissioner for Portfolio Management, on (202) 501-0638. Sincerely, F. Joseph Moravec Commissioner: Enclosures (2): Signed by F. Joseph Moravec: [End of section] Appendix VII: GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments: GAO Contacts: Bernard L. Ungar (202) 512-2834 Mark L. Goldstein (202) 512-2834 Gerald Stankosky (202) 512-5758: Staff Acknowledgments: In addition to those named above, William Dowdal, Anne Hilleary, and Jessica Lundberg made key contributions to this report. (543033): FOOTNOTES [1] GSA's Federal Property Management Regulations define not utilized property as an entire property or portion of a property that is not occupied or used for current program purposes of the accountable agency or property that is occupied in caretaker status only. According to a GSA official, property that is not utilized is generally considered vacant. The regulations also define underutilized property as an entire property or portion of a property that is used only at irregular periods or intermittently by the accountable agency or property that is being used for the agency's current program purposes that can be satisfied with only a portion of the property. (41 C.F.R. 101-47.801) [2] U.S. General Accounting Office, High-Risk Series: Federal Real Property, GAO-03-122 (Washington, D.C. Jan. 2003). [3] Under a public-private partnership, sometimes referred to as a public-private venture, the federal government and a private entity form an arrangement in which the federal government contributes real property and the private entity contributes financial capital and borrowing ability to redevelop or renovate real property to serve, in part or in whole, a public need. [4] U.S. General Services Administration, Summary Report of Real Property Owned by the United States Throughout the World, (Washington, D.C. June 2001). In our report on governmentwide real property data, we stated that such data, which are compiled by GSA and often referred to as the worldwide inventory, have been unreliable and of limited usefulness, and we made recommendations to GSA to improve the data. GSA officials stated that they are currently making improvements to the data in response to our recommendations. We use these data here because at the time of our review, they provided the only available indication of the size and characteristics of the federal real property inventory. (See U.S. General Accounting Office, Federal Real Property: Better Governmentwide Data Needed for Strategic Decisionmaking, GAO-02-342 [Washington, D.C. Apr. 16, 2002]). [5] As part of your request, you also wanted to know the impact that GSA, VA, and USPS vacant and underutilized properties had on their real property operations and the local communities where the properties are located. As agreed with congressional staff, it was decided that this issue would be best pursued under a separate engagement. [6] This amount does not include stewardship assets, which are not reported on the government's balance sheet. These assets include wilderness areas, scenic river systems, monuments, defense facilities (including military bases), and national defense assets. Also, real property data contained in the financial statements of the U.S. government have been problematic mainly because the government lacked complete and reliable information on its asset holdings, including real property. We were unable to express an opinion on the U.S. government's consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 2002. [7] GSA's Public Buildings Service is the major component within GSA that provides real property services to federal agencies. [8] VA's Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is the major component within VA that provides health care services to veterans. In this report, we focused on VHA properties. [9] The Property Act is set forth at 40 U.S.C. � 101 et. seq. The Property Act excludes certain types of property, such as public domain assets and land reserved or dedicated for national forest or national park purposes. The Public Buildings Act is set forth at 40 U.S.C. � 3301 et. seq. [10] 39 U.S.C. �� 201 and 401; for purposes of this report, our definition of agency includes USPS, an independent establishment in the executive branch. [11] 41 C.F.R. Subpart 101-47.8. [12] U.S. General Accounting Office, VA Health Care: Improvements Needed in Capital Asset Planning and Budgeting, GAO/HEHS-99-145 (Washington, D.C. Aug. 13, 1999). [13] U.S. General Accounting Office, VA Health Care: Improved Planning Needed for Management of Excess Real Property, GAO-03-326 (Washington, D.C. Jan. 29, 2003). [14] 38 U.S.C. �8161 (2002) et seq. VA has its own authority to enter into partnerships to lease its properties to nongovernmental entities. In turn, these entities develop, rehabilitate, or renovate the properties. [15] The identification and disposal of vacant and underutilized property is an ongoing process. Given this, the numbers of properties are subject to constant change. [16] The 927 vacant and underutilized properties--including 807 facilities and 120 tracts of land, which totaled about 2,000 acres-- represented a small portion of the total number of properties held by these 3 agencies. Specifically, as of October 1, 2002, the 3 agencies owned a total of about 14,900 facilities and 44,900 acres of land, with GSA holding about 1,700 facilities and 8,700 acres of land; VA holding about 4,900 facilities and 15,600 acres of land; and USPS holding about 8,300 facilities and 20,600 acres of land. [17] Our review of the square footage data for these facilities revealed that 31 GSA facilities had no rentable square footage. GSA officials told us that generally, such facilities could not be rented because various structural or environmental conditions made them unsuitable for tenant occupation. [18] In commenting on a draft of this report, GSA's Commissioner of the Public Buildings Service said that about 8 million square feet of this space was already committed to being occupied. [19] Percentages do not add to 100 due to rounding. [20] U.S. General Accounting Office, Public-Private Partnerships: Pilot Program Needed to Demonstrate the Actual Benefits of Using Partnerships, GAO-01-906 (Washington, D.C. July 25, 2001). [21] Economic Research Associates, Report for Enhanced-Use Options, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Submitted to Department of Veterans Affairs, ERA Project Number: 12460 (Apr. 1998; Re-Issue June 1999). [22] In a February 2000 report--U.S. General Accounting Office: Accrual Budgeting: Experiences of Other Nations and Implications for the United States, GAO/AIMD-00-57 (Washington, D.C. Feb. 18, 2000)--we discussed how some countries have encouraged the efficient use of real property assets. [23] GAO-03-122. [24] 39 U.S.C. 101(b). 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