Federal Education Funding

Overview of K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs Gao ID: GAO-10-51 January 27, 2010

The federal government invests in the education of children, in part, to help ensure that the United States has a well-educated and skilled workforce to compete in the global marketplace. The federal government accounts for about nine percent of the total investment in K-12 education, with state and local sources covering the rest. Over the last two decades there have been a number of efforts to catalogue and determine how much is spent on federal education programs. However, because education programs are administered by agencies throughout the federal government, and there is no standard definition of a federal education program, there currently is no single source that legislators and policymakers can refer to for an accounting of federal education programs. To address Congressional interest in these issues, we answered the following questions: (1) What is the federal expenditure on K-12 and early childhood education programs? (2) What are the characteristics of these programs? (3) To what extent have these programs completed evaluations?

In summary, (1) The federal government provided an estimated $166.9 billion over the 3-year period from fiscal years 2006-2008--for an average of $55.6 billion per year--to administer 151 different federal K-12 and early childhood education programs. (2) Federal K-12 and early childhood education programs have a variety of goals, although serving disadvantaged populations was cited most frequently by survey respondents. (3) Agencies reported that 65 of the 151 programs have completed program evaluations. In addition, of the 20 programs with the largest funding amounts, representing 90 percent of fiscal year 2006-2008 funding, 12 reported performing program evaluations, and 3 reported evaluations under way.

GAO-10-51, Federal Education Funding: Overview of K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-10-51 entitled 'Federal Education Funding: Overview of K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs' which was released on February 26, 2010. This text file was formatted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to be accessible to users with visual impairments, as part of a longer term project to improve GAO products' accessibility. Every attempt has been made to maintain the structural and data integrity of the original printed product. Accessibility features, such as text descriptions of tables, consecutively numbered footnotes placed at the end of the file, and the text of agency comment letters, are provided but may not exactly duplicate the presentation or format of the printed version. The portable document format (PDF) file is an exact electronic replica of the printed version. We welcome your feedback. Please E-mail your comments regarding the contents or accessibility features of this document to Webmaster@gao.gov. This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. It may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. Because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately. Report to Congressional Requesters: United States Government Accountability Office: GAO: January 2010: Federal Education Funding: Overview of K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs: GAO-10-51: Contents: Letter: Appendix I: Briefing Slides: Appendix II: Federal K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs Funded in Fiscal Years 2006-2008 by Agency: Appendix III: Federal K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs Funded through the Recovery Act: Appendix IV: Comments from the Department of Education: [End of section] United States Government Accountability Office: Washington, DC 20548: January 27, 2010: The Honorable John P. Kline: Ranking Member: Committee on Education and Labor: House of Representatives: The Honorable John Linder: House of Representatives: The Honorable Howard P. "Buck" McKeon: House of Representatives: The federal government invests in the education of children, in part, to help ensure that the United States has a well-educated and skilled workforce to compete in the global marketplace. The federal government accounts for about nine percent of the total investment in K-12 education, with state and local sources covering the rest. Over the last two decades there have been a number of efforts to catalog and determine how much is spent on federal education programs. However, because education programs are administered by agencies throughout the federal government, and there is no standard definition of a federal education program, there currently is no single source that legislators and policymakers can refer to for an accounting of federal education programs. To address your interest in these issues, we answered the following questions: (1) What is the federal expenditure on K-12 and early childhood education programs? (2) What are the characteristics of these programs? (3) To what extent have these programs completed evaluations? We briefed your staff on the results of our analysis on August 25, 2009, and this report formally conveys the information provided during that briefing. See appendix I for the briefing slides and appendix II for a list of all the federal K-12 and early childhood education programs identified through our study. In summary, we reported the following findings: * The federal government provided an estimated $166.9 billion over the 3-year period from fiscal years 2006-2008--for an average of $55.6 billion per year--to administer 151 different federal K-12 and early childhood education programs. * Federal K-12 and early childhood education programs have a variety of goals, although serving disadvantaged populations was cited most frequently by survey respondents. * Agencies reported that 65 of the 151 programs have completed program evaluations. In addition, of the 20 programs with the largest funding amounts, representing 90 percent of fiscal year 2006-2008 funding, 12 reported performing program evaluations, and 3 reported evaluations under way. In February 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)[Footnote 1] was enacted to, among other things, promote economic recovery, provide investments needed to increase economic efficiency, and minimize and avoid reductions in state and local government services. Because the Recovery Act provided substantial funding for education, we reviewed it to identify K-12 and early childhood education programs that received funding at the Departments of Education, Labor, and Health and Human Services, and we confirmed our findings with each of the agencies. Our review focused on these agencies because they administered more than 90 percent of all fiscal year 2006 through fiscal year 2008 federal K-12 and early childhood education funding identified in our study. The Recovery Act provided about $85 billion in discretionary funding for 14 existing and 3 new K- 12 and early childhood education programs through a one-time fiscal stimulus package (see appendix III). Some of these funds can also be used for postsecondary education and non-education purposes. About $48.6 billion of the funding Education received through the Recovery Act is to be distributed to states through the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF). The Recovery Act specifies that about 82 percent