Small Business in Southern Nevada
Gao ID: RCED-93-36R October 6, 1992Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the Small Business Administration's (SBA) performance in southern Nevada, focusing on the: (1) Las Vegas district office's staffing requirements; (2) Las Vegas district office's effectiveness in approving and servicing loans; (3) extent to which federal installations in Nevada provided procurement contracts to small businesses; and (4) level of small business outreach and counseling programs in Nevada. GAO noted that: (1) the Las Vegas district office is understaffed, resulting in district office personnel performing a large amount of collateral duties; (2) Las Vegas district office staff sucessfully perform loan approval and servicing duties; (3) Nevada federal installations that award procurement contracts meet small business contract goals; and (4) SBA has taken steps to improve its small business procurement outreach and counseling programs in Nevada.