Excess Facilities

DOD Needs More Complete Information and a Strategy to Guide Its Future Disposal Efforts Gao ID: GAO-11-814 September 19, 2011

In Process

DOD is on track to meet its overall targets to demolish 62.3 million square feet of facilities and about $1.2 billion in additional facilities that were not measured in square feet by the end of fiscal year 2013. Based on GAO's analysis of DOD's real property inventory database, the military services and defense organizations have all made progress in demolishing excess facilities during the first half of DOD's 6-year demolition program; however, based on DOD's projected demolition plans for the remaining years of the program, some organizations may not meet their individual demolition targets by the end of fiscal year 2013. DOD is limited in its ability to identify other potentially excess facilities, because it does not maintain complete and accurate data concerning the utilization of its facilities. GAO found that DOD's real property inventory database showed utilization data for less than half of DOD's total inventory and that these data often were incomplete or did not reflect the true usage rate of the facilities. As a result, DOD may be missing opportunities to identify additional facilities that are candidates for consolidation, demolition, or other forms of disposal. DOD's plans to eliminate excess facilities in the future are unclear, as are its plans for taking into account external factors, such as management of historical preservation requirements and environmental restrictions, which affect the disposal of long-standing excess facilities that were identified before fiscal year 2008. DOD officials stated that, as they plan for demolition of excess facilities after the current program ends in fiscal year 2013, demolition will be one component of a broader effort for facilities management that will include other approaches to eliminating excess facilities, such as consolidation and recapitalization. However, DOD has not yet defined the strategies and measures it intends to employ to carry out this broader approach. DOD officials further stated that the demolition of long-standing excess facilities may require more time and effort to complete because of several external factors. Without specific strategies and measures to evaluate future efforts, and without considering how external factors may affect goals, DOD may not be able to evaluate how well its efforts will serve to eliminate long-standing excess facilities and make the best use of its facilities. To better focus and manage its future disposal efforts, GAO recommends that DOD calculate and record complete and accurate utilization data for all facilities and develop strategies and measures to enhance the management of excess facilities after the current demolition program ends. In written comments on a draft of this report, DOD generally agreed with GAO's recommendations.


Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Open," "Closed - implemented," or "Closed - not implemented" based on our follow up work.

Director: Brian J. Lepore Team: Government Accountability Office: Defense Capabilities and Management Phone: (202) 512-4523

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