of SFSF funds distributed to states must be used for support of elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education and, as applicable, early childhood education programs, and about 18 percent-- or $8.8 billion--must be used for public safety and other government services, which may include educational purposes. Over 93 percent of the $85 billion in discretionary funding was provided for K-12 and early childhood education programs administered by the Department of Education. [Footnote 2] We used the following methodologies to develop our findings. We worked with officials from the Department of Education (Education), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and several other federal agencies to develop a standard definition and criteria to identify relevant K-12 and early childhood education programs. For purposes of this study, we developed a standard definition and criteria to identify relevant K-12 and early childhood education programs: * "Federal education program" refers to any activity authorized by Congress designed primarily to address and improve K-12 education or early childhood education. Federal K-12 and early childhood education programs are those that meet the following criteria: * have a primary focus on any level of K-12 or early childhood education, * emphasis of program's objectives is enhancing student learning through school activities and curricula, and: * K-12 or early childhood students or teachers are the main beneficiaries of the program. Developing a single definition for the wide variety of federally funded K-12 and early childhood education programs is challenging, particularly in the context of ensuring that officials across agencies understand the definition and apply it consistently when completing our questionnaire. A broader definition than the one we developed would result in a larger list of programs, but the connection that some programs have to education may not be apparent. For example, our definition excludes food nutrition and infrastructure programs, which provide billions of dollars to schools but do not directly achieve the objectives of enhancing student learning through school activities and curricula. Creating a single definition for federal education programs is also challenging because some education programs provide funding for noneducation purposes. For example, in addition to providing funding for education, the Head Start program provides funding for health, nutritional, and social services to young children enrolled in the program. In appendix II we list all of the federal K-12 and early childhood education programs identified through our study as well as the funding amounts for each program from 2006 through 2008. These funding amounts reflect the total appropriated budget authority for each program, although some portion of the funding may be used for purposes other than K-12 and early childhood education, as is the case with Head Start. We developed a preliminary list of K-12 and early childhood education programs that met our definition and criteria based on reviews of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance and Department of Education program lists. We contacted all 15 executive branch agencies and 10 independent federal agencies outside the cabinet departments to verify the accuracy and completeness of our preliminary list of programs. Of the 25 federal agencies we contacted, 20 indicated that they had K-12 and early childhood education programs meeting our definition and criteria. Finally, we used a Web-based survey to obtain information about the 229 programs confirmed by each agency and received a 100 percent response rate. After reviewing survey responses for these 229 programs, we identified 151 programs that met our definition and criteria and received federal funding in at least one of the three fiscal years included in our analysis, fiscal years 2006, 2007, and 2008.[Footnote 3] The practical difficulties of conducting any survey may introduce nonsampling errors. For example, differences in how a particular question is interpreted, the reliability of data self- reported by agency officials, and the extent to which questions are not answered can introduce unwanted variability in the survey results. We took steps in the development of the questionnaires, the data collection, and the data editing and analysis to minimize nonsampling errors. For example, we pretested the questionnaire with officials at six agencies to refine the survey instrument, and we contacted individual respondents, if necessary, to clarify answers. Our findings offer a snapshot that captures information on programs funded over the 3-year period from fiscal year 2006 through fiscal year 2008. Some of the programs identified through our study may no longer receive funding, and new programs are not reflected in this study, such as those funded in fiscal year 2009. With regard to program evaluations, we did not assess the rigor of the evaluations that agency officials reported were conducted for federal education programs. Our finding on program evaluations is based on agency officials' responses to a survey question that did not limit or stipulate the types of evaluations that could have been included. [Footnote 4] We conducted our work from October 2007 to January 2010, in accordance with all sections of GAO's Quality Assurance Framework that are relevant to our objectives. The framework requires that we plan and perform the engagement to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to meet our stated objectives and to discuss any limitations in our work. We believe that the information and data obtained, and the analysis conducted, provide a reasonable basis for any findings and conclusions in this product. We provided copies of a draft of this report to Education and OMB for review and comment. In written comments, Education acknowledged the inherent challenges associated with compiling an inventory of federal education programs, and commended GAO for taking steps to obtain an accurate count of federal K-12 and early childhood education programs. Education said the report appears to be a significant improvement over previous efforts to catalog federal education programs, but expressed concern that based on the methodological limitations disclosed in the draft, the report may not provide an accurate "snapshot" of federal activity in K-12 and early childhood education programs. We appreciate Education's concerns. Absent a standard definition of federal education program or central tracking of these programs, efforts to catalog such programs will be subject to the methodological limitations we discuss in the report. However, based on the specific actions we took to mitigate these limitations, including working closely with Education and OMB to develop a standard definition and criteria, pretesting the survey, and following up with each agency to ensure that the information provided in response to our survey was accurate, we believe this report provides a comprehensive listing of federal K-12 and early childhood education programs. Education's comments appear in appendix IV. Both Education and OMB provided technical comments, which we incorporated as appropriate. We are sending copies of this report to relevant congressional committees, the Secretary of Education, and other interested parties. The report also is available at no charge on the GAO Web site at [hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov]. If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please contact me at (202) 512-7215 or scottg@gao.gov. Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last page of this report. Key contributors to this report include Debra Prescott, Assistant Director; Nicholas Larson, Analyst-in- Charge; Melissa Jaynes; Luann Moy; Jennifer Huynh; Kathleen Van Gelder; and James M. Rebbe. Signed by: George A. Scott: Director, Education, Workforce, and Income Security Issues: [End of section] Appendix I: Briefing Slides: Federal Education Funding: Overview of K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs: Briefing for the Ranking Member, House of Representatives, Committee on Education and Labor, and Representatives John Linder and Buck McKeon: Briefing Overview: * Introduction: * Research Objectives: * Scope and Methodology: * Summary of Findings: * Background: * Findings: Introduction: The federal government has an interest in investing in the education of children to establish a well-educated and skilled workforce that will enhance U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace. Over the last two decades, there have been a number of efforts to catalog and identify the extent of expenditures on federal education programs, but a number of challenges make doing so difficult. * Education programs are administered by agencies throughout the federal government. * There is no standard definition of a federal education program across the federal government. As a result of these challenges, there is currently no single source that legislators and policymakers can refer to that provides an accounting of federal education programs. [End of Introduction] Research Objectives: (1) What is the federal expenditure on K-12 and early childhood education programs? (2) What are the characteristics of these programs? (3) To what extent have these programs completed evaluations? [End of Research Objectives] Scope and Methodology: To answer our research objectives, we developed a standard definition and criteria to identify relevant K-12 and early childhood education programs: * ’Federal education program“ refers to any activity authorized by Congress designed primarily to address and improve K-12 education or early childhood education. * Federal K-12 and early childhood education programs are those that meet the following criteria: (1) have a primary focus on any level of K-12 or early childhood education, (2) emphasis of program‘s objectives is enhancing student learning through school activities and curricula, and, (3) K-12 or early childhood students or teachers are the main beneficiaries of the program. To address our research objectives, we: * Developed a preliminary list of K-12 and early childhood education programs that met our definition and criteria based on reviews of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance and Department of Education program lists. * Contacted 25 federal agencies, including all 15 executive branch agencies and 10 independent federal agencies outside the cabinet departments, to verify the accuracy and completeness of the preliminary list of programs. * Surveyed the 20 federal agencies that indicated that they had K-12 and early childhood education programs meeting our definition and criteria. We used a Web-based survey to obtain information about the programs confirmed by each agency, and received an overall survey response rate of 100 percent.[Footnote 5] Study Limitations: Complicating factors in obtaining a comprehensive account of federal education programs include: * education programs are administered by agencies throughout the federal government, * agencies lack a uniform definition of an education program, and, * many programs involving education may also serve noneducation purposes. Survey data may contain nonsampling errors because respondents may have difficulty interpreting questions or they may not respond at all, which can produce unwanted variability in the survey results. Our survey captured information on programs funded over the 3-year period from fiscal years 2006-2008: * Some of these programs did not receive funding in fiscal year 2009. * Survey data contain some estimated funding amounts. Survey data include self-reported information on program evaluations, but we did not assess the rigor of these program evaluations. [End of Scope and Methodology] Summary of Findings: The federal government provided an estimated $166.9 billion over the 3-year period from fiscal years 2006-2008–for an average of $55.6 billion per year–to administer 151 different federal K-12 and early childhood education programs. Federal K-12 and early childhood education programs have a variety of goals, although serving disadvantaged populations was cited most frequently by survey respondents. Agencies reported that 65 of the 151 programs have completed program evaluations. Of the 20 programs with the largest reported funding amounts, representing 90 percent of fiscal year 2006–2008 funding, 12 reported performing program evaluations, and 3 reported evaluations under way. [End of Summary of Findings] Background: Figure: The Federal Share of K-12 Education Funding Is Small Relative to State and Local Sources: [Refer to PDF for image: pie-chart] State: 46%; Local: 45%; Federal: 9%. Source: Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data. [End of figure] Objective 1: Federal Expenditure: Table: Estimated Federal K-12 and Early Childhood Education Funding, Fiscal Years 2006-2008: Estimated funding: 2006: $54.3 billion; 2007: $55.5 billion; 2008: $57.1 billion; Total: $166.9 billion. Number of programs: 2006: 140; 2007: 143; 2008: 147; Total: 151[A], Source: GAO analysis of GAO survey data. [A] Total number of programs includes an unduplicated count of programs that received funding in at least one year during fiscal years 2006-2008. [End of table] Figure: Two Agencies Administered Almost All Federal K-12 and Early Childhood Education Funding: [Refer to PDF for image: pie-chart] FY 2006–FY 2008: Department of Education (Education): $113.4 billion; 68%; Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): $35.5 billion; 21%; Other: $18 billion; 11%. Source: GAO analysis of GAO survey data. [End of figure] Figure: Five Programs Accounted for About Two-thirds of Federal K-12 and Early Childhood Education Funding: [Refer to PDF for image: pie-chart] Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds (HHS): 5%; Improving Teacher Quality State Grants (Education): 5%; Head Start (HHS): 12%; Special Education: Grants to States (Education): 19%; Title I Grants to Local Education Agencies (Education): 24%; All other programs (146): 35%. Source: GAO analysis of GAO survey data. [End of figure] Five Programs Accounted for About Two-thirds of Federal K-12 and Early Childhood Education Funding: * Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies (Department of Education): provides grants to help students meet state standards through assistance for individual children deemed most in need, or a school wide approach to improve the overall instructional program. This program received about $39.5 billion for fiscal years 2006–2008. * Special Education: Grants to States (Department of Education): provides grants to assist states in providing special education and related services to children with disabilities. This program received about $32.3 billion for fiscal years 2006–2008. Head Start (Department of Health and Human Services): provides grants to promote school readiness for low-income preschool children through educational, health, nutrition, social, emotional, and family services. This program received about $19.9 billion for fiscal years 2006–2008. Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds of the Child Care and Development Fund (Department of Health and Human Services): provides grants to states and tribes to help low-income, working families pay for child care so that parents can work, or pursue an education or attend training. A portion of the funds support activities to improve the quality and availability of care.This program received an estimated $8.8 billion for fiscal years 2006–2008. Improving Teacher Quality State Grants (Department of Education): provides grants to state educational agencies and local educational agencies to develop and support a high-quality teaching force through activities that strengthen the skills and knowledge of teachers, enabling them to improve student achievement in core academic subjects.This program received about $8.7 billion for fiscal years 2006–2008. [End of Objective 1] Objective 2: Program Characteristics: Table: Federal K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs Had a Variety of Goals, but Serving Disadvantaged Populations Was Most Often Cited: Fiscal years 2006-2008[A]: Program goal or mission: Serving disadvantaged populations; Number of programs: 102; Estimated percentage of funding: 96%. Program goal or mission: Classroom instruction for K-12 students; Number of programs: 102; Estimated percentage of funding: 67%. Program goal or mission: Teacher education and training; Number of programs: 100; Estimated percentage of funding: 65%. Program goal or mission: Parental involvement; Number of programs: 51; Estimated percentage of funding: 68%. Program goal or mission: Childcare and instruction for preschoolers; Number of programs: 29; Estimated percentage of funding: 28%. Program goal or mission: Technology improvements; Number of programs: 26; Estimated percentage of funding: 9%. Source: GAO analysis of GAO survey data. [A] The number of programs and percentage of funds do not equal the total number of programs or total amount of funding because programs may have more than one goal or mission. [End of table] Most Federal K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs Are Grant Programs: Agencies reported that, 111 of the 151 programs, representing about 91 percent of fiscal year 2006-2008 funding, are grant programs. * For example, the Department of Labor‘s YouthBuild program provides grants to local governments, universities, and private nonprofits that provide job training and educational opportunities for at-risk youth ages 16-24. Youth split their time between construction sites and the classroom where they earn a GED or high school diploma. States and local school districts were the most common allowable grant recipients.[Footnote 6] * States: 65 grant programs or about $122 billion. * Local school districts: 57 programs or about $72 billion. * Agencies reported that other recipients (i.e., universities, local governments, schools, and private entities) were each considered allowable recipients for approximately 15 percent of program funds. [End of Objective 2] Objective 3: Extent of Evaluations: Agencies Reported That Some Programs Have Completed Evaluations: Agencies reported that program evaluations had been completed for 65 of 151 programs, and those 65 programs represent about 63 percent of fiscal year 2006-2008 funding. * Of those programs that conducted evaluations, 47 took place in the 5- year period ending in 2008. * In addition, agencies reported that 20 programs are in the process of conducting evaluations. The Department of Education and Health and Human Services reported the highest rates of completed program evaluations. * Education reported that 33 of 77 programs have completed evaluations, representing about 56 percent of its funding over the 3- year period. * HHS reported that 8 of 14 programs have completed evaluations, representing about 99 percent of its funding over the 3-year period. Of the 20 programs with the largest reported allocations, representing 90 percent of fiscal year 2006–2008 funding, 12 reported performing program evaluations, and 3 reported evaluations under way. [End of Objective 3] [End of Background] [End of Briefing Slides] [End of section] Appendix II: Federal K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs Funded in Fiscal Years 2006-2008 by Agency: Dollars in thousands: Christopher Columbus Foundation: Program name[A]: 1. Christopher Columbus Awards; Funding[B]: 2006: $441; Funding[B]: 2007: $463; Funding[B]: 2008: $250. Corporation for National and Community Service: Program name[A]: 2. Learn and Serve America: School and Community Based Programs; Funding[B]: 2006: $37,125; Funding[B]: 2007: $37,125; Funding[B]: 2008: $37,459. Department of Agriculture: Program name[A]: 3. 4-H Youth Development Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $67,039; Funding[B]: 2007: $69,892; Funding[B]: 2008: $68,078. Program name[A]: 4. CSREES Education Programs- Formula Funds; Funding[B]: 2006: $6,500; Funding[B]: 2007: $10,500; Funding[B]: 2008: $10,500. Program name[A]: 5. Conservation Education; Funding[B]: 2006: $6,800; Funding[B]: 2007: $6,800; Funding[B]: 2008: $6,800. Program name[A]: 6. Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom; Funding[B]: 2006: $990; Funding[B]: 2007: $990; Funding[B]: 2008: $983. Program name[A]: 7. Agriculture in the Classroom; Funding[B]: 2006: $856; Funding[B]: 2007: 0; Funding[B]: 2008: $553. Department of Commerce: Program name[A]: 8. Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET); Funding[B]: 2006: $7,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $4,200; Funding[B]: 2008: $9,700. Department of Defense: Program name[A]: 9. Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA); Funding[B]: 2006: $1,580,510; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,565,203; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,624,499. Program name[A]: 10. Child Development System (CDS); Funding[B]: 2006: $446,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $439,000; Funding[B]: 2008: $775,000. Program name[A]: 11. Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps; Funding[B]: 2006: $308,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $325,000; Funding[B]: 2008: $347,000. Program name[A]: 12. Supplemental to Impact Aid; Funding[B]: 2006: $42,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $43,000; Funding[B]: 2008: $35,000. Program name[A]: 13. STARBASE Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $16,972; Funding[B]: 2007: $17,979; Funding[B]: 2008: $20,230. Department of Education: Program name[A]: 14. Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies; Funding[B]: 2006: $12,713,125; Funding[B]: 2007: $12,838,125; Funding[B]: 2008: $13,898,970. Program name[A]: 15. Special Education: Grants to States; Funding[B]: 2006: $10,582,961; Funding[B]: 2007: $10,782,961; Funding[B]: 2008: $10,947,511. Program name[A]: 16. Improving Teacher Quality State Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: $2,887,439; Funding[B]: 2007: $2,887,439; Funding[B]: 2008: $2,935,248. Program name[A]: 17. Career and Technical Education State Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,182,388; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,181,553; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,160,911. Program name[A]: 18. Impact Aid-Basic Support Payments; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,091,867; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,091,867; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,105,535. Program name[A]: 19. Twenty-First Century Community Learning Centers; Funding[B]: 2006: $981,166; Funding[B]: 2007: $981,166; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,081,166. Program name[A]: 20. English Language Acquisition State Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: $669,007; Funding[B]: 2007: $669,007; Funding[B]: 2008: $700,395. Program name[A]: 21. Adult Basic and Literacy Education State Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: $563,975; Funding[B]: 2007: $563,975; Funding[B]: 2008: $554,122. Program name[A]: 22. School Improvement Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: $125,000; Funding[B]: 2008: $491,265. Program name[A]: 23. Special Education-Grants for Infants and Families with Disabilities; Funding[B]: 2006: $436,400; Funding[B]: 2007: $436,400; Funding[B]: 2008: $435,654. Program name[A]: 24. Reading First State Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,029,234; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,029,234; Funding[B]: 2008: $393,012. Program name[A]: 25. Migrant Education Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $386,524; Funding[B]: 2007: $386,524; Funding[B]: 2008: $379,771. Program name[A]: 26. Special Education-Preschool Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: $380,751; Funding[B]: 2007: $380,751; Funding[B]: 2008: $374,099. Program name[A]: 27. TRIO Upward Bound (part of TRIO); Funding[B]: 2006: $310,413; Funding[B]: 2007: $314,169; Funding[B]: 2008: $359,036. Program name[A]: 28. Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP); Funding[B]: 2006: $303,423; Funding[B]: 2007: $303,423; Funding[B]: 2008: $303,423. Program name[A]: 29. Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities State Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: $346,500; Funding[B]: 2007: $346,500; Funding[B]: 2008: $294,759. Program name[A]: 30. Educational Technology State Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: $272,250; Funding[B]: 2007: $272,250; Funding[B]: 2008: $267,494. Program name[A]: 31. Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities National Programs; Funding[B]: 2006: $222,335; Funding[B]: 2007: $230,929; Funding[B]: 2008: $218,632. Program name[A]: 32. Charter School Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $214,782; Funding[B]: 2007: $214,782; Funding[B]: 2008: $211,032. Program name[A]: 33. Mathematics and Science Partnerships; Funding[B]: 2006: $182,160; Funding[B]: 2007: $182,160; Funding[B]: 2008: $178,978. Program name[A]: 34. Rural Education; Funding[B]: 2006: $168,918; Funding[B]: 2007: $168,918; Funding[B]: 2008: $171,854. Program name[A]: 35. TRIO Talent Search (part of TRIO); Funding[B]: 2006: $149,628; Funding[B]: 2007: $143,077; Funding[B]: 2008: $142,744. Program name[A]: 36. Fund for the Improvement of Education: Programs of National Significance; Funding[B]: 2006: $11,668; Funding[B]: 2007: $16,051; Funding[B]: 2008: $121,934. Program name[A]: 37. Teaching American History; Funding[B]: 2006: $119,790; Funding[B]: 2007: $119,790; Funding[B]: 2008: $117,904. Program name[A]: 38. Early Reading First; Funding[B]: 2006: $103,118; Funding[B]: 2007: $117,666; Funding[B]: 2008: $112,549. Program name[A]: 39. Magnet Schools Assistance; Funding[B]: 2006: $106,693; Funding[B]: 2007: $106,693; Funding[B]: 2008: $104,829. Program name[A]: 40. Tech Prep Education; Funding[B]: 2006: $104,754; Funding[B]: 2007: $104,753; Funding[B]: 2008: $102,923. Program name[A]: 41. Teacher Incentive Fund; Funding[B]: 2006: $99,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $200; Funding[B]: 2008: $97,270. Program name[A]: 42. Indian Education-Grants to Local Educational Agencies; Funding[B]: 2006: $95,331; Funding[B]: 2007: $95,331; Funding[B]: 2008: $96,613. Program name[A]: 43. Special Education: Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities; Funding[B]: 2006: $89,720; Funding[B]: 2007: $89,720; Funding[B]: 2008: $88,153. Program name[A]: 44. Smaller Learning Communities; Funding[B]: 2006: $93,531; Funding[B]: 2007: $93,531; Funding[B]: 2008: $80,108. Program name[A]: 45. Physical Education Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $72,674; Funding[B]: 2007: $72,674; Funding[B]: 2008: $75,655. Program name[A]: 46. William F. Goodling Even Start Family Literacy Programs; Funding[B]: 2006: $99,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $82,283; Funding[B]: 2008: $66,454. Program name[A]: 47. Regional Educational Laboratories; Funding[B]: 2006: $66,470; Funding[B]: 2007: $65,470; Funding[B]: 2008: $65,569. Program name[A]: 48. Education for Homeless Children and Youth; Funding[B]: 2006: $61,871; Funding[B]: 2007: $61,871; Funding[B]: 2008: $64,067. Program name[A]: 49. Comprehensive Centers; Funding[B]: 2006: $56,257; Funding[B]: 2007: $56,257; Funding[B]: 2008: $57,113. Program name[A]: 50. Neglected and Delinquent Children; Funding[B]: 2006: $49,797; Funding[B]: 2007: $49,797; Funding[B]: 2008: $48,927. Program name[A]: 51. Impact Aid: Payments for Children with Disabilities; Funding[B]: 2006: $49,466; Funding[B]: 2007: $49,466; Funding[B]: 2008: $48,602. Program name[A]: 52. Transition to Teaching; Funding[B]: 2006: $44,484; Funding[B]: 2007: $44,484; Funding[B]: 2008: $43,707. Program name[A]: 53. Advanced Placement Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $32,175; Funding[B]: 2007: $37,026; Funding[B]: 2008: $43,540. Program name[A]: 54. Special Education-National activities-Technology and Media Services; Funding[B]: 2006: $38,428; Funding[B]: 2007: $38,428; Funding[B]: 2008: $39,301. Program name[A]: 55. Parental Information and Resource Centers; Funding[B]: 2006: $39,600; Funding[B]: 2007: $39,600; Funding[B]: 2008: $38,908. Program name[A]: 56. Arts in Education; Funding[B]: 2006: $35,277; Funding[B]: 2007: $35,277; Funding[B]: 2008: $37,533. Program name[A]: 57. Striving Readers; Funding[B]: 2006: $29,700; Funding[B]: 2007: $31,870; Funding[B]: 2008: $35,371. Program name[A]: 58. Teacher Quality Partnership Grants Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $59,895; Funding[B]: 2007: $59,895; Funding[B]: 2008: $33,662. Program name[A]: 59. Education for Native Hawaiians; Funding[B]: 2006: $33,908; Funding[B]: 2007: $33,907; Funding[B]: 2008: $33,315. Program name[A]: 60. Alaska Native Education Equity; Funding[B]: 2006: $33,908; Funding[B]: 2007: $33,907; Funding[B]: 2008: $33,315. Program name[A]: 61. Cooperative Civic Education and Economic Education Exchange Programs; Funding[B]: 2006: $29,111; Funding[B]: 2007: $29,111; Funding[B]: 2008: $31,917. Program name[A]: 62. Gallaudet University; Funding[B]: 2006: $34,608; Funding[B]: 2007: $32,400; Funding[B]: 2008: $31,436. Program name[A]: 63. Voluntary Public School Choice; Funding[B]: 2006: $26,278; Funding[B]: 2007: $26,278; Funding[B]: 2008: $25,819. Program name[A]: 64. Foreign Language Assistance