SBA's Small Business Development Center Program
Gao ID: 110447 September 25, 1979The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Program, administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA), is designed to provide management and technical assistance to small business concerns through locally available, expert resources to help small businesses with diverse business problems. These services are to be provided through an extensive delivery system primarily utilizing the resources of colleges and universities. Because of limited scope and inconclusive results GAO could not assess the overall effectiveness of the SBDC program. Information developed at the three SBDCs shows support as well as concern about program operations. SBCD data systems did not provide an adequate historical basis for measuring program process. Private firms providing similar services were frequently negative toward the SBDC program. GAO recently began a review of the SBA SBDCs and the Economic Development Administration's University Center Program. The issues addressed include whether duplication exists in the two programs; the services being provided and the type of business assisted; the cost of each program; and the results achieved.