Office of Personnel Management Reports for August 1979
- B-193355(VBG) - Claim for Retroactive Promotion With Backpay (1979-08-08)
- FPCD-79-66 - DOD Civilian Employees' Use of Sick Leave Before Retirement Is Still High (1979-08-08)
- PAD-79-22 - An Analysis of the Effects of Indexing for Inflation on Federal Expenditures (1979-08-15)
- FPCD-79-79 - Costs of Federal Personnel Security Investigations Could and Should Be Cut (1979-08-31)
- FPCD-79-17 - Investment Policies, Practices, and Performance of Federal Retirement Systems (1979-08-31)
- B-195496(THK) - Request To Retain Up to 1138 Hours of Restored Annual Leave (1979-08-31)