Issues Related to the Closing of the Nuclear Fuel Services, Incorporated, Reprocessing Plant at West Valley, New York

Gao ID: 102462 June 15, 1977

The West Valley, New York, nuclear reprocessing plant of Nuclear Fuel Services, Incorporated (NFS), was, prior to its closing, the only commercial reprocessing facility in the United States. Three questions now confront the State of New York, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA): What can be done with the plant and wastes? How much will it cost? Who will be responsible? Although NFS is presently responsible for the care of the facilities and wastes at its West Valley plant, it can voluntarily surrender this responsibility to the State's Energy Research and Development Authority before its agreements with the Authority expire. When NFS's agreements with the Authority expire on December 31, 1980, the transfer of responbility will take place, assuming approval from the NRC. It appears that, at a minimum, the Federal Government will have to provide technical assistance to New York to resolve the outstanding waste management issues at West Valley. The NRC and ERDA should develop a policy on Federal assistance to New York State for the West Valley site. The NRC should assist in developing an appropriate waste-disposal technology, and should conduct further studies on the condition of the high-level waste tanks. NFS and New York State should be required to submit a decommissioning plan for the reprocessing plant and site.

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