Public Housing
Issues Relating to the Management and Operation of the San Antonio Housing Authority Gao ID: RCED-88-33 December 10, 1987Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the San Antonio Housing Authority's (SAHA): (1) financial condition and administrative expenses; (2) procurement practices; (3) modernization activities; and (4) tenant relocation practices.
GAO found that the SAHA: (1) financial condition weakened in 1985 but has been improving; and (2) modernization program is behind schedule and has cost more than initially budgeted, because of the establishment of an in-house modernization capability and major changes in the work originally planned. GAO also found that SAHA: (1) administrative costs, including top management salaries, were within the range of other Texas housing agencies; (2) salary allocation practices complied with the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) guidelines; (3) past procurement practices did not always comply with state laws and HUD regulations for competitive bidding; and (4) tenant relocation practices complied with HUD regulations, although units remained vacant longer than necessary.