Native American Housing
GAO Survey of Tribal Housing Officials (GAO-10-373SP, February 2010), an E-supplement to GAO-10-326 Gao ID: GAO-10-373SP February 25, 2010This document is an E-supplement to GAO-10-326. It presents the results of GAO's survey of tribal and tribally designated housing entity (TDHE) officials who were the recipients of Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination (NAHASDA) Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funds in fiscal year 2008. In order to learn about these officials' experiences with and perspectives on the program, we conducted a Web-based survey of all recipients of these grants. Of the 351 tribal and TDHE grantees in the nation that used these funds, we obtained a 66 percent response rate. Respondents differed from nonrespondents by grant amount sizes. We obtained a higher percentage of responses from entities with larger grant amounts ($250,000 or more) compared to those with smaller grant amounts (less than $250,000). Respondents to the survey represented about 80 percent of the IHBG funds that were awarded in fiscal year 2008. In this e-supplement we present the survey results regarding responses related to how they used IHBG funds to address their affordable housing needs, other sources of funding they used in combination with the IHBG program, some of the experiences they had with leveraging, and program reporting issues.
GAO Report
Read the full report: Native American Housing: Tribes Generally View Block Grant Program as Effective, but Tracking of Infrastructure Plans and Investments Needs Improvement (GAO-10-326, February 2010)
- Background information
- Instructions for viewing this survey
- Table of contents
This document presents the results of GAO’s survey of tribal and tribally designated housing entity (TDHE)
officials who were the recipients of Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination (NAHASDA)
Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funds in fiscal year 2008. In order to learn about these officials’
experiences with and perspectives on the program, we conducted a Web-based survey of all recipients of
these grants. Of the 351 tribal and TDHE grantees in the nation that used these funds, we obtained a
66 percent response rate. Respondents differed from nonrespondents by grant amount sizes. We obtained
a higher percentage of responses from entities with larger grant amounts ($250,000 or more) compared to
those with smaller grant amounts (less than $250,000). Respondents to the survey represented about
80 percent of the IHBG funds that were awarded in fiscal year 2008. In this e-supplement we present
the survey results regarding responses related to how they used IHBG funds to address their affordable
housing needs, other sources of funding they used in combination with the IHBG program, some of the
experiences they had with leveraging, and program reporting issues.
Instructions for Viewing this SurveyHow to View The Survey
How to View the Responses for Each Question
How to Return to a Page That You Previously Visited
How to Make the Font Larger on Your Screen
Contact Information?
Table of Contents |
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