Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Revision of Fee Schedules--100 Percent Fee Recovery for Fiscal Year 1999 Gao ID: OGC-99-51 June 21, 1999Pursuant to a legislative requirement, GAO reviewed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) new rule on fee recovery for fiscal year (FY) 1999. GAO noted that: (1) the final rule implements for FY 1999 section 6101 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990; (2) it requires NRC to recover from its applicants and licensees approximately 100 percent of its budget authority, less amounts appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund; (3) for FY 1999, NRC must collect approximately $449.6 million through these fees; (4) two types of fees are assessed: (a) applicants and licensees are charged for specific services, such as inspections and licensing reviews, that are provided by NRC; and (b) NRC assesses an annual fee to its licensees to recover generic costs that cannot be attributed to specific licensees; and (5) NRC complied with applicable requirements in promulgating the rule.