Department of Housing and Urban Development Reports for September 2010
- GAO-10-827R - Mortgage Financing (2010-09-14)
Opportunities to Enhance Management and Oversight of FHA's Financial Condition - GAO-10-905 - Housing and Community Grants (2010-09-14)
HUD Needs to Enhance Its Requirements and Oversight of Jurisdictions' Fair Housing Plans - GAO-10-1011 - Community Development Block Grants (2010-09-15)
Entitlement Communities' and States' Methods of Distributing Funds Reflect Program Flexibility - GAO-10-999 - Recovery Act (2010-09-20)
Opportunities to Improve Management and Strengthen Accountability over States' and Localities' Uses of Funds - GAO-10-1000SP - Recovery Act (2010-09-20)
Opportunities to Improve Management and Strengthen Accountability over States' and Localities' Uses of Funds (Appendixes) - GAO-10-1022R - Recovery Act (2010-09-20)
Survey of State Housing Finance Agencies' Use of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) and the Section 1602 Program - GAO-10-1023SP - Recovery Act (2010-09-20)
Results of GAO's Survey of State Housing Finance Agencies' Use of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) and the Section 1602 Program (GAO-10-1023SP, September, 2010), an E-supplement to GAO-10-1022R - GAO-10-1000SP - Recovery Act (2010-09-20)
Opportunities to Improve Management and Strengthen Accountability over States' and Localities' Uses of Funds, an E-supplement to GAO-10-999 (Appendixes) - GAO-10-1066T - Mortgage Financing (2010-09-23)
Financial Condition of FHA's Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund - GAO-10-966 - Recovery Act (2010-09-30)
Opportunities Exist to Increase the Public's Understanding of Recipient Reporting on HUD Programs