Review of Contract for Painting at Marine Corps Air Stations
Gao ID: PSAD-78-73 January 31, 1978A review was conducted of a pending award of a contract for painting at the Marine Corps Air Stations at El Toro and Santa Ana, California. The Government estimate should have been about 24 cents per square foot rather than the initial estimate prepared of 17 cents per square foot. No indications were found of significant problems in the quality control of contractors' performance. Some minor deficiencies were noted in the manner in which Government inspectors made and reported on inspections of contractors' performance. Labor rates, as adjusted for local conditions by the Government estimator, were reasonably near the approved rates and provided an adequate basis for determining whether contractors had considered appropriate labor rates in bidding on the contract. Although adequate procedures exist for enforcement of labor standards provisions, such enforcement was infrequent at the Air Station.