Kentucky's Early Implementation of the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program
Gao ID: 122872 October 26, 1983GAO described Kentucky's decisionmaking process in implementing the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program, compared 1982 State-funded activities and populations targeted with those of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 1980, and provided local communities' perceptions of the success of Kentucky's program.
GAO found that Kentucky's 1982 program differed from the HUD-administered program. While HUD devoted a large share of funds to neighborhood revitalization activities, Kentucky shifted some funding away from those activities into economic development projects. Under Kentucky's program, grants were supplemented by substantially more funds than under the HUD program. Kentucky, HUD, and public interest group officials generally viewed the State's program as being successful. The State emphasized the importance of local communities' participation in designing the Small Cities Program.