NASA 5-Year Planning
Gao ID: NSIAD-92-155R February 19, 1992GAO provided information on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) 5-year program plans. GAO noted that: (1) NASA is overcommitted in terms of resources for its program plans; (2) NASA may have to reduce program plans by $13 billion to $21 billion through fiscal year (FY) 1997; (3) restrictions on domestic discretionary funding may not allow inflation-sized increases in the NASA budget; (4) for FY 1992, the administration proposed a 13-percent increase for NASA over its 1991 funding level, but Congress approved only a 3-percent increase; and (5) the omission of out-year funding profiles in the President's FY 1993 budget submission makes it difficult to understand the future implications of budget decisions.