Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reports for July 1978
- 106500 - The Department of Energy's Nuclear Powerplant Siting and Licensing Bill (1978-07-10)
- 106501 - The Department of Energy's Nuclear Powerplant Siting and Licensing Bill (1978-07-12)
- 095400 - The Department of Energy's Nuclear Powerplant Siting and Licensing Bill (1978-07-12)
- EMD-78-94 - Major Unresolved Issues Preventing a Timely Resolution to Radioactive Waste Disposal (1978-07-13)
- 095394 - The Department of Energy's Nuclear Powerplant Siting and Licensing Bill (1978-07-20)
- EMD-78-97 - An Evaluation of Federal Support of the Barnwell Reprocessing Plant and the Department of Energy's Spent Fuel Storage Policy (1978-07-20)