Improved Regulatory Structure and Minimum Capital Standards are Needed for Government-Sponsored Enterprises
Gao ID: T-GGD-91-57 July 18, 1991GAO discussed federal oversight of government-sponsored enterprises (GSE), focusing on recommendations to establish: (1) appropriate regulatory authorities for GSE federal regulators; (2) a regulatory structure to administer GSE oversight; and (3) capital standards to adequately protect the government's interests in GSE. GAO noted that federal GSE oversight authorities lacked sufficient authority to set and enforce capital rules. GAO also noted that, to ensure that GSE carry out their public purposes safely and soundly: (1) GSE regulators need authority to set rules, monitor financial performance and compliance with regulations, set minimum capital requirements, enforce regulations by imposing appropriate sanctions, and levy assessments to cover supervisory costs; (2) authorities should supplement, not obstruct, the existing corporate governance at GSE; (3) GSE should be regulated by an independent board of directors prominent in government; and (4) minimum capital standards should include the sum of capital levels determined by empirically based test of GSE capital adequacy to withstand stressful economic environments and a ratio of capital to assets.