program; Funding[B]: 2006: $21,780; Funding[B]: 2007: $23,780; Funding[B]: 2008: $25,655. Program name[A]: 65. TEACH Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: 0; Funding[B]: 2008: $25,000. Program name[A]: 66. Ready-To-Learn Television; Funding[B]: 2006: $24,255; Funding[B]: 2007: $24,255; Funding[B]: 2008: $23,831. Program name[A]: 67. Character Education; Funding[B]: 2006: $24,248; Funding[B]: 2007: $24,248; Funding[B]: 2008: $23,824. Program name[A]: 68. National Writing Project; Funding[B]: 2006: $21,533; Funding[B]: 2007: $21,533; Funding[B]: 2008: $23,581. Program name[A]: 69. Special Education: State Personnel Development Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: $50,146; Funding[B]: 2007: 0; Funding[B]: 2008: $22,598. Program name[A]: 70. Literacy through School Libraries; Funding[B]: 2006: $19,486; Funding[B]: 2007: $19,486; Funding[B]: 2008: $19,145. Program name[A]: 71. Special programs for Indian children; Funding[B]: 2006: $19,399; Funding[B]: 2007: $19,399; Funding[B]: 2008: $19,060. Program name[A]: 72. Migrant Education-High School Equivalency Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $18,550; Funding[B]: 2007: $18,550; Funding[B]: 2008: $18,226. Program name[A]: 73. DC Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP); Funding[B]: 2006: $13,860; Funding[B]: 2007: $13,860; Funding[B]: 2008: $14,800. Program name[A]: 74. School Leadership; Funding[B]: 2006: $14,731; Funding[B]: 2007: $14,731; Funding[B]: 2008: $14,474. Program name[A]: 75. Troops to Teachers; Funding[B]: 2006: $14,645; Funding[B]: 2007: $14,645; Funding[B]: 2008: $14,389. Program name[A]: 76. Special Olympics Education Programs; Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: 0; Funding[B]: 2008: $11,790. Program name[A]: 77. Ready to Teach; Funding[B]: 2006: $10,890; Funding[B]: 2007: $10,890; Funding[B]: 2008: $10,700. Program name[A]: 78. Advanced Credentialing; Funding[B]: 2006: $16,695; Funding[B]: 2007: $16,695; Funding[B]: 2008: $9,649. Program name[A]: 79. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Grant Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $9,596; Funding[B]: 2007: $7,596; Funding[B]: 2008: $7,463. Program name[A]: 80. Training and Advisory Services; Funding[B]: 2006: $7,113; Funding[B]: 2007: $7,113; Funding[B]: 2008: $6,989. Program name[A]: 81. Territories and Freely Associated States Education Grant Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $3,818; Funding[B]: 2007: $3,811; Funding[B]: 2008: $3,811. Program name[A]: 82. Academies for American History and Civics; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,980; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,980; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,945. Program name[A]: 83. Women's Educational Equity; Funding[B]: 2006: $2,926; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,879; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,846. Program name[A]: 84. Excellence in Economic Education; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,473; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,473; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,447. Program name[A]: 85. Teachers for a Competitive Tomorrow: Programs for BA Degrees in STEM or Critical Foreign Languages; Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: 0; Funding[B]: 2008: $983. Program name[A]: 86. Teachers for a Competitive Tomorrow: Programs for MA Degrees in STEM or Critical Foreign Languages; Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: 0; Funding[B]: 2008: $983. Program name[A]: 87. Foundations for Learning; Funding[B]: 2006: $982; Funding[B]: 2007: $982; Funding[B]: 2008: $929. Program name[A]: 88. State Grants for Innovative Programs; Funding[B]: 2006: $99,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $99,000; Funding[B]: 2008: 0. Program name[A]: 89. Star Schools; Funding[B]: 2006: $14,850; Funding[B]: 2007: $14,850; Funding[B]: 2008: 0. Program name[A]: 90. Early Childhood Educator Professional Development; Funding[B]: 2006: $14,549; Funding[B]: 2007: $14,550; Funding[B]: 2008: 0. Department of Energy: Program name[A]: 91. EnergySmart Schools Program; Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,000; Funding[B]: 2008: $2,000. Program name[A]: 92. Academies Creating Teacher Scientists; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,618; Funding[B]: 2007: $2,320; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,849. Program name[A]: 93. National Science Bowl; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,383; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,337; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,670. Program name[A]: 94. QuarkNet; Funding[B]: 2006: $750; Funding[B]: 2007: $750; Funding[B]: 2008: $750. Program name[A]: 95. Albert Einstein Educator Fellowship; Funding[B]: 2006: $750; Funding[B]: 2007: $745; Funding[B]: 2008: $565. Program name[A]: 96. Atmospheric Research Measurement (ARM) K-12 Educational & Outreach-Basic Science Awareness; Funding[B]: 2006: $434; Funding[B]: 2007: $400; Funding[B]: 2008: $250. Program name[A]: 97. Community Partnerships - Educator PD, student research internships; Funding[B]: 2006: $200; Funding[B]: 2007: $165; Funding[B]: 2008: $245. Program name[A]: 98. Pre-Service Teacher Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $228; Funding[B]: 2007: $194; Funding[B]: 2008: $188. Program name[A]: 99. Fusion/Plasma Education/Science Career Communication; Funding[B]: 2006: $125; Funding[B]: 2007: $124; Funding[B]: 2008: $155. Program name[A]: 100. Plasma Physics Summer Institute and Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP); Funding[B]: 2006: $100; Funding[B]: 2007: $100; Funding[B]: 2008: $125. Program name[A]: 101. Wonders of Physics Traveling Show; Funding[B]: 2006: $82; Funding[B]: 2007: $52; Funding[B]: 2008: $52. Department of Health and Human Services: Program name[A]: 102. Head Start; Funding[B]: 2006: $6,085,972; Funding[B]: 2007: $6,888,571; Funding[B]: 2008: $6,877,975. Program name[A]: 103. ChildCare Mandatory and Matching Funds of the Child Care and Development Fund; Funding[B]: 2006: $2,917,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $2,917,000; Funding[B]: 2008: $2,917,000. Program name[A]: 104. Child Care and Development Block Grant; Funding[B]: 2006: $2,060,664; Funding[B]: 2007: $2,062,081; Funding[B]: 2008: $2,062,081. Program name[A]: 105. Abstinence Education; Funding[B]: 2006: $163,325; Funding[B]: 2007: $163,400; Funding[B]: 2008: $163,400. Program name[A]: 106. Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $28,661; Funding[B]: 2007: $28,681; Funding[B]: 2008: $28,180. Program name[A]: 107. National Center for Research Resources Science Education Partnership Award; Funding[B]: 2006: $15,980; Funding[B]: 2007: $16,009; Funding[B]: 2008: $16,183. Program name[A]: 108. Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research; Funding[B]: 2006: $6,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $6,000; Funding[B]: 2008: $6,000. Program name[A]: 109. Science Education Drug Abuse Partnership Award; Funding[B]: 2006: $2,983; Funding[B]: 2007: $2,516; Funding[B]: 2008: $2,979. Program name[A]: 110. Reach Out Now - Help Prevent Underage Alcohol Use; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,758; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,309; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,332. Program name[A]: 111. The Diabetes in Education in Tribal Schools (DETS) K-12 Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,400; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,400; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,400. Program name[A]: 112. NIH Curriculum Supplement Series; Funding[B]: 2006: $799; Funding[B]: 2007: $759; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,996. Program name[A]: 113. NIAID Science Education Program (R25); Funding[B]: 2006: $255; Funding[B]: 2007: $57; Funding[B]: 2008: $345. Program name[A]: 114. National DNA Day; Funding[B]: 2006: $60; Funding[B]: 2007: $60; Funding[B]: 2008: $60. Program name[A]: 115. SciLife-A Partnership with OSE; Funding[B]: 2006: $8; Funding[B]: 2007: $8; Funding[B]: 2008: $8. Program name[A]: Department of Homeland Security: Program name[A]: 116. FEMA Ready Kids Campaign; Funding[B]: 2006: $15; Funding[B]: 2007: $386; Funding[B]: 2008: $414. Department of Interior: Program name[A]: 117. Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP); Funding[B]: 2006: $350,062; Funding[B]: 2007: $351,817; Funding[B]: 2008: $358,341. Program name[A]: 118. Indian Education - Student Transportation; Funding[B]: 2006: $42,738; Funding[B]: 2007: $42,833; Funding[B]: 2008: $47,844. Program name[A]: 119. Indian Education: Johnson- O'Malley Assistance Grants; Funding[B]: 2006: $16,371; Funding[B]: 2007: $12,000; Funding[B]: 2008: $13,782. Program name[A]: 120. Family and Child Education (FACE); Funding[B]: 2006: $12,781; Funding[B]: 2007: $12,067; Funding[B]: 2008: $15,024. Program name[A]: 121. Education Program Management; Funding[B]: 2006: $8,783; Funding[B]: 2007: $13,595; Funding[B]: 2008: $17,293. Program name[A]: 122. Public Land Corps; Funding[B]: 2006: $5,621; Funding[B]: 2007: $4,030; Funding[B]: 2008: $4,100. Program name[A]: 123. Youth Conservation Corps; Funding[B]: 2006: $2,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $2,000; Funding[B]: 2008: $3,000. Program name[A]: 124. Parks As Classrooms; Funding[B]: 2006: $797; Funding[B]: 2007: $710; Funding[B]: 2008: $710. Program name[A]: 125. American River Water Education Center (ARWEC); Funding[B]: 2006: $493; Funding[B]: 2007: $497; Funding[B]: 2008: $575. Program name[A]: 126. Project Archaeology; Funding[B]: 2006: $55; Funding[B]: 2007: $10; Funding[B]: 2008: $108. Program name[A]: 127. Project WET Water Education for Teachers; Funding[B]: 2006: $50; Funding[B]: 2007: $50; Funding[B]: 2008: $50. Program name[A]: 128. Lake Berryessa Water Education Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $2; Funding[B]: 2007: 0; Funding[B]: 2008: $1. Program name[A]: 129. Education Program Enhancements; Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: $4,371; Funding[B]: 2008: $12,108. Department of Justice: Program name[A]: 130. Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $20,358; Funding[B]: 2007: $20,064; Funding[B]: 2008: $15,300. Department of Labor: Program name[A]: 131. Job Corps; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,557,270; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,578,277; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,570,355. Program name[A]: 132. Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Youth Formula Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $940,500; Funding[B]: 2007: $940,500; Funding[B]: 2008: $924,069. Program name[A]: 133. Youth Offender Grants Alternative Expansion program; Funding[B]: 2006: $24,000; Funding[B]: 2007: $26,632; Funding[B]: 2008: $28,493. Program name[A]: 134. YouthBuild; Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: $50,000; Funding[B]: 2008: $58,000. Department of Transportation: Program name[A]: 135. Aviation and Space Education (AVSED); Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: $27; Funding[B]: 2008: $24. Environmental Protection Agency: Program name[A]: 136. SunWise Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $760; Funding[B]: 2007: $270; Funding[B]: 2008: $700. James Madison Fellowship Foundation: Program name[A]: 137. James Madison Memorial Fellowship; Funding[B]: 2006: $2,500; Funding[B]: 2007: $2,500; Funding[B]: 2008: 0. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Program name[A]: 138. NASA Elementary and Secondary Education Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $10,340; Funding[B]: 2007: $21,594; Funding[B]: 2008: $19,400. Program name[A]: 139. NASA K-12 Competitive Grants Program; Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: 0; Funding[B]: 2008: $11,640. National Endowment for the Arts: Program name[A]: 140. Learning in the Arts; Funding[B]: 2006: $5,442; Funding[B]: 2007: $5,291; Funding[B]: 2008: $6,748. Program name[A]: 141. State Partnership Agreement Grant, Arts Education component; Funding[B]: 2006: $2,574; Funding[B]: 2007: $2,496; Funding[B]: 2008: $2,496. Program name[A]: 142. Shakespeare in American Communities; Funding[B]: 2006: $1,375; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,461; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,493. Program name[A]: 143. Poetry Out Loud: National Recitation Contest; Funding[B]: 2006: $511; Funding[B]: 2007: $1,516; Funding[B]: 2008: $1,207. Program name[A]: 144. Jazz in the Schools; Funding[B]: 2006: 0; Funding[B]: 2007: $22; Funding[B]: 2008: $661. National Science Foundation: Program name[A]: 145. Discovery Research K-12; Funding[B]: 2006: $94,920; Funding[B]: 2007: $98,160; Funding[B]: 2008: $108,500. Program name[A]: 146. Math and Science Partnership; Funding[B]: 2006: $63,170; Funding[B]: 2007: $45,950; Funding[B]: 2008: $47,870. Program name[A]: 147. Informal Science Education; Funding[B]: 2006: $62,650; Funding[B]: 2007: $63,930; Funding[B]: 2008: $66,000. Program name[A]: 148. Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers; Funding[B]: 2006: $18,449; Funding[B]: 2007: $45,899; Funding[B]: 2008: $28,630. Program name[A]: 149. Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program; Funding[B]: 2006: $8,910; Funding[B]: 2007: $10,300; Funding[B]: 2008: $55,050. United States Institute of Peace: Program name[A]: 150. Education and Training Program (National Peace Essay Contest); Funding[B]: 2006: $270; Funding[B]: 2007: $260; Funding[B]: 2008: $260. Program name[A]: 151. Education and Training Program (Summer Institute for Secondary School Teachers); Funding[B]: 2006: $45; Funding[B]: 2007: $40; Funding[B]: 2008: $40. Source: GAO survey data. [A] Agencies with K-12 and early childhood programs are listed alphabetically, and individual programs within each agency are listed in descending order based on fiscal year 2008 funding. [B] The dollar amounts listed contain actual and estimated program funding levels. [End of table] [End of section] Appendix III: Federal K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs Funded through the Recovery Act: Dollars in thousands Department of Education: Program name: 1. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund[A, B]; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $48,600,000. Program name: 2. Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $10,000,000. Program name: 3. Special Education: Grants to States; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $11,300,000. Program name: 4. Race to the Top (Incentive Grants)[B]; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $4,350,000. Program name: 5. School Improvement Grants; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $3,000,000. Program name: 6. Educational Technology State Grants; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $650,000. Program name: 7. Innovation Fund[B]; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $650,000. Program name: 8. Special Education-Grants for Infants and Families with Disabilities; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $500,000. Program name: 9. Special Education-Preschool Grants; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $400,000. Program name: 10. Teacher Incentive Fund; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $200,000. Program name: 11. Teacher Quality Partnership Grants Program; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $100,000. Program name: 12. Education for Homeless Children and Youth; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $70,000. Department of Health and Human Services: Program name: 13. Head Start; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $2,100,000. Program name: 14. Child Care and Development Block Grant; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $2,000,000. Department of Labor: Program name: 15. Workforce Investment Act Youth Formula Program; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $1,200,000. Program name: 16. Job Corps; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $250,000. Program name: 17. YouthBuild; Funding: Recovery Act (fiscal year 2009): $50,000. Sources: GAO analysis of the Recovery Act as verified by the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Labor. [A] New program created through Recovery Act funding. [B] Some of these funds can be used for postsecondary education and noneducation purposes. Specifically, the Recovery Act specifies that about 82 percent of SFSF funds distributed to states must be used for support of elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education and, as applicable, early childhood education programs, and about 18 percent-- or $8.8 billion--must be used for public safety and other government services, which may include educational purposes. [End of table] [End of section] Appendix IV: Comments from the Department of Education: United States Department Of Education: Office Of Planning, Evaluation And Policy Development: 400 Maryland Ave., SW. Washington, DC 20202: [hyperlink, http://www,ed.gov] "Our mission is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation." December 23, 2009: Mr. George A. Scott, Director: Education, Workforce, and Income Security Issues: Government Accountability Office: 441 G Street, NW: Washington, DC 20548: Dear Mr. Scott: Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) draft report, Federal Education Funding: Overview of K-12 and Early Childhood Education Programs (GAO-10-51). This report provides a listing, compiled from a survey of Federal staff, of Federal programs in the area of early childhood, elementary, and secondary education, and includes information on their funding levels and on whether programs have been evaluated, As the report acknowledges, compiling an inventory of this nature can be difficult, as staff across agencies can have very different conceptions of what is a Federal education program. Past attempts to assemble an accurate inventory have been problematic. In addition, as the report recognizes, such an inventory typically has limited value even if the information is reported consistently and accurately across programs and agencies, as the number of programs in operation and their funding levels change from year to year. We commend GAO for taking many steps to obtain an accurate count. such as by discussing program definitions with this Department and by pretesting the survey instrument. The draft report appears to be a significant improvement over previous efforts. Nonetheless, we are not certain that the report provides an accurate "snapshot," based on consistent collection of data, of recent Federal activity in K-12 and early childhood education. We would be pleased to respond to additional questions or to provide further assistance to GAO in the completion of this report. Should you need additional assistance, please contact Thomas Corwin in the Department's Budget Service. Sincerely, Signed by: Carmel Martin: Assistant Secretary: [End of section] Footnotes: [1] Pub. L. No. 111-5. [2] See also GAO, Recovery Act: As Initial Implementation Unfolds in States and Localities, Continued Attention to Accountability Issues is Essential, GAO-09-580 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 23, 2009), as well as [hyperlink, http://www.gao.recovery/] for more details. GAO will provide additional information on the use of Recovery Act funds for education in its ongoing bimonthly reviews. [3] Based on this review, we excluded 78 programs from our analysis because they (1) did not fully meet the definition and criteria; (2) did not receive funding in any of the fiscal years included in our review; (3) were initially identified by agency officials as a stand- alone program, but were ultimately categorized by agency officials as a project under the umbrella of a larger federal education program within the agency; or (4) were duplicate programs. [4] Our survey asked agency officials to report whether a program evaluation had been completed and, if so, to describe the key findings from that evaluation. The types of evaluations reported by agency officials varied across agencies. For example, some agency officials reported that an external review of their program was completed by contractors, while other agency officials noted that their program underwent an evaluation using the Office of Management and Budget's Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART). [5] We received completed survey responses for 229programs. After reviewing survey responses for these 229programs, we found 151 programs received federal funding for FY 2006, FY 2007, or FY 2008 and met our definition and criteria for a K-12 or early childhood education program. [6] Respondents could identify multiple allowable grant recipients. [End of section] GAO's Mission: The Government Accountability Office, the audit, evaluation and investigative arm of Congress, exists to support Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and accountability of the federal government for the American people. GAO examines the use of public funds; evaluates federal programs and policies; and provides analyses, recommendations, and other assistance to help Congress make informed oversight, policy, and funding decisions. GAO's commitment to good government is reflected in its core values of accountability, integrity, and reliability. 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To Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Federal Programs: Contact: Web site: [hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov/fraudnet/fraudnet.htm]: E-mail: fraudnet@gao.gov: Automated answering system: (800) 424-5454 or (202) 512-7470: Congressional Relations: Ralph Dawn, Managing Director, dawnr@gao.gov: (202) 512-4400: U.S. Government Accountability Office: 441 G Street NW, Room 7125: Washington, D.C. 20548: Public Affairs: Chuck Young, Managing Director, youngc1@gao.gov: (202) 512-4800: U.S. Government Accountability Office: 441 G Street NW, Room 7149: Washington, D.C. 20548:

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